McTominay (Out) | announced - signed for Napoli

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Sorry but what is up with our players and needing pay offs for years remaining on their contracts? Every player who is ever sold has years left on their contract. Even if he's going to be earning a little less per year at Napoli, that should be more than offset by the longer contract they're offering him.
I know he’s not good enough and he frustrates the life out of me…but always feel a bit sad when homegrown lads eventually leave
Sorry but what is up with our players and needing pay offs for years remaining on their contracts? Every player who is ever sold has years left on their contract. Even if he's going to be earning a little less per year at Napoli, that should be more than offset by the longer contract they're offering him.
Where exactly does it say he is getting a pay off?
You have no absolutely no way of proving that bringing on McT for Bruno cost us the game.

And I don't know what your last paragraph means or how you're agreeing with me because I never made a point on that topic at all.
It’s not that difficult to prove. We created zero chances once Bruno went off. We barely got a shot off once Mctominay came on.

Bruno was not great but he is still our most potent creator. In a team which is severely hampered by its inability to create chances and not having enough patterns to cut through opposition in open play, taking off your most creative force when we are chasing a goal can never be justified unless you somehow win the game. But the inexplicable sub turned out as expected and we went on to create nothing.
It’s not that difficult to prove. We created zero chances once Bruno went off. We barely got a shot off once Mctominay came on.

Bruno was not great but he is still our most potent creator. In a team which is severely hampered by its inability to create chances and not having enough patterns to cut through opposition in open play, taking off your most creative force when we are chasing a goal can never be justified unless you somehow win the game. But the inexplicable sub turned out as expected and we went on to create nothing.

We'd stopped playing as a team though. They had all of the ball for at least the final 20 mins. We were under pressure for all of ET for sure and quite a bit before that.

You can't say that if Bruno was on the pitch he would have done anything when we never got hold of the ball for any length of time to get it beyond halfway. The problem wasn't that we had good possession but weren't creating chances with it, rather we had run out of steam by that point. Correlation is not causation.
I know he’s not good enough and he frustrates the life out of me…but always feel a bit sad when homegrown lads eventually leave
We can all be proud of what he's done and where he's going. Heading to one of the biggest clubs in Italy, it's not Burnley.
We'd stopped playing as a team though. They had all of the ball for at least the final 20 mins. We were under pressure for all of ET for sure and quite a bit before that.

You can't say that if Bruno was on the pitch he would have done anything when we never got hold of the ball for any length of time to get it beyond halfway. The problem wasn't that we had good possession but weren't creating chances with it, rather we had run out of steam by that point. Correlation is not causation.
We had decent possession right until the end, we just did nothing with it. And there’s plenty of data from even last season which shows how our chances creation drop when we don’t have Bruno in the line up. At this point, it’s just blindly ignoring the obvious and trying to justify a lame duck sub.

Mctominay is useful as a goal scorer and getting him on was not the worst decision, but getting him on in place of Bruno just lacked sense and the end result justified what I thought about it at that time. It was a sub which seemed like a hit and hope even when it was made, rather than with some thought behind it.
Good grief. He has NEVER BEEN GOOD ENOUGH. If we want to challenge for the Premiership, we need better. We had all hoped it would click on for him but it didn't. The end.
I think we will regret letting McTominay go.
I cannot imagine a single scenario where I would think “oh man I wish we had kept McTominay”. Even when we’re chasing a game, throwing him out there is like a Hail Mary, a chance of something magical happening is so slim that it wouldn’t ignite a burning desire that we had kept him.

Hope we improve the squad and our play to the extent that we wouldn’t have to regret letting anyone go, let alone Scott McTominay!
Why can’t Rio keep his mouth shut. Blurting off in the papers saying this is a disgrace etc etc

Scott has been a good squad player - no more than that. He just isn’t of the quality to take us to the next level.

I wish him all the best and thank you for your service but he also wants to play regularly and that just isn’t happening at Utd.

