Mesut Ozil SHOCKING transformation

That’s usually the case for most given that the same variables that are at play for natty folks (diet, water, sleep, intensity) also apply to TRT folks (therapeutic dose to restore natural testosterone levels) and full on steroid users (competitive dose to alter one’s appearance).
It's hard work and dedication juiced or not.
Not a lot of footballers in Canada, no.

When I played I was a shade under 6ft and a little over 12 stone myself. These days I'm a little thicker.:(

Haha I'm 6 ft and spent my entire 20s being 12 stone. I am now not 12 stone.

A good example is Ronaldo. I think we all look at him as being a pretty big strong footballer as far as forwards go but seeing him leave the stadium with a t shirt on he is tiny.

I also once stood near Roy Keane and he is a tiny human being.
That study is incredibly flawed.

Firstly 10 weeks is nowhere near an appropriate amount of time to factor in the diminishing returns.

As does the sample size.

Secondly using fat free body mass and muscle almost interchangeably makes it meaningless.

10 weeks is fine for what they're trying to demonstrate. The sample size is fine. And no, it does not make it meaningless.
10 weeks is fine for what they're trying to demonstrate. The sample size is fine. And no, it does not make it meaningless.

1 is a drug synthesized to immediately work with your body's chemistry. The other method is naturally changing your bodies chemistry.

10 weeks is nowhere near enough to make that a reasonable study. If your statement is that steroids will have a mild effect in glycogen and muscle levels in the first few weeks before your body can respond to regular training then you are correct.

Your statement was that someone who trains will develop less muscle than someone who doesn't but who juices with no training. That becomes laughable after 4-6 months.
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
What? I don't think women are particularly attracted by someone that looks like an inflatable, let alone an inflated insect.

Sure, being fitter helps. For any one person, good looking or not, same attitude, humour, etc being fitter will make them more attractive than being a fat slob. No shit Sherlock.

Back in the day I pulled actual models and a soap opera actress despite never having as much as a six-pack.
That’s gas. Saw all the arguing about exactly how much steroids he must be doing and scrolled back to see what I was convinced would be a photo of a massive body-builder physique with tree trunk legs and traps the size of sandbags. Couldn’t believe the photos that triggered the debate. He’s not that big! A year of training and his “transformation” is from the physique of of a professional footballer to that of a professional rugby player. Without having to worry about maintaining any kind of aerobic fitness. Big fecking deal!

Basically anyone who is as young as him and dedicated themselves to lifting for 12 months could easily get a similar physique, provided they’re disciplined enough about their diet. Especially if they’ve got genetics on their side.

The guy doesn’t have a day job. He can hit the gym for two or three hours at a time, several times a week. Closely supervised by the best PT money can buy. Plus he’s athletic to begin with. All he has to do is keep on top of his diet and it would be weird if he didn’t end up with that sort of physique. Absolutely no need for steroids. He’s not a 50 year old Hollywood actor ffs.
That’s gas. Saw all the arguing about exactly how much steroids he must be doing and scrolled back to see what I was convinced would be a photo of a massive body-builder physique with traps the size of sandbags. He’s not that big!

Basically anyone who is as young as him and dedicated themselves to lifting for 12 months could easily get a similar physique, provided they’re disciplined enough about their diet. Especially if they’ve got genetics on their side.

The guy doesn’t have a day job. He can hit the gym for two or three hours at a time, several times a week. Plus he’s athletic to begin with. All he has to do is keep on top of his diet and it would be weird if he didn’t end up with that sort of physique. Absolutely no need for steroids. He’s not a 50 year old Hollywood actor ffs.

It's definitely achievable.

He's very cut but he's also very used to being diet disciplined. Plus that photo is up close with decent lighting and would have been moments after a really good lifting session.

He probably weighs less than 14 stone. I doubt he's on anything unless he just enjoys the benefits of TRT.
It's definitely achievable.

He's very cut but he's also very used to being diet disciplined. Plus that photo is up close with decent lighting and would have been moments after a really good lifting session.

He probably weighs less than 14 stone. I doubt he's on anything unless he just enjoys the benefits of TRT.

Exactly. And at his age, there’s no need for any of the “benefits of TRT” as he should be producing more than enough to meet all of his needs naturally. He’s still only 35 years old!

