Memphis Depay | Corinthians player

Dropping bombs.

I think that sounds alright as far as footballers making music goes.

I like him, he's a good lad.

I was a bit of a knobhead (still am!) when I was in my early 20s, and I wasn't a millionaire...

Plus, why's it bad to be making music? I'd rather Pogba spat bars with Stormzy rather than just danced in his video!
She's Lori Harvey, daughter of Steve Harvey. I wonder how they met eachother, seems like an odd connection.
Just oldheads who are bitter and hold disdain towards young people

Do you access to posters personal details? I'd wager there are people younger than Depay who think he's a knob.
Did some old person steal your candy as you come across a tad bitter...
Plus Cole didn't grow up in the era with social media, so it's not a fair comparison considering none of us really had a glimpse into the lives of footballers back then until Beckham really.

Do you really believe that?
The 5th Beatle played for United in the 60/70's. He was front page news well before Becks was born.
More bling bling from Depay. He's just out of control...
Mata writes poetry, Memphis writes rap music, I don't see any relevant difference.

it's better than being a white collar criminal like all those guys in La Liga..
Mata writes poetry, Memphis writes rap music, I don't see any relevant difference.

it's better than being a white collar criminal like all those guys in La Liga..

Agreed, this isn't Mutu we're discussing. "Self-Made Millionaire in his early 20`s makes music video with his own money, in his spare time".
Didn't know he's got himself a really neat looking lion on his back.

It was easier to score, so ... It must be United school of finishing.
This thread gets bumped all the time.

We should make a Rafael thread then. He actually had fans on here and accomplished something at United. Was actually able to stay fit for the most part at Lyon last season too.
Thats the goals he scored for PSV but never worked here due to having decent GKs in goal
Wasn't really the case. He barely got his FKs on target here.
Didn't play enough to be a success but when he did, he was mostly gash so it's understandable he wouldn't get many chances.

He was way too stocky and his pace took a hit because of it. No idea why he put on so much muscle.