Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Going to happen so often over the next few days and weeks. Everyone is on edge and reporting anything that may be remotely suspicious.

One worrying thing is that if the police had the proper resources we would probably be seeing more of these reports taken seriously even without the tragedy the other day.
Heard a bang last night in the Fallowfield area, turned out to be a controlled explosion. And then apparently a raid of a house in Withington just round the corner. Crikey.
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If ISIS were able to get hands on the likes of semtex - it would mean they do not have to use suicide bombers and could literally carry out timed explosions any where they want. From reading between the lines in the NYT article the fear is this bomb was built with circuit boards so could be timed.

Semtex as seen by the IRA & ETA it could wipe out a building. ISIS don't seem to do bomb warnings

Isn't precurring semtex quite difficult?

What indication is there that there were circuitboards capable of a remote detonation?
Did I read United and City are donating a million to the fund? That's a great gesture.
It's great. I know £1m to two super rich clubs might not seem like much, but that's a huge sum of money to the victims and families. Good on them.

I think the victims are going to need every penny, and more. Even with the NHS
Doesn't it depend on what they say? If they're only saying sharia will take over then it's just crazy talk. If their praising acts of violence or inciting it then it becomes a completely different issue but that's not what you mentioned.
One day it's crazy talk the other day he's blowing himself up.
Isn't precurring semtex quite difficult?

What indication is there that there were circuitboards capable of a remote detonation?
How hard is it to create a circuit board that does this? The device apparently used circuit boards so it was clearly quite sophisticated. We live in the age of DIY raspberry pi projects, but even before, they used used mobile phones

Yeah, saw that on BBC live news earlier.

That's why they call it a zero-sum game (but not in the game-theory sense). They have to win everytime. If the terrorists achieve anything, they win, and the security services have failed terribly.
St Anne's Square where flowers have started to be left:


The queue of people waiting to leave more:


In your fecking face ISIS, you won't divide this city.
Yeah, saw that on BBC live news earlier.

That's why they call it a zero-sum game (but not in the game-theory sense). They have to win everytime. If the terrorists achieve anything, they win, and the security services have failed terribly.

Terrorists don't win until they impose their will and i find the idea that the security services have failed to be too much.

Tradegies will happen, we can't stop them even 99% of the time. Keeping them so rare that they dont stop us is the aim.

I know thats not the point you were making btw not having a go, talking generally.
I am surprised that all people take from the article and the background on this guy is 'religion' and the 'evils of the Koran'. When are our government going to take an ounce of responsibility for the the 'radicalisation of these people. He was frequently visiting his 'homeland' and country totally devastated by western intervention, he had be allowed to witness death first hand (including children) on his travels, along with violence and death at home in Manchester. None of these variables excuse his actions, but we need to pull our head out the bloody sand. Islam is going nowhere, intact it is growing and will no doubt continue to thrive, when so many people in muslim countries continue to have their lives directly and indirectly negatively affected by western foreign policy. I feel its time to change tactics, as the war on terror does nothing but create terror.

Why do people always blame ourselves (the west) when something like this happens. Stop making excuses for their evil
I've only just found out that this guy on twitter, who I follow and he follows me back was one of the victims :(

Of course I didn't *know* him, but we've interacted on a few occasions over the last year, and it seems surreal that he's no longer here and i'm mourning his passing.

I don't know how to put it into words or really communicate it effectively, but I just wanted to get that out.
I'm impressed with the city of Manchester. I think it's fair to say most cities would behave like Manchester but still, it's heartwarming to see. They can be proud.
I am surprised that all people take from the article and the background on this guy is 'religion' and the 'evils of the Koran'. When are our government going to take an ounce of responsibility for the the 'radicalisation of these people. He was frequently visiting his 'homeland' and country totally devastated by western intervention, he had be allowed to witness death first hand (including children) on his travels, along with violence and death at home in Manchester. None of these variables excuse his actions, but we need to pull our head out the bloody sand. Islam is going nowhere, intact it is growing and will no doubt continue to thrive, when so many people in muslim countries continue to have their lives directly and indirectly negatively affected by western foreign policy. I feel its time to change tactics, as the war on terror does nothing but create terror.

I'm posting again this for your benefit.

I've only just found out that this guy on twitter, who I follow and he follows me back was one of the victims :(

Of course I didn't *know* him, but we've interacted on a few occasions over the last year, and it seems surreal that he's no longer here and i'm mourning his passing.

I don't know how to put it into words or really communicate it effectively, but I just wanted to get that out.
I know what you are getting at, even though I don't have that same connection. When you realise in whatever way that this kind of thing has touched your life in some way, it's harder to deal with than when it's a terrible tragedy in another city, affecting other people. It's removed and almost unreal when it happens elsewhere.

Just looking at the pictures of St Anne's square above, where I'd been having a drink with a mate after work hours before the bomb is difficult to comprehend, but it brings home what has happened in a very real way. Meanwhile I'm having to work from home with police helicopters circling above as my workplace is still cordoned off and closed, and the police arrested the guy's brother outside the supermarket I walk past every day. It's like a surreal nightmare.
Blaming someone else is always the easy way out for those unable to accept or face up to either their or other people's actions. Of course many people do enjoy playing the "victim" card too.

You think the west is to blame that some guy went into a teeny bopper concert and blew himself up? come off it.
Gotcha. I hope somehow this world is able to make all that you and those like you had to do over there worth the cost.
The Middle East is a lost cause, why every so often the west feel the need to change it, i will never know.
Why do people always blame ourselves (the west) when something like this happens. Stop making excuses for their evil

Because it's largely true? Let's call a spade a spade here. Blowing up people for years and arming countries like Saudi Arabia was going to bite the west back. Number of people who died in Manchester is a drop in the ocean compared to the innocents who've died in the middle east.
Why do people always blame ourselves (the west) when something like this happens. Stop making excuses for their evil

Nobody is making excuses, just trying to understand the variables that drive young men and women to commit these dreadful acts. And its nothing to do with being evil. It fecking amazes me how its fine for people to be devastated by this, and totally unapologetic for wanting retribution, although they totally dismiss the reason these extremists exist, might just be that they are sick and tired of the death and destruction they are witness to. Do you know how you would respond,if you had lost you beloved city and many friends and family, might not you take up arms and on the off chance behave totally irrational?

Or is it easier to ignore the horror that is going on throughout the middle east and blame it on the Koran. Why not a different tact? why not intervene and stop the war in Syria and Yemen? why not extend a bloody hand and actually try and help these people instead of demonising their faith all the time.
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