Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Deeply worrying they've raised the alert level to the most severe.

They won't have done this as a precaution and have Intel that shows he was working with others who could be ready to strike again.
I think I'd rather live in a society that supposedly opens the door for terrorists, tries to apologise for people that have done nothing wrong being supposedly linked with these people and suffers a terrorist attack once in a blue moon because some retarded feckwit wants to blow himself up over some false protection from it because everyone around me is crazy.

Especially so when you factor in Boko Haram clearly not giving a flying feck about anyone being crazy over there.

Open doors for terrorists? What are you on about? The majority of the ones who live among us are certainly no terrorists. They live in peace and are given their respect and space no matter how weird we view think their ways are. That flies out the window if any feckwit as you say starts blowing people up, as more retarded feckwits on the other side will repay in kind. You are free to open your doors to as much terrorists and apologise to whoever you want, just take the consequences that come with it
Deeply worrying they've raised the alert level to the most severe.

They won't have done this as a precaution and have Intel that shows he was working with others who could be ready to strike again.

Cynical me says it might be a political move. Hopefully, I guess.
NBC reporting that the arrest today was the brother to the suspect. They were ahead of the UK media yesterday too, and it seems reckless that US officials are leaking this information whilst the UK (& US no doubt..) are working tirelessly at the moment.

Poor from NBC too, but I guess this is what happens when news is about ratings and commercial interests.
Yep, pissed me off yesterday and now they are doing it again. Has to be incredibly frustrating for the UK agencies seeing their intelligence being treated with a total disregard.

Reminds me of a recent Vox video about US officials losing the trust of foreign intelligence agencies with some leaks earlier in the year. Totally amateur from them.

One thing people don't seem to understand that what makes Islamic terrorists most dangerous, the cutting edge their motivation to do this shit has over every other religion/person is the willingness to die for their cause, a willingness which stems from the belief that there's some reward for dying in Jihad, a jihad which is open to interpretation. This willingness to die because of some reward in the after life is something unique to Islam that makes them a problem. There's a reason other religions aren't strapping themselves with bombs to hurt people, at least in Christianity I know suicide is a straight trip to Hell. You can't fight a guy who is willing to die to get at you, what is a bunch of kids to a person willing to kill himself? That's why all these talk about these things having 'nothing to do with Islam' bemuses me. Why is there no one else doing what they do so often?
I've tried to write something in this thread 4 times today but I can't find the words.

You'd think I could because I've been unable to think about anything else all day but it's just all so fecking senseless.

There have been a few bright glimpses in the comments, pictures and footage of people and communities pulling together, or emergency services doing the incredible.

But by and large this has been a shitty, shitty day for those of us totally unaffected, let alone those poor people and communities beginning to come to terms with the most unimaginable grief.

Thoughts are with everyone in Manchester. Hope all but one of last night's casualties rest well and peacefully while all those injured recover in full.
Deeply worrying they've raised the alert level to the most severe.

They won't have done this as a precaution and have Intel that shows he was working with others who could be ready to strike again.

It's not really, natural reaction by a government after a terrorist attack.

Perhaps it's me having a slightly laissez-faire attitude to it but surely the time after the attack is the least likely time it's gonna happen again.
Stay safe, Mancunians. I don't want to be a fear mongerer but if they raised the level to critical, it's because they have gathered intel about an imminent attack.
At least that's how it works over here. Altough after the brussels attacks last year the OCAD (agency that assesses the threat level) had initially raised it to maximum level too iirc, just to lower the level a day or two later without any attack that had place. Still, I'd try to avoid big crowds of people for the time being, at least until they lower the level again, which will probably be after they made some arrests. Better safe than sorry.
Cynical me says it might be a political move. Hopefully, I guess.
The statement from Islamic State said the attack was an “endeavor to terrorize the mushrikin,” using the Arabic word for polytheists, a pejorative that includes Christians, according to the group's ideology, and it threatened to carry out more attacks.

“What comes next,” it said, “will be more severe on the worshipers of the Cross and their allies, by Allah’s permission.”
Then again it may be in part due to that statement. And of course that the bomber had spent time in Libya before the attack.
The Manchester Arena suicide bomber had made trips to Libya, Downing Street said last night, as intelligence agencies combed his connections with al-Qaeda and Islamic State in his parents’ homeland.

Salman Abedi, 22, who was reportedly known to the security services, is thought to have returned from Libya as recently as this week.

A school friend told The Times: "He went to Libya three weeks ago and came back recently, like days ago."
It might be better for humanity if the west stopped medling so much though.

If you combine with some family disharmony and / or mental illness it starts to be a pattern for me. Geo-politics though, innit. Grubby old business. And now we live in a much smaller world, technologically more advanced, particularly for the exchange of information & the nasty resources of destruction - availability & trade in guns & explosives, etc - he outlines vaguely.
The terrorist who killed the holidaymakers in Tunisia was trained in Libya. Now this guy just returned from there.

Regime change with no plan beyond control the oil fields left it a lawless state where isis can do as they please.
  • Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

    Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.

    Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
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It's not really, natural reaction by a government after a terrorist attack.

Perhaps it's me having a slightly laissez-faire attitude to it but surely the time after the attack is the least likely time it's gonna happen again.

They don't raise the threat level after every attack though so I think it's more than just a standard precaution to take.

Regarding the bit in bold, if the original attacker had accomplices or associates then I'd imagine the risk of them committing an attack themselves increases in the aftermath of an attack like this. They would know that they'll quickly be the focus of the investigation into the original attack, which puts them in a rather desperate position with a limited window of time left before they're tracked down. That not only puts time pressure on them if they're planning any other attacks but also increases the chances of reckless attempts to avoid capture.
I'm not sure if it wasn't posted before, but this really made my heart grow.

What a class. Be proud of your city, Manchester lads. You have every right to.
Exactly. It's actually worse than I originally thought. Its in the millions not thousands. When we've killed so many of them are people surprised that they would retaliate ?

I'm generally sympathetic to critical viewpoints, but that study is absolute nonsense.

For instance:
The U.S. is responsible for between 1 and 1.8 million deaths during the war between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan, by luring the Soviet Union into invading that nation. (1,2,3,4)

That's one of the most ridiculous criteria ever set for ascertaining responsibility. They blame the US for the war because it lured the Soviet Union into invading. That's different level thinking.

Should add, that it isn't actually a study but a propaganda piece. In its annotations, it cites Wikipedia articles. You know you've strayed into unprofessional crackpot land when you see that.
Something that really, really troubles me in the wake of any terrorist attack is the inevitable self loathing chorus of:

'We as western countries, commit terrible attrocities all around the world every day'

I'll try to be objective here. The above statement isn't necessarily incorrect, nor is it to be brushed aside or belittled as myth - but when civilians (in this case, children) who have absolutely not a gnat's bollock of involvement in these western misdeeds overseas are being purposefully targeted for maiming and death, the aforementioned self hating just isn't fecking relevant. Even if you've already forgotten one of the earliest addages your mother ever told you - all that business about two wrongs not making a right, you simply cannot justify the barbaric killing of a room full of kids on the grounds of it being somehow their fault by association of nationality. Feck off.
Something that really, really troubles me in the wake of any terrorist attack is the inevitable self loathing chorus of:

'We as western countries, commit terrible attrocities all around the world every day'

I'll try to be objective here. The above statement isn't necessarily incorrect, nor is it to be brushed aside or belittled as myth - but when civilians (in this case, children) who have absolutely not a gnat's bollock of involvement in these western misdeeds overseas are being purposefully targeted for maiming and death, the aforementioned self hating just isn't fecking relevant. Even if you've already forgotten one of the earliest addages your mother ever told you - all that business about two wrongs not making a right, you simply cannot justify the barbaric killing of a room full of kids on the grounds of it being somehow their fault by association of nationality. Feck off.
I am definitely with you but I don't think people are justifying it. Not every time people try to trace root causes rightly or wrongly is a justification. When faced with things we cannot understand which I imagine most us in a time like this, we look for possible patterns, clues, whatever ... Some choose to go down the road of pure anger and easy finger pointing focusing on the most immediate and closest reasoning. Some try to look at the wider narrative. Also, I think the people you are referring to are mostly responding to that section that try to make it sound as though horrific terror was born yesterday and that it is some sort of unique new thing that is strictly linked to Muslims. In that case, I would assume some are rather awkwardly making the point that this is requires some serious mental gymnastics.
In Belgium, the highest terror threat level has been called after the Brussels Airport attacks as well. These are (in theory) based on concrete information that a terrorist attack has been planned to be carried out on our territory. So it's indeed not necessarily linked to an already executed attack, but more likely on intelligence that indicates another attack could be likely.

In our case, this highest threat level remained for several months in Brussels. Meaning we had military presence in our streets for all those months. Depending on the situation and the exact details of the threat, it could also mean that big events like festivals, football games, etc. get cancelled.
How is it that there are still people missing ? Was the blast that destructive that it obliterated people to where they can't be identified ?
How is it that there are still people missing ? Was the blast that destructive that it obliterated people to where they can't be identified ?
It seems weird. Drained phones etc should be out of the equation by now. Perhaps they are waiting to make sure all family is informed?
It seems weird. Drained phones etc should be out of the equation by now. Perhaps they are waiting to make sure all family is informed?

Yeah possibly. CNN have been playing the Olivia Campbell story all day today.

Edit. Someone in the comments claims the family have been informed.
The article read terror attacks...

It still didn't say that people should just get used to terrorism though and it certainly wasn't meant in that context. The way the comments have been twisted to fit certain agendas is disgusting.

Talking of disgusting, American mouthcunt Alex Jones has just recorded a video where he spouts his usual ill-informed, agenda driven, disgusting rhetoric. I wont post it here out of respect and because the twat thrives off publicity. Exactly the same as Katie Hopkins who has been mouthing off on Fox News all day. Fecking disgraceful woman. She's been on Fox a few times this week already, mainly slagging immigrants and especially Muslims. Awful, awful woman.