Like I said, if you’re a 50 something year old actor training for a Marvel movie than maybe you do need a little pharmaceutical help but there’s absolutely no need for someone Ozil’s age to start juicing, providing they’re willing to work hard and be disciplined about their diet. Not if your goal is the sort of physique he’s showing off in those photos anyway.
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Exactly. And at his age, there’s no need for any of the “benefits of TRT” as he should be producing more than enough to meet all of his needs naturally. He’s still only 35 years old!

Like I said, if you’re a 50 something year old actor training for a Marvel movie than maybe you do need a little pharmaceutical help but there’s absolutely no need for someone Ozil’s age to start juicing, providing they’re willing to work hard and be disciplined about their diet. Not if your goal is the sort of physique he’s showing off in those photos anyway.

Hmm you're totally right in theory but I've known so many lads who absolutely didn't need TRT and weren't even gain obsessed who started it and just loved what it gave him.

He doesn't need it to be where he is but I wouldn't be shocked if he's taking it just from being around gym bros a lot more.
Nah. It'll platou at some point, but it's completely free gains.

Also. This doesn’t support your argument. Did you even read it? You claimed that taking steroids and not working out will give you more gains than working out without taking steroids.

Lots of people on steroids work really, really hard, but you do get a lot for free. Sitting on your ass, injecting TRT while never working out, will build more muscle than working out naturally.

The groups with the most gains were the two groups that worked out, with and without steroids. The study confirms that taking a placebo and working out gives better results than taking a steroid and not working out. The exact opposite to what you claimed.
I'm a Pharmaceutical Scientist, I know what steroids do and the effects and would personally never do them, I train 3 days a week and have been for the last 13 years straight and I have a decent enough physique i'm happy with but I train with a lot of dudes that use steroids and they train hard as hell and yes the steroids enhance the process exponentially but it's not as if they still aren't training as much as the natty guys and that's my point.
You used the word nauseating, which was just a little emotive. Just seems like you're getting a little defensive on behalf of a bunch of angry individuals who can (and would be delighted to) defend themselves. But you've no stake in that argument...
You think like that because 1. if you are a man, you have never been in great shape and had the attention from women, or 2. you are a woman, you have never been able to attract men in really good shape and thus feel intimidated by it.
:lol: Be careful saying something like that on a forum where horde of people will come after you. You should know that most people are unfit or are not in great shape so the feelings get hurt. Straight from Andrew tate university.:lol:
Hmm you're totally right in theory but I've known so many lads who absolutely didn't need TRT and weren't even gain obsessed who started it and just loved what it gave him.

He doesn't need it to be where he is but I wouldn't be shocked if he's taking it just from being around gym bros a lot more.

I dunno. Maybe? I’ve spent a lot of time in gyms over the last couple of decades and never once been tempted to look into TRT. And I’m old enough to need it!

I can see why the temptation might be there if you’re chasing a massive bodybuilder type physique but a lot of people don’t want to get that huge. They can get the physique they want naturally and would be put off steroids by all the associated health risks. Why would anyone choose to risk acne, gynaecomastia, shrivelled nuts and impotence unless they really really want to get massive?!
I dunno. Maybe? I’ve spent a lot of time in gyms over the last couple of decades and never once been tempted to look into TRT. And I’m old enough to need it!

I can see why the temptation might be there if you’re chasing a massive bodybuilder type physique but a lot of people don’t want to get that huge. And would be put off by all the obvious health risks that come with juicing. Why would anyone choose to risk acne, gynaecomastia, shrivelled nuts and impotence unless they really really want to get massive?!

Because they listen to the Joe Rogan Experience.
:lol: Be careful saying something like that on a forum where horde of people will come after you. You should know that most people are unfit or are not in great shape so the feelings get hurt. Straight from Andrew tate university.:lol:
Bookended by laughing smilies. The hallmarks of a worthwhile post.
I dunno. Maybe? I’ve spent a lot of time in gyms over the last couple of decades and never once been tempted to look into TRT. And I’m old enough to need it!

I can see why the temptation might be there if you’re chasing a massive bodybuilder type physique but a lot of people don’t want to get that huge. They can get the physique they want naturally and would be put off steroids by all the associated health risks. Why would anyone choose to risk acne, gynaecomastia, shrivelled nuts and impotence unless they really really want to get massive?!

Ozil is a massive weapon though, so it's not implausible
As someone who has been to the gym 2-5 times a week in the last 10 years, i would bet very much money on it that this transformation is not possible in 1 year without being juiced up to the max.

Taking steroids and stuff is much more common than non gym rats think.

