Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

The kids I'm teaching in high school now don't remember the world before the War on Terror. I think it's had an effect on their worldview.

I was growing up during the Cold War in Germany born 1969. With the Nazi past still being something talked about a lot. With American soldiers stationed nearby, with the reality of the two German countries - with relatives on the other side of that border. There was the Munich massacre in the 70s - then the RAF and their terrorist attacks and kidnappings in Germany. The kidnapping of the Landshut. Tchernobyl in the 80s and all the demonstrations for peace, against the stationing of Pershing bombs in Germany and Anti-Power-Plants. The 90s had the wars in old Yugoslavia - we had a lot refugees from there. There was Mölln and Solingen when Nazis were burning down houses of turkish migrants - and they did not care of the kids either. The 2000s had the World-Trade-Center...

Just to talk about the world view I got as a kid (or later)... (it for sure was not better in other times)
It still didn't say that people should just get used to terrorism though and it certainly wasn't meant in that context. The way the comments have been twisted to fit certain agendas is disgusting.

Talking of disgusting, American mouthcunt Alex Jones has just recorded a video where he spouts his usual ill-informed, agenda driven, disgusting rhetoric. I wont post it here out of respect and because the twat thrives off publicity. Exactly the same as Katie Hopkins who has been mouthing off on Fox News all day. Fecking disgraceful woman. She's been on Fox a few times this week already, mainly slagging immigrants and especially Muslims. Awful, awful woman.

Honestly best thing to do is ignore them, block them, don't mention them anywhere as they consider traction of any kind as worthwhile. Events like this bring out the best and worst in people and I find it's best to just filter out those who don't make an attempt to understand but simply use these incidents as nothing more than fuel for a narrative that suits.
Apologies for not going in depth for context, but I wouldn't have been surprised if true. Too damn complacent about the issue of terrorism.

Complacent how and why? How are you qualifying this?
Just to talk about the world view I got as a kid (or later)... (it for sure was not better in other times)
Yeah, y'all had it bad.

That said... I'm comparing my "generation" (born late 1980s in the USA) to the "generation" I'm now teaching (born 2000-2001 in the USA)
Yeah possibly. CNN have been playing the Olivia Campbell story all day today.

Edit. Someone in the comments claims the family have been informed.

Her picture has been all over my fb feed today. Incredibly sad for all the families not knowing what is happening. Poor girl has passed I see. Heart wrenching. I didn't sleep well last night fearing my God daughter was there. Once you find out otherwise you want to say things like glad all my family and friends are safe and then you hear Olivia's story. She is someone's daughter and they can't post that. I'm rambling. Sorry. Just saddened.
Yes because all those extra police with their truncheons would be very useful in that situation. That plan has nothing to do with cutting police numbers.
Sources confirmed the detailed plan had been discussed at the highest level and would only be triggered by the Cobra committee chaired by the Prime Minister if there were two or three terror attacks at the same time in Britain, leaving police struggling to respond.

Will Riches, vice-chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: ‘The bottom line is you can’t reduce 17,000 police officers and expect nothing to change. While police are well-versed at contingency planning, the levels of cuts to officers means that we cannot police events in the same way.’
Honestly best thing to do is ignore them, block them, don't mention them anywhere as they consider traction of any kind as worthwhile. Events like this bring out the best and worst in people and I find it's best to just filter out those who don't make an attempt to understand but simply use these incidents as nothing more than fuel for a narrative that suits.

Very true mate, sage advice.
Olivia Campbell has passed away, I've just read in the news. Heart breaking. Rest in peace. Thoughts are with the family.
Absolutely awful, I've spent the day refreshing the same names over and over. At this point anyone still missing I fear the worst.
Can definitely feel an increased police presence in and around Manchester. Must have driven past about 20-30 vans and cars tonight. Despite knowing there isn't much they could have done to stop the harrowing events it is still reassuring to know measures are being taken.

I think there is a real question if we should increase counter terrorism officer numbers. The bomber was known to authorities, unless this was a cock up on their part he probably was lower down on the watch list and not a priority given the limited resources available.

Boots on the ground would help too I believe, more professional eyes and ears on the street will always help, especially with forging links in Muslim communities that helps with intelligence.

The counter argument is that, statistically, the real threat of terrorism in the U.K. is minuscule.
I know people should go on with their lives and all and I don't expect them to talk about this the whole time. But I can't feel anything but despise for a colleague who has happily put a profile pic of her in Barcelona with a Desigual bag walking around. Of course 2 other colleagues have commented something like Desigual rules or whatever. Not a worry in their lives or her life.
Tomorrow morning I'll need to hear about it, they'll all happily listen to her beautiful stories. At most she'll say it's terrible what happened in Manchester but in 2nd sentence she'll comment on the big themes, like which chocolate does she like best or which new ice cream is out.

Maybe it's just me but people are so stupid. So so stupid.
I don't think that's fair mate. People do have to continue living their lives - if we could do nothing but mourn every time something horrible happened in the world then life wouldn't be too much worth living.

It's obviously completely fair to feel as you have too.
I'd be very surprised if both United and City haven't made donations. Hopefully, they won't advertise it. Nobody should be making any kind of "political" capital out of such a tragedy.
I dont think he was trying to advertise it.

Its just a good gesture. And with Yaya coming from a part of the world where such things also happen far more frequently, he probably just relates.
I don't think that's fair mate. People do have to continue living their lives - if we could do nothing but mourn every time something horrible happened in the world then life wouldn't be too much worth living.