We need to move on players when the opportunity arises - we have been so guilty of keeping a bloated squad that isn’t good enough for a very long time now.
Good grief. He has NEVER BEEN GOOD ENOUGH. If we want to challenge for the Premiership, we need better. We had all hoped it would click on for him but it didn't. The end.
Good squad player though
Why can’t Rio keep his mouth shut. Blurting off in the papers saying this is a disgrace etc etc

Scott has been a good squad player - no more than that. He just isn’t of the quality to take us to the next level.

I wish him all the best and thank you for your service but he also wants to play regularly and that just isn’t happening at Utd.

We need to move on players when the opportunity arises - we have been so guilty of keeping a bloated squad that isn’t good enough for a very long time now.

I was 17 when I was nearly physically assaulted by a an adult Manchester United fan for merely saying that a certain costed us the game for giving a foul in front of the box which ended in a goal from a freekick. That was a bad idea on so many levels. First of all because it could have costed his cushy government job. Secondly I wasn't bad with my fists myself. Finally it happened on my turf. We're a huge family and most of them lived at a walking distance from there. Most of whom were either bouncers or in the special forces. If I only whistled then there wouldn't be a bone in his body that they wouldn't have broken it. Luckily for him it happened at a place that I respect a lot so I let it slide.

The reason behind such overreaction was that this guy happened to be the player's mate. I assure you that's not down to just loyalty. It means being treated like royalty at OT and Carrington. It means being the first to know what happens behinds the scenes, which players we're signing and any unrest in the dressing room. In Malta we're obsessed with United which means that this guy would be invited to dinners free of charge, have their beer paid off, all because he might know something we didn't know or he might bring a top player to a certain bar which would mean a jam packed evening for the bar owner. For the likes of Rio it means increasing his profile at Sky. His 'inside' information is worth in gold.

And believe me once that person is out of the door then the fun ends. I've seen that with those who were close to SAF. At one point they would know which transfers we're going for or which player he's leaving. They would go to Carrington, they would mingle with players, they would take photos, be invited to dinners etc. Once their patron gone that the staff changed and no one could give a feck who you were let alone trust you with information. Its no coincidence that its common to have football journalists that are extremely reliable in one season and extremely shit the season after.
Met is a solid role player but never good enough for the level our club aspires to return to. If his exit means getting Ugarte then I’m all for it.
I like Scott more than most, but in which scenario do you imagine fans will be saying “feck, we should never have sold McTominay, we could really do with him now” ?
I didn't think I would hear people say we shouldn't have sold Fred but they did. McT came off the bench a few times and saved us which is more than can be said For others who I think should be first against the wall. Not starting 11 level but more of an asset at United than at least a half dozen others in the squad. Best of luck to him he will be missed
I like Scott more than most, but in which scenario do you imagine fans will be saying “feck, we should never have sold McTominay, we could really do with him now” ?
I think he’s a good player that can come into the squad and do a variety of jobs. I get that he’s not a fancy player and he’s never going to be world class. I do think it is useful to have someone like MCT that has experience, can come into the midfield or forward lines and play well, especially with our current issue in both departments. If we get Ugarte, and he’s really good, we won’t miss him as much; but I think I need to see it before I assume we’ll have massively improved.
I know he’s not good enough and he frustrates the life out of me…but always feel a bit sad when homegrown lads eventually leave
This is how i feel too. Always a different feelings involved when it's someone who's been with the club their whole life.

Napoli...that's a really different football culture. I hope he's mentally up for it. And lots of sunblock needed.
Personally I am quite sad to see him go

I do not at all think he is good enough to start on a consistent basis, but he is a great squad player to come in and put in a shift. He is someone who actually cares about the club and seems very professional

If we had a squad of professionals who always put in a shift I wouldn't be that bothered, but not only does he do that but he actually contributes. When we need a goal I feel more confident with him in the team because he causes chaos and knows where to be

We I don't think are in a position to get rid of players like him just yet
Sorry but what is up with our players and needing pay offs for years remaining on their contracts? Every player who is ever sold has years left on their contract. Even if he's going to be earning a little less per year at Napoli, that should be more than offset by the longer contract they're offering him.
It’s standard practice
Good move.