And it is so, so stupid.

The things it does to your balls and fertility is far from the worst.
Look up what it does to your heart and your brain if you ever think about taking this stuff just for some more muscles.

But what would you expect from someone like Özil.
I’ve grown weirdly fond of him since he fell out with Arsenal and started being an awkward bollox to the football world in general. Although the whole besties with Erdogan thing was a bit unfortunate.

he's just a juiced up Le Tiss mate!
Ozil is a massive weapon though, so it's not implausible

Most in his position are on some form of gear. They'll have doctors calculating, monitoring and everything. Very low risk unless you want to go ape. It's almost dumber not doing it, unless you want to stay natural on principle or for the challenge.
Most in his position are on some form of gear. They'll have doctors calculating, monitoring and everything. Very low risk unless you want to go ape. It's almost dumber not doing it, unless you want to stay natural on principle or for the challenge.

Or because, you know, you don’t want zits, swollen nipples and a limp cock…
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If you don't have a job and many family commitments you can do that kind of intense training that produces results, but yeah it is still surprising how much he has been able to add mass wise.
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I dunno. Maybe? I’ve spent a lot of time in gyms over the last couple of decades and never once been tempted to look into TRT. And I’m old enough to need it!

I can see why the temptation might be there if you’re chasing a massive bodybuilder type physique but a lot of people don’t want to get that huge. They can get the physique they want naturally and would be put off steroids by all the associated health risks. Why would anyone choose to risk acne, gynaecomastia, shrivelled nuts and impotence unless they really really want to get massive?!
Well, the usual reason was money back in my day. There was a pitcher for my high school that juiced hard with a group that kept pretty close together. They all wanted to be pro athletes. He was the only one who had a real career (no, it’s not a name commonly mentioned, and no, I’m not saying who).

Juicing for life after retirement? I don’t really get that. I could see being obsessed with staying young if I had big money. But you don’t need that kind of lifting and work for that.
I love working out. I'm married and I do it for me. Most people do. However, there are the vain kind who obviously do it for the attention.
Ah I remember when I was younger I liked to go swimming once or twice a week.
There was 2 or 3 muscled guys who just sat at the edge of the pool did very little swimming.. :D
That’s gas. Saw all the arguing about exactly how much steroids he must be doing and scrolled back to see what I was convinced would be a photo of a massive body-builder physique with tree trunk legs and traps the size of sandbags. Couldn’t believe the photos that triggered the debate. He’s not that big! A year of training and his “transformation” is from the physique of of a professional footballer to that of a professional rugby player. Without having to worry about maintaining any kind of aerobic fitness. Big fecking deal!

Basically anyone who is as young as him and dedicated themselves to lifting for 12 months could easily get a similar physique, provided they’re disciplined enough about their diet. Especially if they’ve got genetics on their side.

The guy doesn’t have a day job. He can hit the gym for two or three hours at a time, several times a week. Closely supervised by the best PT money can buy. Plus he’s athletic to begin with. All he has to do is keep on top of his diet and it would be weird if he didn’t end up with that sort of physique. Absolutely no need for steroids. He’s not a 50 year old Hollywood actor ffs.
Exactly. Not denying that he's on roids or not, but those automatic comments on him juicing are annoying as feck.
These posters are either

1) Never even stepped in a gym before
2) "I go to my local gym and regularly work out so he must be juicing!!!"
3) "I'm clearly clued up on bodybuilding because I read up a lot so I know what I'm talking about!"

Don't even get me started on the "Ok yeah he's well fit but he looks uglier now" comments. :wenger::lol:
Everyone who has got a clue knows instantly that he is cycling hard. You need to be a fking boy wonder with genetics, which Ozil clearly isn't judging from his physique from earlier years, to even have a chance to pull this off naturally.
Obviously you need to train, diet hard and have proper rest to get these results, but he probably had a dedicated staff for this.
It's definitely impressive, but there's no way in hell he isn't juicing, literally 0% chance.
I can't believe this reached 4 pages. If he wears a football shirt and you were watching him playing football you would hardly even notice it.
You used the word nauseating, which was just a little emotive. Just seems like you're getting a little defensive on behalf of a bunch of angry individuals who can (and would be delighted to) defend themselves. But you've no stake in that argument...
Bro, emotive? This is straight forward, steroid use still requires very hard work to achieve results. It's not a genie in a bottle or BBL. You need to train hard to see results regardless, yes it helps but it's not magic.
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