Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

I'm always unsure when countries release stuff like this. Does it help restore some confidence or does it just contribute more to an atmosphere of fear/nerves? It's not like the general public can do much with the information anyway. But I can also understand doing this to restore some credibility and faith in intelligence services and show people the right side wins most of the time.

For me personally, I've got five concerts planned in Manchester/London in July and I'd rather take the "ignorance is bliss" option of not knowing how many times terrorists have been trying to blow us up.
Why do people always blame ourselves (the west) when something like this happens. Stop making excuses for their evil

Well, I think it makes sense to take a step back and see who created the evil that you're talking about. Right now, the US forces in an attempt to fight ISIS are arming the Kurds. As time passes, if it turns out that some "radical" Kurd gets involved in some heinous act of terror (against anyone - West included), then would you not point some finger at the source of it all?

I'm not saying the US (or the west in general) have complete blame on a lot of the shite that happens but some part of the blame definitely is with the west.
So? This happens every month over there. In fact 100 is only a small number compared to other attacks. But hey they are all evil and we are all good. It's because they are Muslims etc etc.

Perhaps I misinterpreted you, your wording made it sound to me like this had happened today.
So? This happens every month over there. In fact 100 is only a small number compared to other attacks. But hey they are all evil and we are all good. It's because they are Muslims etc etc.

Your wording implies this attack happened today.

Though i kind of agree with your sentiment with the large number of innocent people killed over in the middle east with the airstrikes and the silence from a lot of the western media and the citizens.
To honest it shows how bias our media is that it took 2 months to report on this.

It was reported everywhere two months ago. We had a discussion about it here on the Cafe.
Then why do we still have the same people going on and on about it being because of people being Muslims that these terrorist attacks happened?

I'm not sure who you have in mind, but this can be explained by people weighing up different potential factors and coming to different conclusions.
Then why do we still have the same people going on and on about it being because of people being Muslims that these terrorist attacks happened?
While that's true, that view has been in the minority in this thread and plenty of posts have said it's a simplistic view in the least.

Also, I don't care for people laying blame on 'the west' the same as I don't accept the blame is with Islam. The blame lies with leaders of some of the western governments and political Islamic extremism. While we have many Muslims condemning these attacks, similarly we had a million people march on parliament against war in the gulf. We were roundly ignored and now innocent people the world over are paying the price.
Unclear how truthful the brother is being, as no doubt he will be being tortured by the Libyans.

The mother should be arrested as well, as she would have known something was going to happen when her son rings and asks for forgiveness.

Probably wouldn't have stopped the attack, but if the UK authorities were tipped off then they could have reacted.

Is Twitter actually journalism, or are they allowed to share useful info and opinions on it?
In any line of work you're a representative of the company you work for in public settings/social media. I.e, if you say "Waitrose is for posh shitc**ts" on twitter, while working at waitrose they can fire you for it. With journalists it's an amped up version of that because your job is why people are following you in the first place.
In any line of work you're a representative of the company you work for in public settings/social media. I.e, if you say "Waitrose is for posh shitc*nts" on twitter, while working at waitrose they can fire you for it. With journalists it's an amped up version of that because your job is why people are following you in the first place.
Yeah, but they are just doing some basic reporting... not calling out their boss sleeping with the mail boy.

If she wants to use it as a personal account she needs to stop reporting from events in a professional capacity on it.
What she's doing isn't personal....

Okay, maybe this is my fault by saying "opinions", but they could be "professional opinions"
It's twitter for heaven's sake. The obsession with Kuenssberg is very very odd. Ukippers were at it today as well.
One day it's crazy talk the other day he's blowing himself up.

So essentially you then have to ban anyone that talks crazily e.g. The blokes who claim Jesus is going to rise up and make us pay for our sins and the white nationalist blokes.
So essentially you then have to ban anyone that talks crazily e.g. The blokes who claim Jesus is going to rise up and make us pay for our sins and the white nationalist blokes.
Guy who yells that Sharia will take over Uk and similar stuff is probably ending up as a ISIS jihadist if he hasn't already. At least he should be brought for questioning. I'm not sure that the comparison with blokes who yell that Jesus will rise again is appropriate.
Guy who yells that Sharia will take over Uk and similar stuff is probably ending up as a ISIS jihadist if he hasn't already. At least he should be brought for questioning. I'm not sure that the comparison with blokes who yell that Jesus will rise again is appropriate.

