Messi v Ronaldo | Contains double your daily salt allowance

Messi or Ronaldo

  • Messi

  • Ronaldo

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Yet did those faints and whatever get him anywhere? Doing more in footballing terms means contributing to a goal or preventing one, not some tricks that leads nowhere.
Well yeah, he put Suarez through for a 1 v 1 in the first 10 minutes.

Then put Neymar through on goal in the second half, where a bad first touch allowed Neuer to sweep up ....

All this excluding his actual assist as well....
Ronaldo had a better year than messi form wise, but we're talking about the better player overall, messi is comfortably the better player and possibly the greatest of all time.
You're entitled to your opinion, just like some prefer Maradona and others Pele, it's a free world a free after all.
Funny how the football world voted Ronaldo the better player for the last 2 yes yet somehow you lot know better...

Ironic the whole lot who claim Ronaldo does nothing but score goals has come out of the woodwork after Messi did nothing for 77min and then scored goals...

It's an award for the best season, not best player. I'd imagine if you asked the 'football world' for their opinion on the latter Lionel Messi would win by a landslide.
I disagree. It should go for the player who played the best football that year.
Fair enough. Before the merging of awards, Ballon D'Or took into consideration trophies the player won. I think it was the right approach and for that I hoped that Sneijder/Ribery would win it despite that Messi in the first case and Messi/Ronaldo in the second case were better.
I don't even know why I'm posting in this thread at this very moment because I maintain my view that Messi is the greatest player to ever play the game. He is definitely the best in the world over the past 7 years (by a country mile). But anyone who has ever played football will know deep down, regardless of their bias, that he is the best ever. What he does to professional defenders and goalkeepers is what I'd expect anyone at the top level to do to schoolkids.

It is genuinely frightening how good he is.
It's an award for the best season, not best player. I'd imagine if you asked the 'football world' for their opinion on the latter Lionel Messi would win by a landslide.
So Ronaldo has been the better player according to the football world 3 out of the last 7 years and Messi 4, hardly the no contest you lot seem to portray.
Fair enough. Before the merging of awards, Ballon D'Or took into consideration trophies the player won. I think it was the right approach and for that I hoped that Sneijder/Ribery would win it despite that Messi in the first case and Messi/Ronaldo in the second case were better.

Not really....
I don't watch La Liga except when Real/Atletico/Barcelona/Valencia play each other, but I do try and catch every CL game involving Real & Barcelona.

For me, it isn't even close. Messi is, by far, the most naturally gifted & beautiful footballer I've ever seen.
Fair enough. Before the merging of awards, Ballon D'Or took into consideration trophies the player won. I think it was the right approach and for that I hoped that Sneijder/Ribery would win it despite that Messi in the first case and Messi/Ronaldo in the second case were better.
I just feel football is such a team sport, and people forget just how much of a team sport, that you can't credit an individual so much for a team trophy. It's like saying Messi or whoever YOU won the champions league, hence YOU were better. No, the team won the champions league and you're better if you were actually better. IMO of course.
The thread title needs to be changed to reflect the lack of competition in this match up.
I don't even know why I'm posting in this thread at this very moment because I maintain my view that Messi is the greatest player to ever play the game. He is definitely the best in the world over the past 7 years (by a country mile). But anyone who has ever played football will know deep down, regardless of their bias, that he is the best ever. What he does to professional defenders and goalkeepers is what I'd expect anyone at the top level to do to schoolkids.

It is genuinely frightening how good he is.
I don't know about the best ever and people who are older (including great players of other era) claim that Pele was easily the best, but i is hard to imagine how there might have existed a player who was better than Messi. Seriously, some of the stuff he does it is impossible to do even in the videogames. Then it is constitency, being a big match player, and breaking record after record in what is a very tactically astute era and any team can have as much info for him to build strategies how to defend against him. The closest thing to black magic I have ever seen in real life.
I don't watch La Liga except when Real/Atletico/Barcelona/Valencia play each other, but I do try and catch every CL game involving Real & Barcelona.

For me, it isn't even close. Messi is, by far, the most naturally gifted & beautiful footballer I've ever seen.
No one is arguing over that though, Nani is probably more gifted than Beckham was, but that doesn't make him a better player.

