Mesut Ozil SHOCKING transformation

Definitely isn't. It's not that you can't put on a dramatic amount of muscle in one year, because you can; and you can even put that much muscle on in one just can't put on that much muscle and get that shredded at the same time in such a short period of time.

The giveaway is the side delts. They're too developed for a one year lifter.

Tbh, I workout in the gym anywhere from 4 to 6 times per week, depending on work, home etc. I also have a pretty decent home setup in the house too. I would class myself as having a relatively decent physique, as I have decent muscle definition etc.

However, there's absolutely no way I could get into that kind of low body mass shredded physique in a year. The main reason is the nutritional part that I find complex and difficult to maintain. I eat pretty ok, but I don't have the self discipline to do a huge cut.

For me, to get to that kind of shape in a year screams steroids. The gym I'm in here in Ireland - Flyefit - is very mixed and isn't an iron house type setting. But, there's been occasions when it's extremely obvious when a few lads have started juicing, especially in a gym that doesn't really cater to bodybuilders, as such.

But tbf, a multi-millionaire extremely fit ex-player who has access to the best chef's, PT's, nutritionists may be able to pull it off naturally. He would have access to a likely high standard home gym and has a huge amount of time on his hands. It probably is possible for someone who fits that criteria.
Yeah I’d assume the same too, because he’s so ripped plus being huge.
Didn't Wenger once say that Ozil basically didn't train at all between matches? During one of his best patches of form, no less.
Yeah maybe he’s languid style makes people assume he’s a tad….lazy, but that’s the impression I have of him but without really having anything to back it up
People ITT would be really shocked to find out that most people on steroids dont look half as good as Ozil in that pic
This thread bizarrely has 8 pages. Is it worth reading?
He looks like he's rapidly aged into late 40s-early 50s in the photos and videos from the last few years. If the guy was serious about making "quick gains" for self-improvement he should have focused on getting an education, I'd have suggested politics and history, maybe that would stop his slide into knuckle dragging far-right nationalism.
People seem to have really passionate takes on what a person on steroids (or not) can look like. Most of these people probably never lifted a weight in anger. It's quite fascinating to see how much people care about this issue. I have my own views of course but this isn't a topic worth arguing over for me.
People seem to have really passionate takes on what a person on steroids (or not) can look like. Most of these people probably never lifted a weight in anger. It's quite fascinating to see how much people care about this issue. I have my own views of course but this isn't a topic worth arguing over for me.
Worth posting about though right?!
People seem to have really passionate takes on what a person on steroids (or not) can look like. Most of these people probably never lifted a weight in anger. It's quite fascinating to see how much people care about this issue. I have my own views of course but this isn't a topic worth arguing over for me.

People who dismiss others "because they have never lifted a weight" always come across a bit nobbish to me.

That's coming from someone who lifts regularly.
For a professional footballer though he was pretty slight, that much is undeniable surely(?!), which gives the impression that his body type doesn't lend itself to building muscle.

Is the 'I am now enhanced' guy a great bar against which to judge reason...?!

Ah yeah. Unless he’s a straight up liar? A guy who’s competed as natural body builder for 10 years will have a more informed opinion than 99% of the people in this thread. The fact he’s no longer natural only makes him more informed, if anything.
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People who dismiss others "because they have never lifted a weight" always come across a bit nobbish to me.

That's coming from someone who lifts regularly.
I have no real interest in weightlifting in a serious manner so that group would include myself. Wasn't trying to dismiss others just find it funny how passionate people are about a topic that only a small number really get into.
I have no real interest in weightlifting in a serious manner so that group would include myself. Wasn't trying to dismiss others just find it funny how passionate people are about a topic that only a small number really get into.

Ok fair enough. But there's a fair few takes of that ilk throughout the thread.
Ah yeah. Unless he’s a straight up liar? A guy who’s competed as natural body builder for 10 years will have a more than 99% of the people in this thread. The fact he’s no longer natural only makes him more informed, if anything.
Well, get out of my way then. I've been doing it for 11 years now.
Ah yeah. Unless he’s a straight up liar? A guy who’s competed as natural body builder for 10 years will have a more than 99% of the people in this thread. The fact he’s no longer natural only makes him more informed, if anything.
Don't know to be honest, but the guy seems like the definition of 'unreliable narrator' to me.
Great thread. Keep going lads.

