Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Bit random but this really struck a cord with me and may do for other parents. I've an 8 year old who is obsessed with Manchester United and hence, Manchester in general. How do I discuss this with him without making the world seem like a shitty place?

Jesus, this depressed me. I have a 3 year old girl. Sometimes I look at here while she smiles and plays around and think to myself. You don't know anything, you'll see such horrible stuff in your life....

Bit random but this really struck a cord with me and may do for other parents. I've an 8 year old who is obsessed with Manchester United and hence, Manchester in general. How do I discuss this with him without making the world seem like a shitty place?

There has so many in the last couple of years my lad without fully understanding sadly knows the world is shitty

Him and his pals were chatting about it in school and I think they might assume this is the norm

He asked if any if the Utd players were hurt and was a bit worried that me and his his mum were in the city just hours before.
There has so many in the last couple of years my lad without fully understanding sadly knows the world is shitty

Him and his pals were chatting about it in school and I think they might assume this is the norm

He asked if any if the Utd players were hurt and was a bit worried that me and his his mum were in the city just hours before.

You got hold of them mate?
NBC reporting that the arrest today was the brother to the suspect. They were ahead of the UK media yesterday too, and it seems reckless that US officials are leaking this information whilst the UK (& US no doubt..) are working tirelessly at the moment.

Poor from NBC too, but I guess this is what happens when news is about ratings and commercial interests.
Thanks for all the messages we got home safely thank god! The explosion was on the staircase next to where we were coming out! Thankfully we went to our left and not right, otherwise we would have been in the middle of it . My thoughts are with those caught in it. Xx
Glad you're safe brother. And your wife.
We were never in and danger at all.

But it is weird that we had dins a few mins away the Sunday night and did a little shopping in the arndale Monday morning before flying home

Get back to Ireland, unpack turn on the news and then feck
We were never in and danger at all.

But it is weird that we had dins a few mins away the Sunday night and did a little shopping in the arndale Monday morning before flying home

Get back to Ireland, unpack turn on the news and then feck

I couldn't believe it last night. 9/11 hit hard here. Mrs Blaggs especially. This got me good because my family was in it. My friends were in it at Wigan hospital.
There has so many in the last couple of years my lad without fully understanding sadly knows the world is shitty

Him and his pals were chatting about it in school and I think they might assume this is the norm
The kids I'm teaching in high school now don't remember the world before the War on Terror. I think it's had an effect on their worldview.
Why does this 'Christians murder people too' discussions always come up in discussions about Islam related killings, which is pretty recurrent. Why don't we save the discussions about the evils of Christianity and other religions till when they actually wear a vest and blow people up or go on senseless killing sprees on regular basis then we canbash them all we we want in the respective threads?
No, it's an attack in response to the actions the West has taken in the Middle-East.

It's much, much more complicated than that. You can't exclusively - or even primarily - blame this on what has happened in the Middle East.
Those who feel the breath of sadness
Sit down next to me
Those who find they're touched by madness
Sit down next to me
Those who find themselves ridiculous
Sit down next to me

In love, in fear, in hate, in tears

Been listening to that song all day. Powerful as ever after the recent events.
Cynically... Lynton Crosby will approve. This could be May's Falklands moment.
Only apt if Argentina had won, mate. Personally, I'm not overly impressed by leaders who are 'strong and stable' after a tragedy.

Bit random but this really struck a cord with me and may do for other parents. I've an 8 year old who is obsessed with Manchester United and hence, Manchester in general. How do I discuss this with him without making the world seem like a shitty place?

Powerful stuff...
I'm from Brazil, and we are a very diverse place, with a small muslim community.

You rarely see terror attacks here (few weeks back, there was a Syrian who threw a bomb in a protest, but was quickly arrested, and some years back a guy converted to Islam, went to a school and shot a bunch of children, in the Massacre of Realengo). You don't see marches in favor of Sharia, to defend hijab, or being harassed in the streets for not dressing by some standards written in the book (although, there are some people that try to shame others, but it's ridiculed). You see mostly muslims fitting the culture, not trying to change it, or dominate it. I had very few openly muslim friends, and those guys were crazier than me, in a good sense. The little contact I had showed me no difference between us.

I don't know if extremists don't get a turn here because we are a very open and violent country, or because their intolerance wouldn't fly here.

I agree that giving too much exposure to terrorist is falling to what they wish, spread fear and show the power to punish the infidels. But seeing what happens in Europe, I often wonder when will be enough?

Sweden has no go zones and this year a guy hijacked a truck and butchered five people, Berlin had a similar attack, the Bastille Day attack at Nice was disgusting with more the 80 murders. London has mainly muslim neighborhoods with sharia police, Paris had extremists rioting and using Molotov on policemen, terror attacks skyrocketed throughout Europe and there is one common factor in the massive majority, if not all of them. Islam extremists.

I know there are lots of muslims here, and most if not all condem this kind of attitude, I assume. With the attacks being more constant, where do you think the relations in Europe will head?

Same with where I am, they are definitely calmer where they their intolerance won't fly. I can't imagine a muslim doing something like this in the part of Nigeria where I live, they'll be exterminated, everybody is crazy over here
Only apt if Argentina had won, mate. Personally, I'm not overly impressed by leaders who are 'strong and stable' after a tragedy.
It's what you need but May had a noticeably different tone to normal in this announcement tonight. There was an undercurrent of quiet but serious concern coming through. Left me wondering what the security services know. And they'll know a fair bit by now.
Why does this 'Christians murder people too' discussions always come up in discussions about Islam related killings, which is pretty recurrent. Why don't we save the discussions about the evils of Christianity and other religions till when they actually wear a vest and blow people up or go on senseless killing sprees on regular basis then we canbash them all we we want in the respective threads?