It's obviously completely fair to feel as you have too.
yeah I guess you're right. That's why I said maybe it's just me or I need to change my job.
I didn't mean people should mourn every day but to show at least little compassion.
yeah I guess you're right. That's why I said maybe it's just me or I need to change my job.
I didn't mean people should mourn every day but to show at least little compassion.

You don't know if they're not in private. I've restricted watching the news too much or discussing this at work, thinking about it is almost too much to handle.
Completely unimportant, in the grand scheme of things but I wonder how many City fans will be going against all their natural inclinations and rooting for a United win tonight, to bring some joy to the city? I know I'd be hoping City won if they were in the final instead of us. Stuff like this makes derby vitriol seem strange. The supporters of the two teams have so more much in common with each other than any other club in the league.
You don't know if they're not in private. I've restricted watching the news too much or discussing this at work, thinking about it is almost too much to handle.
When you work with someone for 4,5 years you get to know them. But it doesn't matter. I'm the same, I've been feeling sick the whole day and best not to talk about it.
I know people should go on with their lives and all and I don't expect them to talk about this the whole time. But I can't feel anything but despise for a colleague who has happily put a profile pic of her in Barcelona with a Desigual bag walking around. Of course 2 other colleagues have commented something like Desigual rules or whatever. Not a worry in their lives or her life.
Tomorrow morning I'll need to hear about it, they'll all happily listen to her beautiful stories. At most she'll say it's terrible what happened in Manchester but in 2nd sentence she'll comment on the big themes, like which chocolate does she like best or which new ice cream is out.

Maybe it's just me but people are so stupid. So so stupid.

I do think that's a bit ridiculous. Not that you can help how you feel, and I completely understand that this has hit you on an emotional level, but e.g. >200,000 people died last year from malnutrition in Africa, do you spend all year mourning them?

Now in a sense I actually think you are right — We should spend more time thinking about the on-going tragedies of humanity and less thinking about our material purchases. But to spend days putting your life on hold for a terrorist attack is exactly the intended result. So yeah, people are thoughtless but don't start hating people because of their reaction (or lack of) to a terrorist attack.
Olivia Campbell has passed away, I've just read in the news. Heart breaking. Rest in peace. Thoughts are with the family.

At this point, I think that all those not found, the pictures of the missing, they have all died.Terrible waste of life.

Have to say, I think the press have managed to limbo under even the lowest bar set for decency from them over this, relatives being hounded, turning up at their houses. It was supposed to change after Dowler and leveson, and nothing has actually been done.
I do think that's a bit ridiculous. Not that you can help how you feel, and I completely understand that this has hit you on an emotional level, but e.g. >200,000 people died last year from malnutrition in Africa, do you spend all year mourning them?

Now in a sense I actually think you are right — We should spend more time thinking about the on-going tragedies of humanity and less thinking about our material purchases. But to spend days putting your life on hold for a terrorist attack is exactly the intended result. So yeah, people are thoughtless but don't start hating people because of their reaction (or lack of) to a terrorist attack.
I don't hate anyone, heck I work with hose people. Granted my post was a bit harsh. As I said I didn't mean people should mourn all tragedies all year or all day when something happen. Nor should they put their life on hold.
I guess it's just my frustration with the stupid, meaningless stuff I hear at work combined with the tragedy.
I don't hate anyone, heck I work with hose people. Granted my post was a bit harsh. As I said I didn't mean people should mourn all tragedies all year or all day when something happen. I guess it's just my frustration with the stupid, meaningless stuff I hear at work combined with the tragedy.

Everyone copes differently.

Some people just find blocking it all out easier than dealing with the world we live in today. Maybe through fear, maybe just because its so awful. Its not deliberate.
At this point, I think that all those not found, the pictures of the missing, they have all died.Terrible waste of life.

Have to say, I think the press have managed to limbo under even the lowest bar set for decency from them over this, relatives being hounded, turning up at their houses. It was supposed to change after Dowler and leveson, and nothing has actually been done.

fecking awful mate when they went to they woman's house for an interview I felt sick.
Journalists who milk these kind of tragedies.. how can they sleep at night?
Worst part is I think they sleep like babies....

I do think that's a bit ridiculous. Not that you can help how you feel, and I completely understand that this has hit you on an emotional level, but e.g. >200,000 people died last year from malnutrition in Africa, do you spend all year mourning them?

Now in a sense I actually think you are right — We should spend more time thinking about the on-going tragedies of humanity and less thinking about our material purchases. But to spend days putting your life on hold for a terrorist attack is exactly the intended result. So yeah, people are thoughtless but don't start hating people because of their reaction (or lack of) to a terrorist attack.

I will sound like a cnut but don't. Tragedies and bad events are part of Humans lives, if you don't learn how to acknowledge them but still move on, you are going to end in a bad place. That's partially how events like the one in this thread happen.
When you work with someone for 4,5 years you get to know them. But it doesn't matter. I'm the same, I've been feeling sick the whole day and best not to talk about it.

You have a connection to Manchester though. I wouldn't expect people in Croatia to be overly preoccupied with this, assuming your location is correct.
With the IRA, the Catholic v Protestant presentation was always around. Stronger than the unionist v republican labels most of the time. So perhaps not "Christian terrorists", but that was because people felt the need to distinguish between the strands.

They were called Irish mostly because that was the way to differentiate. And they were never called religious fanatics.
You have a connection to Manchester though. I wouldn't expect people in Croatia to be overly preoccupied with this, assuming your location is correct.
That's true. It's all good I think it's just an overall frustration and a bad phase or a bad week, this tragedy just made it even worse. But you made a good point about Manchester connection.