Messi v Ronaldo | Contains double your daily salt allowance

Messi or Ronaldo

  • Messi

  • Ronaldo

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He has a point. In North Korea, it was said that North Korea defeated Portugal in the final. Therefore, by North Korean logic, Ronaldo must be better since he managed to get Portugal all the way to the final.
Messi fans struggle to understand the difference between "fact" and "opinion".

*gives up for the night*

Everyone knows this is your opinion, and it is an opinion because it's wrong. If you were to say Messi was the greatest player and best player then that would be a fact. But you don't, so what you say here is simply an opinion.

It would be nice if you had an actual factual, logical explanation as to why that is your opinion though - because to date you have not offered one.
He has a point. In North Korea, it was said that North Korea defeated Portugal in the final. Therefore, by North Korean logic, Ronaldo must be better since he managed to get Portugal all the way to the final.

He has a point. In North Korea, it was said that North Korea defeated Portugal in the final. Therefore, by North Korean logic, Ronaldo must be better since he managed to get Portugal all the way to the final.
Brilliant :lol:
[...] You make it sound like the end product isn't the only thing that decide football results. [...]

Ironic, considering you value "end product" so much, yet you rate the one who's inferior in this respect higher...
I don't. Depends on the footballer and what he says. I am not a Messi fan, I am a fan of the game and Ronaldo was one of my idols growing up. I loved him more than Messi.. to the point where I have a united top from 08 and a real top with the 7 on it. He is also a United legend, the team I adore.

The style of play I prefer is Ronaldo.. I love players whopperform tricks and have variety to their game rather than a one footed boring dribbler... but even despite all these preferences and possible bias on my part, I can hands down say it is not even a fair competition.

Messi is just a different class, he has a touch of artistry to his game which is unbeatable. He has a finesse that only the likes of Zidane have yet he combines that with great explosive ability. . Hence why he gets so many goals, kind of like Puskas in that sense..

Ideally I'd wish he had more tricks in his locker and he was more entertaining like a young Ronaldo, but he is a footballing god that cannot be denied. On form he is simply something else... he makes Ronaldo look functional.

When I was younger I never thought Ronaldo would be described in that way, he seemed graceful and full of daring and panache.. he looked very hard to stop when he ran with the ball, only Cole at his peak could keep him quiet.. he gave Maldini and co a great game. But peak Ronaldo hasn't blossomed into a beautiful footballer. . He's a killer which is fine but he is competing with a assassin who isn't just more deadly but kills teams with the sheer beauty of hia football, dictating the game as well as winning them

I respect your opinion but I think it's still an opinion and even by your description they are not a "class apart" as you point out. To be honest I can agree with more or less every opinion of the two apart from any stating they are so far apart.
Everyone knows this is your opinion, and it is an opinion because it's wrong. If you were to say Messi was the greatest player and best player then that would be a fact. But you don't, so what you say here is simply an opinion.

It would be nice if you had an actual factual, logical explanation as to why that is your opinion though - because to date you have not offered one.
Your attitude on this sums up the Messi fans, since you assume it's a fact, why don't you just leave other people alone and carry on living merrily in your little dream world.
Your attitude on this sums up the Messi fans, since you assume it's a fact, why don't you just leave other people alone and carry on living merrily in your little dream world.

Cal, I was winding you up. However it is quite clear that you are the one living in the dream world with regards to this debate. Practically everyone on here laughs at you (once again, when it comes to Ronaldo and Messi).

You are the in the minority, yet claim everyone else is in the dream world. Laughable.

Still, you're entertaining if nothing else so keep it up mate.

I, and I'm sure everyone else on here that laughs at you, would take your opinion seriously if you would just explain it using facts and actual decent points - and not continue to avoid questions, or literal facts/stats to back up your claim.

However you don't, and never have. So we go round and round in circles, mostly laughing.

Actually lay it out for me and I will respect your opinion. The problem is you offer nothing to back it up and pick and choose which points will 'suit' your argument when it pleases you. Literally everyone that's bothered to read your nonsense has picked up on this.

For the record (once again) - I like both players quite a lot and have no preference as to which I like more. However I'm not biased to the point of obsession, unlike you, and can see the reality for what it is.

Having said all of this we all know you won't, you'll revert back to type and pick and choose your arguments and more or less perfectly sum up the term fanboii.

Edit: Got no issue with anything else you say on here, I'm talking about this in total isolation.
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Cal, I was winding you up. However it is quite clear that you are the one living in the dream world with regards to this debate. Practically everyone on here laughs at you (once again, when it comes to Ronaldo and Messi).

You are the in the minority, yet claim everyone else is in the dream world. Laughable.

Still, you're entertaining if nothing else so keep it up mate.

