Mesut Ozil SHOCKING transformation

Surely no one thinks his lateral delts and arms are the thinking behind him possibly being on steroids? I have a much bigger upper body build than Ozil, but it took years of training. For me though, it's the overall vascular shredded look that looks like it could be steroids. Either way, it's inconclusive. But, there's some odd takes in here such as being on steroids means you are gonna look like prime Ronnie Coleman.

There’s been a bunch of mentions of “hard to build” muscles and I think lateral delts were first mentioned specifically in this post. Someone posted a video from some bodybuilding influencer sharing his own hot take. I haven’t watched it but got the impression he was wanging on about delts too.

I put the vascularity etc down to a combination of an extreme pump and him being naturally lean, then going on a fairly intense cut for a couple of months before the big reveal. Whatever, I’m certainly not arguing that he definitely isn’t on steroids. I just disagree with the absolute certainty that he couldn’t possibly look like this without taking steroids. And there’s a hell of a lot of posts making that specific claim.
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There’s been a bunch of mentions of “hard to build” muscles and I think lateral delts were first mentioned specifically in this post. Someone posted a video from some bodybuilding influencer sharing his own hot take. I haven’t watched it but got the impression he was wanging on about delts too.

I put the vascularity etc down to a combination of an extreme pump and him being naturally lean, then going on a fairly intense cut for a couple of months before the big reveal. Whatever, I’m certainly not arguing that he definitely isn’t on steroids. I just disagree with the absolute certainty that he couldn’t possibly look like this without taking steroids. And there’s a hell of a lot of posts making that specific claim.

Yeah fair enough. But, it has been a very amusing thread all the same.

I certainly wouldn't nail my colours to any particular mast, so he may be on the gear, but then again maybe not.

Love that you're still doggedly fighting this fight. The two aren't even remotely comparable, are they?
That’s a guy that’s on testosterone. I’d bet a large amount of money on it. It’s the least ‘serious’ form of anabolic steroid and can look pretty natural, but it ain’t.
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
We need to se your pic mate
Is there a thread to discuss Ozil the footballer ? Could only find some from years ago and don't want to bump them.
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
Dudes who abuse steroids are a red flag to women due to roid rage, plus they clearly have some sort of body dysmorphic disorder like many bodybuilders which makes them fixate on exaggerating the size/appearance of their muscles purely for vanity. It's no different to anorexia sufferers who still think they're fat at 37kg, they are a walking mass of insecurity due to the overfixation on how they look.

I've dated lean muscular swimmers who don't juice and look a lot healthier, both mentally and physically.
I think it's about balance. You do it just enough to support your trainings and run a few cycles, it's great, but once you cross a certain treshold, you are f'd. From my personal experience women do not bulky bricks of wall, they almost always prefer the leaner ripped version or even your average Joe.
I myself as a man don't even find it attractive or pleasing on the eye, on the other hand when I see some lean yolked guy, who is natural, i'm like fukk, this guys looks awesome. Example is Matt Morsia, who has passed all accusations also.
To each their own obivously, but I really think athletic ripped build is >>>>>>>>>> juiced.