Because must people understand that the religion isn't the reason it's happening. It's easy for people to get angry at something they clearly dont understand well. So we often use Christianity as an example because most people here understand it more than Islam.

I could take it even closer and exclude religion altogether our government has killed hundreds of people in the middle east over the last couple decades and that had nothing to do with religion

Regardless it's evil people doing evil things using whatever justification they can find to make themselves feel good about it.
That is always the case until it happens to your family (god forbid it ever does and it most likely will not). Then it would feel like they've won and there is nothing you can do about it. It's really got me stewing the way they have been getting away with this for so long and last night boiled my piss. I'm sick of this country doing feck all about this, instead too concerned about offending people. If I'm wrong and we are making great strides too stop this then tell me, but this has been going on for decades now.

But it affects all their families as well. The countries their recent ancestors hail from have been bombed and war torn for years which our government has had a massive hand in.

Don't get me wrong I don't condone the actions in the slightest, however I won't let myself be fooled into thinking we've got it bad.

Put it this way, last night's events are the worst of their kind in Northern England. Ever.

When you can probably go back a week or 2 and you'll find ones that eclipse this massively in the eastern world.
Same with where I am, they are definitely calmer where they their intolerance won't fly. I can't imagine a muslim doing something like this in the part of Nigeria where I live, they'll be exterminated, everybody is crazy over here

Umm buka haram?

My mum lives in abuja and people anywhere north of there have been in fear the last few years because of all the terrorist attacks there.
I know people should go on with their lives and all and I don't expect them to talk about this the whole time. But I can't feel anything but despise for a colleague who has happily put a profile pic of her in Barcelona with a Desigual bag walking around. Of course 2 other colleagues have commented something like Desigual rules or whatever. Not a worry in their lives or her life.
Tomorrow morning I'll need to hear about it, they'll all happily listen to her beautiful stories. At most she'll say it's terrible what happened in Manchester but in 2nd sentence she'll comment on the big themes, like which chocolate does she like best or which new ice cream is out.

Maybe it's just me but people are so stupid. So so stupid.
Bit random but this really struck a cord with me and may do for other parents. I've an 8 year old who is obsessed with Manchester United and hence, Manchester in general. How do I discuss this with him without making the world seem like a shitty place?
I'm struggling to remember what happened when IRA bombs went off in my youth. I remember getting scared seeing them on the news, but I don't remember any major chats with my parents or anything to explain it, and still the enduring memory of my childhood is obsessing over United and playing football in the park till the sun went down. I can't say whether that was a good or a bad way of dealing with it, but I think it was as natural as any other way.

Then again your kid may well just have less of a one track mind than I did :lol: Great poem as well.
I know people should go on with their lives and all and I don't expect them to talk about this the whole time. But I can't feel anything but despise for a colleague who has happily put a profile pic of her in Barcelona with a Desigual bag walking around. Of course 2 other colleagues have commented something like Desigual rules or whatever. Not a worry in their lives or her life.
Tomorrow morning I'll need to hear about it, they'll all happily listen to her beautiful stories. At most she'll say it's terrible what happened in Manchester but in 2nd sentence she'll comment on the big themes, like which chocolate does she like best or which new ice cream is out.

Maybe it's just me but people are so stupid. So so stupid.
I feel you. People can be so cold about serious events.
Absolutely heartbreaking watching this unfold today. Targeting a place where young people gather to have fun is truly despicable.

My thoughts are with the people affected and the emergency services who have to go into these terrible sites and do their jobs.

Bit random but this really struck a cord with me and may do for other parents. I've an 8 year old who is obsessed with Manchester United and hence, Manchester in general. How do I discuss this with him without making the world seem like a shitty place?

Focus on the good in people. Sounds really hippy I know, but there's so much good to have come from last night, people opening their doors, of all creeds and race, helping, taking people in, looking after them, making sure they could contact loved ones. My 5 year old didn't pick up on anything today, I'm glad, I'm not sure I'd have sounded convincing.
There's been like 3 bomb attacks in Abuja since Boko Haram started their shit, and the last one was years ago.Like you the North is dominated by muslims where Abuja is a part of, Abuja is heaven compared to what the more Northern states are going through. How many Boko Haram bomb blasts have you heard about in the south of Nigeria? That was my point, their outnumbered over there by people who won't hesistate to chase out every single muslim if such happens, hence they stay pretty peacefull
Same with where I am, they are definitely calmer where they their intolerance won't fly. I can't imagine a muslim doing something like this in the part of Nigeria where I live, they'll be exterminated, everybody is crazy over here

I think I'd rather live in a society that supposedly opens the door for terrorists, tries to apologise for people that have done nothing wrong being supposedly linked with these people and suffers a terrorist attack once in a blue moon because some retarded feckwit wants to blow himself up over some false protection from it because everyone around me is crazy.

Especially so when you factor in Boko Haram clearly not giving a flying feck about anyone being crazy over there.
With the threat level going up today seems like this wasn't the work of a loner. Likely to be a coordinated group with the possibility of several more bombs been made.
Yeah, you would presume so. Unlikely that a single person would be behind something like this.
I'm struggling to remember what happened when IRA bombs went off in my youth. I remember getting scared seeing them on the news, but I don't remember any major chats with my parents or anything to explain it, and still the enduring memory of my childhood is obsessing over United and playing football in the park till the sun went down. I can't say whether that was a good or a bad way of dealing with it, but I think it was as natural as any other way.

Then again your kid may well just have less of a one track mind than I did :lol: Great poem as well.

I have a very clear memory of the Omagh bombing from when I was a kid and I think that's largely because some of the victims were children too. I'd imagine it will be the same for a lot of kids now, the death of an 8 year-old at an Ariane Grande concert will cross over into their childhood bubble more than most attacks would.