You've failed spectacularly to wind me up and just made yourself look rather idiotic in the process, not so long ago, you'd have said I'm the only one in Ronaldo's corner, now it's quite apparent that there are a few who do not share your view.

The dream world refers to your comment:
If you were to say Messi was the greatest player and best player then that would be a fact.
You're entitled to believe whatever you like, you can start a religion in the name of Messi and claim he'll solve global warming for all I care.


I, and I'm sure everyone else on here that laughs at you, would take your opinion seriously if you would just explain it using facts and actual decent points - and not continue to avoid questions, or literal facts/stats to back up your claim.

However you don't, and never have. So we go round and round in circles, mostly laughing.

Actually lay it out for me and I will respect your opinion. The problem is you offer nothing to back it up and pick and choose which points will 'suit' your argument when it pleases you. Literally everyone that's bothered to read your nonsense has picked up on this.

For the record (once again) - I like both players quite a lot and have no preference as to which I like more. However I'm not biased to the point of obsession, unlike you, and can see the reality for what it is.

Having said all of this we all know you won't, you'll revert back to type and pick and choose your arguments and more or less perfectly sum up the term fanboii.

Edit: Got no issue with anything else you say on here, I'm talking about this in total isolation.
That's the problem with you Messi fans, you talk about him having a better touch, better close control and I'm happy to accept those points. Yet when it comes to Ronaldo, you (pl.) will try to argue over the most ridiculous points, someone tried to argue when I said that Ronaldo is much better at heading, do you honestly think that's even debatable?

The problem is that whatever point I make about Ronaldo and you lot will try to belittle his accomplishments.

Apparently he won 3 Balon D'ors because Messi was injured for a short period each of those years.
Apparently a record breaking haul in the CL last season means feck all because of a poor final, yet 4 group stage goals and sweet feckall in the knockout stage fully justifies Messi being player of the WC.
Apparently he choked the penalty in the CL against Barca in a tie United won anyway, yet Messi's miss against Chelsea that knocked them out is just glossed over.

Again, your use of the words "fact", "reality", etc is convincing no one. You claim not to be biased yet refuse to acknowledge there are things that Ronaldo is well ahead of Messi in, some people value those attributes higher than dribbling; in the same way that some people prefer Real's direct counter attacking game to Barca's tiki taka.

@Marcosdeto , do your thing.

I, and I'm sure everyone else on here that laughs at you, would take your opinion seriously if you would just explain it using facts and actual decent points - and not continue to avoid questions, or literal facts/stats to back up your claim.

However you don't, and never have. So we go round and round in circles, mostly laughing.

Actually lay it out for me and I will respect your opinion. The problem is you offer nothing to back it up and pick and choose which points will 'suit' your argument when it pleases you. Literally everyone that's bothered to read your nonsense has picked up on this.

For the record (once again) - I like both players quite a lot and have no preference as to which I like more. However I'm not biased to the point of obsession, unlike you, and can see the reality for what it is.

Having said all of this we all know you won't, you'll revert back to type and pick and choose your arguments and more or less perfectly sum up the term fanboii.

Edit: Got no issue with anything else you say on here, I'm talking about this in total isolation.
What can anyone back it up with? They both score tons of goals but one is comfortably better as a footballer in general.
What can anyone back it up with? They both score tons of goals but one is comfortably better as a footballer in general.
To be fair to Cal, being "better as a footballer" is incredibly subjective. It depends on what style of play etc. people like.
That's prefefence.

No. Different people value different aspects/strengths of footballers differently. For instance, Ronaldinho or George Best were IMO the most gifted/best footballers of all time. They could do things Messi/Ronaldo/Pele simply can't. Others value Ronaldo's efficiency, Messi's elusiveness or Zidane's grace higher.
No. Different people value different aspects/strengths of footballers differently. For instance, Ronaldinho or George Best were IMO the most gifted/best footballers of all time. They could do things Messi/Ronaldo/Pele simply can't. Others value Ronaldo's efficiency, Messi's elusiveness or Zidane's grace higher.

I think it you look at the technical attributes that make up a footballer, Messi excels at more of them than Ronaldo which would make him better as a footballer in general. There are aspects of the game in which Ronaldos technical skills can be utilised better than Messi, and vice versa. However in pure footballing terms Messi has a bigger/better skillset IMO
No. Different people value different aspects/strengths of footballers differently. For instance, Ronaldinho or George Best were IMO the most gifted/best footballers of all time. They could do things Messi/Ronaldo/Pele simply can't. Others value Ronaldo's efficiency, Messi's elusiveness or Zidane's grace higher.
Being better has nothing to do with any of that. I loved watching Zidane but his grace doesn't make up for the fact that he was nowhere near as good as messi. I'm afraid that's preference.

I prefer counter attacking football but barca whose style I have often criticized were still the best football side I've seen.