I don’t rate the player highly - he’s alright and always had a solid mentality but is technically unsuited to a club of our stature. Best of luck to him.
I cannot imagine a single scenario where I would think “oh man I wish we had kept McTominay”. Even when we’re chasing a game, throwing him out there is like a Hail Mary, a chance of something magical happening is so slim that it wouldn’t ignite a burning desire that we had kept him.

Hope we improve the squad and our play to the extent that we wouldn’t have to regret letting anyone go, let alone Scott McTominay!
If we experience that scenario it's more an indictment on the management than relate to the quality of McTominay.

With the greatest respect McT is an average player at best but useful in a certain scenario. Unfortunately that scenario should not be enough to keep him.
I was 17 when I was nearly physically assaulted by a an adult Manchester United fan for merely saying that a certain costed us the game for giving a foul in front of the box which ended in a goal from a freekick. That was a bad idea on so many levels. First of all because it could have costed his cushy government job. Secondly I wasn't bad with my fists myself. Finally it happened on my turf. We're a huge family and most of them lived at a walking distance from there. Most of whom were either bouncers or in the special forces. If I only whistled then there wouldn't be a bone in his body that they wouldn't have broken it. Luckily for him it happened at a place that I respect a lot so I let it slide.

The reason behind such overreaction was that this guy happened to be the player's mate. I assure you that's not down to just loyalty. It means being treated like royalty at OT and Carrington. It means being the first to know what happens behinds the scenes, which players we're signing and any unrest in the dressing room. In Malta we're obsessed with United which means that this guy would be invited to dinners free of charge, have their beer paid off, all because he might know something we didn't know or he might bring a top player to a certain bar which would mean a jam packed evening for the bar owner. For the likes of Rio it means increasing his profile at Sky. His 'inside' information is worth in gold.

And believe me once that person is out of the door then the fun ends. I've seen that with those who were close to SAF. At one point they would know which transfers we're going for or which player he's leaving. They would go to Carrington, they would mingle with players, they would take photos, be invited to dinners etc. Once their patron gone that the staff changed and no one could give a feck who you were let alone trust you with information. Its no coincidence that its common to have football journalists that are extremely reliable in one season and extremely shit the season after.
Yeah, that's an interesting & probably very valid perspective, of why some players are so "protected" in the media etc. I can honestly understand a little bit of "sadness" when an academy graduate leaves - especially one who's made so many appearances, but I honestly cannot understand how anyone who's watched us post SAF would be sad or supposedly in Rio's words, feel like "it's a disgrace" when someone like McT is moved on. It's for the best for his own career - getting more minutes under his belt and for our club - if we ever truly want to get back to challenging, we need a better squad.

Anyway, wish him all the best. Hope he smashes it in Italy and under Conte.
And the McFred years are finally behind us.

Nothing against either player though personally, especially McT. Not quite good enough at the highest level, but nothing to be ashamed of, he was United through and through and gave his all in the red shirt. Thanks for the City goal Scott, all the very best in Naples.
I know he’s not good enough and he frustrates the life out of me…but always feel a bit sad when homegrown lads eventually leave

I agree, it's sad he's leaving even if he's not really cut out for the team we need to be.

Best of luck to him, and we'll always have Brentford.
What an exciting opportunity for him. Italy is a beautiful country, so I hope he goes out there and has the time of his life.

I like the guy and am grateful for all that he's done for the club. He's been a good player for us. We need to move in a different direction and it's best for everyone. Great opportunity for him, good for us. All the best, Scott!
It's hard to believe that such an obviously limited player got 250+ games in midfield for Man Utd.

Nothing against him, and hope he does well in Italy, but moving him and AWB on in the same summer has to be an indication that we're moving in the right direction under the new people in charge.
Wish him the best, he's been a loyal and reliable player for us, always worked hard and done his best despite his limitations.

Reckon he'll be a hit in Napoli.
£25m is a good fee for McTominay. Certainly more than some thought we would get.

Wish him all the best.
Bye Scott, thanks for the memories, especially ruining Leeds fans day :+1:

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