Not necessarily, thinking sharia is great and all isn't the same thing as wanting to commit jihad. You'll create more foes this way and it becomes a crime to simply think.
Guy who yells that Sharia will take over Uk and similar stuff is probably ending up as a ISIS jihadist if he hasn't already. At least he should be brought for questioning. I'm not sure that the comparison with blokes who yell that Jesus will rise again is appropriate.

Guys like that in the UK have typcially been associated with Anjem Choudary's al-Muhajirun group, and yes, a good number of them have ended up either going to Syria to fight with ISIS, or arrested in the UK for planning (and in some cases successfully executing) terror attacks. Everybody ever seen with those people should be (and likely is) under severe surveillance.
Guys like that in the UK have typcially been associated with Anjem Choudary's al-Muhajirun group, and yes, a good number of them have ended up either going to Syria to fight with ISIS, or arrested in the UK for planning terror attacks. Everybody ever seen with those people should be (and likely is) under severe surveillance.
I hope they're at least tracked, yeah. đ

One thing I don't get is that the guy flew to Lybia, got back and nobody bat an eyelight. You don't go to Lybia for vacation.
Also there are photos of his brother with machine gun and his dad isn't exactly a saint either.

There was some story about his brother recently?

Not necessarily, thinking sharia is great and all isn't the same thing as wanting to commit jihad. You'll create more foes this way and it becomes a crime to simply think.
What about claiming that ISIS flag will fly on Downing street?


Yeah the whole documentary is on Netflix. They're al-Muhajirun members who've had their passports taken away to prevent them travelling to Syria.
What about claiming that ISIS flag will fly on Downing street?

Supporting ISIS is completely different to supporting sharia as it is an enemy of the state. So someone who states that probably should be tracked, I doubt the ones who would do anything however would be so forthright in their views.
I hope they're at least tracked, yeah. đ

One thing I don't get is that the guy flew to Lybia, got back and nobody bat an eyelight. You don't go to Lybia for vacation.
Also there are photos of his brother with machine gun and his dad isn't exactly a saint either.

There was some story about his brother recently?

What about claiming that ISIS flag will fly on Downing street?

He got arrested yesterday for his links to terrorism and they suspect he was going to launch an attack in Libya. Their father who at first appeared to be a well respected figure in the Manchester Libyan community was previously part of a terror group himself.

As for the guy travelling to Libya, it wont have been that suspicious in itself as his family moved back there a few years ago after leaving the UK.
He got arrested yesterday for his links to terrorism and they suspect he was going to launch an attack in Libya. Their father who at first appeared to be a well respected figure in the Manchester Libyan community was previously part of a terror group himself.
Nice family.
Well if they're thinking of attacking, then they're pretty dumb. I think they would be on the intelligence services' radar.

Those who could went to Syria, some (including Choudhary) are in prison, and the rest have had their passports taken away and I'm sure are under heavy surveillance round the clock. But even so, the killers of Lee Rigby were associated with this group, and somehow slipped the net.

As I've said many times. There's no difference between ISIS and majority of Saudi Arabia.
There was a study detailing where most secretarian tweets were coming from. Saudi was well ahead of all the other countries in the middle east.
Yet we call them allies in the fight against terror.
This shite will not stop until we stop deceiving ourselves.
As I've said many times. There's no difference between ISIS and majority of Saudi Arabia.
There was a study detailing where most secretarian tweets were coming from. Saudi was well ahead of all the other countries in the middle east.
Yet we call them allies in the fight against terror.
This shite will not stop until we stop deceiving ourselves.

I don't think we are deceiving ourselves mate, our politicians have their own agenda.
As I've said many times. There's no difference between ISIS and majority of Saudi Arabia.
There was a study detailing where most secretarian tweets were coming from. Saudi was well ahead of all the other countries in the middle east.
Yet we call them allies in the fight against terror.
This shite will not stop until we stop deceiving ourselves.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is the correlation between the way a society/culture/religion administers punishment and the desire to go to a concert and blow children to bits?

I think just about everyone disagrees with Saudi Arabia's criminal punishment - but drawing a line from that to the willingness to walk into crowded areas and blow people up is a bit of a stretch, no?
Forgive my ignorance, but what is the correlation between the way a society/culture/religion administers punishment and the desire to go to a concert and blow children to bits?

I think just about everyone disagrees with Saudi Arabia's criminal punishment - but drawing a line from that to the willingness to walk into crowded areas and blow people up is a bit of a stretch, no?

ISIS's ideology was born in Saudi Arabia.