As for beautiful, you have strange taste... :nervous:
I just feel football is such a team sport, and people forget just how much of a team sport, that you can't credit an individual so much for a team trophy. It's like saying Messi or whoever YOU won the champions league, hence YOU were better. No, the team won the champions league and you're better if you were actually better. IMO of course.
Aye, I agree with you.
I just feel football is such a team sport, and people forget just how much of a team sport, that you can't credit an individual so much for a team trophy. It's like saying Messi or whoever YOU won the champions league, hence YOU were better. No, the team won the champions league and you're better if you were actually better. IMO of course.
Agreed. Trophies should not be one of the main factors when judging who deserves an individual award. The players individual performances and consistency should be what is most important.
Who's better? Well they both have comparable stats on the pitch. So the basis of this argument is probably who scores the more beautiful goal and is more pleasing to the eye. I mean it is not as if Ronaldo has never left a defender on his arse before... But hey, brand Messi just makes goals look nicer.
Who's better? Well they both have comparable stats on the pitch. So the basis of this argument is probably who scores the more beautiful goal and is more pleasing to the eye. I mean it is not as if Ronaldo has never left a defender on his arse before... But hey, brand Messi just makes goals look nicer.

The basis should be who does more? Both are excellent goalscorers but who is the better dribbler? Who is the better passer? Who creates more? Who's involved more? The answer to all is Messi.

Ronaldo, whether people like to admit it or not, has essentially become a poacher. The Ronaldo at United doesn't exist any more.
Who's better? Well they both have comparable stats on the pitch. So the basis of this argument is probably who scores the more beautiful goal and is more pleasing to the eye. I mean it is not as if Ronaldo has never left a defender on his arse before... But hey, brand Messi just makes goals look nicer.

It really isn't.
Who's better? Well they both have comparable stats on the pitch. So the basis of this argument is probably who scores the more beautiful goal and is more pleasing to the eye. I mean it is not as if Ronaldo has never left a defender on his arse before... But hey, brand Messi just makes goals look nicer.

Is this really what you're reducing this debate to?
The basis should be who does more? Both are excellent goalscorers but who is the better dribbler? Who is the better passer? Who creates more? Who's involved more? The answer to all is Messi.

Ronaldo, whether people like to admit it or not, has essentially become a poacher. The Ronaldo at United doesn't exist any more.

Yeah. He's become a better version of Gary Lineker. Shame really.
I don't know about the best ever and people who are older (including great players of other era) claim that Pele was easily the best, but i is hard to imagine how there might have existed a player who was better than Messi. Seriously, some of the stuff he does it is impossible to do even in the videogames. Then it is constitency, being a big match player, and breaking record after record in what is a very tactically astute era and any team can have as much info for him to build strategies how to defend against him. The closest thing to black magic I have ever seen in real life.

Yeah. I can't say for sure that someone like Pele wasn't better than Messi as I didn't see enough of him to make that call but I find it hard to imagine how he could have been. I mean that literally, I actually can't picture what someone better than Messi would look like on a football pitch...
So much Messi lovers that i checked three times if i am not on Barca forum.

I accept there was never even a question who is better in the past 4 years,
So much Messi lovers that i checked three times if i am not on Barca forum.

I accept there was never even a question who is better in the past 4 years,

The thing about bringing up the Ballon D'or is Messi has 1 more than Ronaldo and it's about to be 2, you're just grasping at straws really..
Last two...

Should've have been only one really, but it still adds up to 3...Messi has 4(potentially 5), i haven't seen you say anything positive about Messi's performances today, i mean you love football don't you? or do you just love Ronaldo?
I don't know about the best ever and people who are older (including great players of other era) claim that Pele was easily the best, but i is hard to imagine how there might have existed a player who was better than Messi. Seriously, some of the stuff he does it is impossible to do even in the videogames. Then it is constitency, being a big match player, and breaking record after record in what is a very tactically astute era and any team can have as much info for him to build strategies how to defend against him. The closest thing to black magic I have ever seen in real life.

Well I am very open minded on the topic but I don't have enough time to go into it in enough detail. Simply put Messi is the best ever. He is playing in a generation where rules are stricter, science and health is more advanced and the game has evolved astranomically. Whether Maradona, Pele, Ronaldo, George Best, Zidane would have made a bigger impact were they born 25 years years ago who knows.

But Messi has just produded the best pieces of play ever. Its not worth debating unless we had a time machine.
Messi is the best without a doubt. Ronaldo can only beat him when he is ill or not fit.
Unbelievable, that’s what Messi is. Ronaldo is a fantastic striker, the whole team plays for him. Messi is the main element.

Messi>>Ronaldo>rest of the world.
Messi is better than Ronaldo right now. Messi is looking fantastic whilst also helping to make Suarez and Neymar look fantastic.
Ronaldo is fantastic too but you dont see Bale + 1 looking great too at the same time.

Ronaldo deserved the Balon D'ors when he won it (especially last year), but theres no question, right now, Messi is better. Both are better though cos of each other and the competition they bring.
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