Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Believe me they aren't sitting waiting to be arrested. They are screwed and have no escape.
Comforting to hear, I do hope you are right.

There might be various reasons, all of them good I think :

they're overconfident they won't be found

they're too dim

they haven't created a sophisticated infrastructure of safe houses to escape to, which implies they lack support in their community and the community is not afraid to say no, or that they don't have the funds

also suggests they don't have the material to go for the "heroic resistance and death" way
Yes, all of those make sense, thank you. It is odd though, considering that the attack had possibly been carefully planned for the last year or so.
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In what sense?
The tactics and precedents simply happened to be set in the Israel/Palestine conflict. It was a gradual evolution of violence into the sort of terrorism today.

Once you set those precedents, other people follow suit... and occasionally they go a little bit further. Then the next lot go a bit further than that. That's how we've got to where we are today.
The tactics and precedents simply happened to be set in the Israel/Palestine conflict. It was a gradual evolution of violence into the sort of terrorism today.

Once you set those precedents, other people follow suit... and occasionally they go a little bit further. Then the next lot go a bit further than that. That's how we've got to where we are today.

Ah, you mean in terms of suicide attacks, etc.? Yeah I agree. Suicide attacks on Israeli civilian targets were legitimized across the Muslim world, given sanction by heavy-hitting mainstream figures like Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Once the tactic became legitimized like that there was no controlling it and today Muslims are the biggest victims of suicide attacks.
Ah, you mean in terms of suicide attacks, etc.? Yeah I agree. Suicide attacks on Israeli civilian targets were legitimized across the Muslim world, given sanction by heavy-hitting mainstream figures like Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Once the tactic became legitimized like that there was no controlling it and today Muslims are the biggest victims of suicide attacks.
Yep. Islam is as anti-suicide as Catholicism. Possibly even more so, given that self-sacrifice isn't one of its core tenets, the way it is in Christianity. Go back 100 years, and not even the most extreme would be willing defend the concept of suicide bombing. Suicide, killing with fire and targetting women/children are all expressly forbidden. And yet somehow we are where we are today through a slow process of (certain people) legitimising increasingly callous acts.

Obviously, terrorism has taken on a life of its own since 9/11. OBL, for all his evilness, wanted to make a point. He was attacking the US's three prongs of global hegemony - financial (the WTC), political (the White House) and military (the Pentagon). The huge number of deaths were incidental (and possibly unwitting, seeing as nobody on the day expected the towers to fall).

Since Al Qaeda was dismantled what we've been left with is a bunch of nihilists who have taken mass killing for the cameras as their new precedent to follow. I really don't know how we can counter that. The legitimising that's resulted from it is going to stick for as long as the internet exists.
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Comforting to hear, I do hope you are right.

Yes, all of those make sense, thank you. It is odd though, considering that the attack has possibly been carefully planned for the last year or so.
Yes, you'd think it wouldn't be too difficult to think of a plan to evade detention. But we still don't know if those arrested are are guilty of anything and if they are, of what. They may have just been mates who bragged along with him, or egged the guy on or something more serious.

If it's true they have little or no support then it's essential to keep it that way, which means sensible "hearts & minds" policies from the authorities and making sure that those communities are well protected from hate crime. Cracking down on the wrong people can make matters worse as has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout history.
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Sorry. I meant to say that there were a lot of police officers out in Manchester last night. I have a lot of respect for them making us feel safe. Life needs to go on.
It is a jolt seeing officers with huge automatic weapons wandering around deansgate and corporation street though, isn't it?
It is a jolt seeing officers with huge automatic weapons wandering around deansgate and corporation street though, isn't it?
True. But I was pretty wasted and largely concentrating on trying not to look suspicious. It was just like being a teenager again.
Last night's episode of The Last Leg on C4 had a great tribute to Manchester.

Worth watching on catch up for anyone who's able to, I can't find a video to post.
I visited st Anne's square today...damn it's beautiful, what a tribute from the people.
Disclaimer: it's Memorial Day weekend. I've been drinking since I told you about the grass cutting.
Some absolute shitheads setting off loud fireworks behind my house in Fallowfield, about 5 mins walk from where the cnut who did this lived. It's either badly brought up kids or thick, insensitive adults celebrating their teenaged-daughter's fifth born.
So he thinks it's ok because he hasn't had a letter of complaint from any of the victims....
....what a prize pr*** this bloke is. :eek:
Should there be letters inbound, it'd be a week at least for them to get there through the mail.