Also Ronaldo isn't mor efficient than messi either. Messi scores as often, creates more, and passes and dribbles better.
No. Different people value different aspects/strengths of footballers differently. For instance, Ronaldinho or George Best were IMO the most gifted/best footballers of all time. They could do things Messi/Ronaldo/Pele simply can't. Others value Ronaldo's efficiency, Messi's elusiveness or Zidane's grace higher.
I value strength so Fellaini is better than zidane?
@amolbhatia100 how would you decide who is better? Raw stats only then? Ronaldinho could do things with a football that nobody else can. Do defenders not have a chance in this debate? You are just as subjective mate. I can see why most people think Messi is better than Ronaldo, its the "its a fact and nobody can argue it!" brigade that annoy me a little.

I think it you look at the technical attributes that make up a footballer, Messi excels at more of them than Ronaldo which would make him better as a footballer in general. There are aspects of the game in which Ronaldos technical skills can be utilised better than Messi, and vice versa. However in pure footballing terms Messi has a bigger/better skillset IMO

This is an opinion I can understand and respect. However, does this remove defenders/midfielders from any "greatest ever" discussions? Reading the play etc is a difficult art and key to being a footballer.
Seen this illustration on twitter, pretty incredible:

@amolbhatia100 how would you decide who is better? Raw stats only then? Ronaldinho could do things with a football that nobody else can. Do defenders not have a chance in this debate? You are just as subjective mate. I can see why most people think Messi is better than Ronaldo, its the "its a fact and nobody can argue it!" brigade that annoy me a little.
You watch them and usually it's bloody obvious. If two players scores similar amount of goals but one as I said creates more, passes better, has a better touch and dribbles better, then it's clear to me who the better player is.
This is an opinion I can understand and respect. However, does this remove defenders/midfielders from any "greatest ever" discussions? Reading the play etc is a difficult art and key to being a footballer.

Well it certainly doesn't remove a midfielder, Messi's attributes especially the ones he excels at more than Ronaldo are actually attributes suited to midfield, probably why it makes him a better all round player IMO. For a defender, its a little more difficult since it comes down to how many things you have in your arsenal. Also the fact that being able to create/score goals in the game is valued more highly in the game than being able to stop goals, since goals win games. I guess its the same for goalkeepers, however that doesn't stop a defender or a goalkeeper from being the best it can happen.
@Cassidy your post is very weirdly formatted. I can agree with your thinking, but disagree with who has the better attributes. Anyway, I have to get back to work.
@Cassidy your post is very weirdly formatted. I can agree with your thinking, but disagree with who has the better attributes. Anyway, I have to get back to work.

Spotted, yeah I missed a tag, fixed it now. Cool we'll agree to disagree, as is the beauty of things, not everyone will have the same opinion.
@amolbhatia100 how would you decide who is better? Raw stats only then? Ronaldinho could do things with a football that nobody else can. Do defenders not have a chance in this debate? You are just as subjective mate. I can see why most people think Messi is better than Ronaldo, its the "its a fact and nobody can argue it!" brigade that annoy me a little.

This is an opinion I can understand and respect. However, does this remove defenders/midfielders from any "greatest ever" discussions? Reading the play etc is a difficult art and key to being a footballer.
cantona was better than Ruud? if you cant tell the difference between them two, or think that Ruud was better than cantona, fine, is your prerrogative

but you know nothing about football
cantona was better than Ruud? if you cant tell the difference between them two, or think that Ruud was better than cantona, fine, is your prerrogative

but you know nothing about football

Clearly didn't understand my post Marcos. Your post agrees with mine. However " but you know nothing about football" is both condescending and wrong.

Different people have different tastes. Give me a Ruud over a Sergio Aguero anytime for example. It's my taste and my idea of what football is. Yours may be different, but not better. Route 1 is still football, as much as Barca's tikki-takka is.
Clearly didn't understand my post Marcos. Your post agrees with mine. However " but you know nothing about football" is both condescending and wrong.

Different people have different tastes. Give me a Ruud over a Sergio Aguero anytime for example. It's my taste and my idea of what football is. Yours may be different, but not better. Route 1 is still football, as much as Barca's tikki-takka is.
Okay. No one player is better than another. They're all just "different".
Clearly didn't understand my post Marcos. Your post agrees with mine. However " but you know nothing about football" is both condescending and wrong.

Different people have different tastes. Give me a Ruud over a Sergio Aguero anytime for example. It's my taste and my idea of what football is. Yours may be different, but not better. Route 1 is still football, as much as Barca's tikki-takka is.

But literally anyone can play route 1 stuff. It's not hard to launch a ball 70 yards and win a header. It's incredibly difficult to play a tiki-taka style. Preference is fine but perspective is also needed.
This thread really brings out the worst in people, normally sensible posters become complete arseholes.
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