(For the record, I put the odds he’s “enhanced” at 97.5%)
Did that too. Easy. I mean I didn't even enter the gym but the diet was absolutely ridiculous.


Seriously though, 6 meals a day: oats and 9 boiled eggs for breakfast; protein shake and peanut butter and jam sandwich at 10am; whatever for lunch; pre-workout shakes and bananas; dinner 1; dinner 2. Only 1 day off a week from lifting, and barely any cardio. Went from 81kg to 90kg and looked really buff but with tiny legs unfortunately. Abs were just okay.

Seriously though, 6 meals a day: oats and 9 boiled eggs for breakfast; protein shake and peanut butter and jam sandwich at 10am; whatever for lunch; pre-workout shakes and bananas; dinner 1; dinner 2. Only 1 day off a week from lifting, and barely any cardio. Went from 81kg to 90kg and looked really buff but with tiny legs unfortunately. Abs were just okay.
I'd be dead after a day
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.

My missus is smoking and while I am in a shape, there’s nobody apart from my butcher or owner of the pie shop who would call it great.

Then again, I’m not compensating for having a tiny cock.
I'm sorry but youre absolutely clueless.

For the record I competed in natural bodybuilding for 10 years (i'm now enhanced) and looked better than that - i won numerous shows within the UK. I also flew all over the world competing in natural Olympias and i was drug tested.

Again you show your complete ignorance on the subject - A footballer who spends hours and hours every single day running is never going to be able to achieve a body like that for a variety of reasons (focus on cardiovascular not - strength training is aimed at strength not bodybuilding - myofib instead of sarcoplasmic / inability to eat enough food to gain muscle with such a high input) and i'm happy to explain them to you in detail if you need me to.

I'm not saying he's not on gear - he may well be - but to suggest that you cannot attain that physique naturally(which to me as a bodybuilder of 14 years isn't particular impressive) is nonsense.

Yeah, I agree. Might just be an oversight by some but surprised at how many people focused about his physique as a footballer, because it misses the point. As you pointed out, football stars would have difficulty maintaining serious muscle mass due to the distance that they'd cover each match.

Still not sure he's clean, to be fair. But just like you, I'm a little surprised some didn't consider the salient point you made.

Seriously though, 6 meals a day: oats and 9 boiled eggs for breakfast; protein shake and peanut butter and jam sandwich at 10am; whatever for lunch; pre-workout shakes and bananas; dinner 1; dinner 2. Only 1 day off a week from lifting, and barely any cardio. Went from 81kg to 90kg and looked really buff but with tiny legs unfortunately. Abs were just okay.
How old were you?
The post doesn't say "some" anywhere. It postulates a universal truth and that anyone not aligned with it has personal shortcomings (jealous/weak).
The post also didn't say "all", didn't it? I think, it is a bit of an overreaction. I can tell you there wasn't a moment where took that statement and think about my personal position on it.
It's complete nonsense. Women are typically far more attracted by confidence and the expectation of a good time. In fact, I'd argue in many cases what attracts them to the chippendales you allude to isn't as much the fit body but the projection of those two things.
I agree, they are attracted by confidence (don't think any of us should go into the treenches about the actual extent of either this or that factor though), which is something you'll often find in big muscular guys, wouldn't you agree? As I said, obviously it is a generalized statement, I mean, it was more or less a one liner, one additional thing, why it is weird to get such a hefty reaction.

And about the Chippendales part, both of us will never know for sure, but I am pretty confident you won't find a regular joe type of guy in there. No matter how confident he is, he isn't what this group of men is about. Nobody would say he'd go to strip club because he likes that dancers are so confident with their bodies.
23.00 on a Friday night, reading about the merits of the Chippendales, on a Manchester United forum.

Live. Laugh. Love.