Please folks of Manchester, flood this asshat's mail

Edit: Not his official account, but taken from his insta story. Good that he was there.
It will likely get lost in the fa cup thread but the minute's silence by Arsenal and Chelsea fans was impeccable. Well done to them.

I agree, you could hear a pin drop. Never seen a minute silence observed as excellent as that.
They did a moment's silence before an MLS game today. Also impeccable.
I think the 'football community' as a whole has been hit by this, given Manchester being rather well known for such. It doesn't surprise me that fans from all sorts of clubs feel empathy with Manchester.
Not much on the news over here and I don't really understand it anyway.
Has everyone been accounted for? I heard there were people missing.
Not much on the news over here and I don't really understand it anyway.
Has everyone been accounted for? I heard there were people missing.

I see quite a lot of tv news & haven't seen any mention of anyone still missing.

Top Plod calling for internment of suspects (Mail).
Not much on the news over here and I don't really understand it anyway.
Has everyone been accounted for? I heard there were people missing.
Sadly, those who were missing the day afterwards are mostly those who were killed. All those who died have now been named in the media.

Someone who rented the bomber a flat, upon discovering a chemical smell and bits of metal when he left hastily attributed it to "drug dealing or witchcraft" and did not report the former to police, who surely would have discovered enough evidence to arrest him. Unbelievable.

The police intelligence is only as good as the people who inform them - or don't bother to inform them of stuff like this.

Someone who rented the bomber a flat, upon discovering a chemical smell and bits of metal when he left hastily attributed it to "drug dealing or witchcraft" and did not report the former to police, who surely would have discovered enough evidence to arrest him. Unbelievable.

The police intelligence is only as good as the people who inform them - or don't bother to inform them of stuff like this.
I'm sorry, but it feels like the police are simply here to produce a PCN to give to the insurers these days.

Obviously in hindsight it's terrorism, but in the 99.999% chance that it wasn't, what are the police going to do to benefit this landlord?
Thought Ben Shapiro made a good point. Why are we building them up? They're losers.
I'm sorry, but it feels like the police are simply here to produce a PCN to give to the insurers these days.

Obviously in hindsight it's terrorism, but in the 99.999% chance that it wasn't, what are the police going to do to benefit this landlord?
If it had been me, I went back to a flat that had been left in this state, and I suspected him of being involved in drugs, I'd have definitely informed police. If they investigated, they'd have known otherwise. They weren't even given the chance to investigate, as this idiot didn't mention anything.

And who the feck relates chemicals and metal rods to witchcraft?
If it had been me, I went back to a flat that had been left in this state, and I suspected him of being involved in drugs, I'd have definitely informed police. If they investigated, they'd have known otherwise. They weren't even given the chance to investigate, as this idiot didn't mention anything.

And who the feck relates chemicals and metal rods to witchcraft?
I'm not entirely sure what my point is... other than... should we all report every little thing we see to the police?
I'm sorry, but it feels like the police are simply here to produce a PCN to give to the insurers these days.

Obviously in hindsight it's terrorism, but in the 99.999% chance that it wasn't, what are the police going to do to benefit this landlord?
I'm not entirely sure what my point is... other than... should we all report every little thing we see to the police?
Well, I'd say that's not a little thing, but yes, you are supposed to report crimes to the police. That's why there are signs everywhere about reporting suspicious behaviour to the police or crimestoppers. If this guy hadn't been so bloody thick thinking people in the 21st century rent flats to do a bit of witchcraft in them for a few weeks, the police could have had a solid cause for arrest for someone already on their watchlist.
If it had been me, I went back to a flat that had been left in this state, and I suspected him of being involved in drugs, I'd have definitely informed police. If they investigated, they'd have known otherwise. They weren't even given the chance to investigate, as this idiot didn't mention anything.

And who the feck relates chemicals and metal rods to witchcraft?
Perhaps someone who has committed a crime by renting the flat out in the first place, so decides to keep quiet on the off chance it won"t be anything serious. It was a council flat (read that elsewhere) and it appears he was subletting it.

The landlord was in tears, he added, when he realised from the news his tenant had carried out the attack.

The friend claimed Aimen Elwafi decided he would have to tell the police, despite having breached the terms of his tenancy by subletting to Abedi.
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Perhaps someone who has committed a crime by renting the flat out in the first place, so decides to keep quiet on the off chance it won"t be anything serious. It was a council flat (read that elsewhere) and it appears he was subletting it.
I'm not sure it is a crime, but probably just against the terms of his tenency. Could have easily explained away that part, I doubt the police would have been interested in that bit.