Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Not everything is trumps evil plan (even though he is a massive cock)

This is just the media being arseholes

The media are not get actual crime scene pictures on their own. That is intelligence being leaked.

Its the NY post, NY FBI is the one in the pocket of Giuliani, its not a stretch to see where it may come from.

They are endangering the investigation, whoever is leaking this stuff.
Its clearly multiple people who are leaking stuff as there's been different stories appearing in different media organisations.
The UK intelligence services have to be looked at here. This is a network that has been able to carry out an attack with a relatively sophisticated device. It should have been detectable and preventable.
The UK intelligence services have to be looked at here. This is a network that has been able to carry out an attack with a relatively sophisticated device. It should have been detectable and preventable.

Always is the case with an attack that the intelligence agencies need to have a look at themselves and see what they did or did not miss, how to improve etc. , but let's remember that the bad guys are playing to win also and not all of them will be incompetent.
Always is the case with an attack that the intelligence agencies need to have a look at themselves and see what they did or did not miss, how to improve etc. , but let's remember that the bad guys are playing to win also and not all of them will be incompetent.

I mentioned earlier in the thread that funding has to be considered. Each month people on the watch list are let off the hook because there are others that are perceived to be more important at that time. More agents working the beat needs to be considered.
The UK intelligence services have to be looked at here. This is a network that has been able to carry out an attack with a relatively sophisticated device. It should have been detectable and preventable.
Of course you are right, but they have to get it right everytime. Not an easy ask to do, given how many arrests there have been prior to this
British Intelligence have a two-way agreement with the Yanks to share information. They couldn't withhold it even they wanted to.
'truth is, if Corbyn were PM we'd be reading how he allowed this to happen on his watch. Instead, we'll be told of a strong and resolute leader.
British Intelligence have a two-way agreement with the Yanks to share information. They couldn't withhold it even they wanted to.

What is the purpose of that agreement?
One of the neighbours of the guy has said the bomber had a black flag hung outside his window with foreign text on it.

There's going to be some backlash if its a ISIS flag and the Libyan neighbours who knew what the flag represents turned a blind eye to it.
One of the neighbours of the guy has said the bomber had a black flag hung outside his window with foreign text on it.

There's going to be some backlash if its a ISIS flag and the Libyan neighbours who knew what the flag represents turned a blind eye to it.

Perhaps they're were scared of being labelled racists.
One of the neighbours of the guy has said the bomber had a black flag hung outside his window with foreign text on it.

There's going to be some backlash if its a ISIS flag and the Libyan neighbours who knew what the flag represents turned a blind eye to it.

The guy was known to authorities so someone had probably grassed him along the way.
What is the purpose of that agreement?
We learn what they know and they learn what we know. And hopefully prevent attacks on both sides of the Atlantic. Though, at this point, I'm not sure if it's helping. I think the UK would be better off if we never reveal the identity of any terrorist to the US or the media. I think that would do a hell of a lot with regards to putting off wannabe martyrs.
One of the neighbours of the guy has said the bomber had a black flag hung outside his window with foreign text on it.

There's going to be some backlash if its a ISIS flag and the Libyan neighbours who knew what the flag represents turned a blind eye to it.

How would you know if they turned a blind eye to it?
We learn what they know and they learn what we know. And hopefully prevent attacks on both sides of the Atlantic. Though, at this point, I'm not sure if it's helping. I think the UK would be better off if we never reveal the identity of any terrorist to the US or the media. I think that would do a hell of a lot with regards to putting off wannabe martyrs.
That's fine. It shouldn't be passed onto the media though.
Next time the yanks are going to do a raid on supsected terrorists, let's have it all out in our press and see what their reaction will be.
I don't think there's any real way of preventing the identity getting out - homes are raided and family members are usually arrested. Papers are going to try and put it together themselves and can come up with the wrong name easily - after the Westminster attack a name spread who was in jail at the time. Better to control it themselves. Press need to be less dickish about scooping it.
Another concern is the Libyan community members who were saying yesterday that the suspects father was a well respected community member and were shocked that his son did this.

The story being portrayed yesterday is in complete contract to the claims today.

Today its been reported that the father was a militant fighter in a terror group linked to Al Qaeda. His other son was arrested today in Libya for knowing about the planned attack and with links to ISIS
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It's a quiet, leafy suburb. I've driven past that road a million times. No way would anyone get away with flying an ISIS flag.