Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

I think so, aye. Personally felt it was a very nice tribute.
Sounds like a poetic version of Paul Morley's book North, very JCC -ish too. Can't have had much time to write it either. I'm not familiar with LBC apart from having just checked their site. Who/what are they ?
On that debate you mentioned: I think both tendencies can be observed, so I'm not sure why these positions have to be mutually exclusive. These tendencies seem to be two sides of the same development to me.

On that l agree mostly, I think much of the bitterness between the two can be explained by academic rivalry.

Having said that, I tend to lean in favour of Kepel. I think Roy's ideas can help highlight individual cases of men turning to jihad, but they can't explain the broad, global appeal of the actual movement, the consistency of its core tenets in place and time, etc. For that you need Kepel.

(Also I've read more Kepel, he wrote one of the best books on Islamist over 30 years ago which still stands as a must-read today).
Don't want the intent of my original message to get lost - those are the simplistic, reductive "solutions" which create more problems than they solve and I disagree with them. Apologies, think my sarcasm was a bit too thick.

Ah right. Sorry about that. Your post is clear enough for me when one reads it properly.

(it was getting a bit snarky around there though, wasn't it) #MiserableExcuse
This may sound stupid or too simple but.

I read reports and stories from Belgium, Germany France, UK, Netherlands about imams having inflammatory sermons in mosques and religious schools being funded by Saudi Arabia which teach bout radical islam and call for revenge on the West and that sort of stuff.

After every attack stories like that pop out. So surely police in those countries already know about those places and about certain indviduals who teach young people about that stuff and encourage them to go on the attacks like last night's. Is the work about that lacking, are those imams being interrogated, jailed, punished? Are those mosques and schools being closed? Or they pop out in such numbers they can't be all closed? I'm just wondering does the countries' police and secret service doing enough to solve or try to solve the root of the problems.
Of course other problems are education or the lack of it. Poverty and lack of life chances are the breeding space for this kind of crazy ideas and young brains are easily poisoned. Everybody must do their part so at least someof the attacks or most of it are prevented.

Of course one of the solutions, the big one, would be to West to cut all the ties with Saudi Arabia and proclaim them enemy number one but that won't happen ever...
So awful.

If anyone responsible can be found, let us hope vengeance is powerful.
Woke up this morning and asked my Echo what the news is like I normally do, "19 people killed in an explosion" it says, barely bat an eyelid, standard stuff, feel like I've heard this 100 times before, I wonder where in the middle east this one will be, "in Manchester" it says... Holy shit, that was a weird feeling.
Don't want the intent of my original message to get lost - those are the simplistic, reductive "solutions" which create more problems than they solve and I disagree with them. Apologies, think my sarcasm was a bit too thick.

:lol: fair play
Threat level now at critical another attack deemed imminent, may deploy armed forces to streets.

Shit is scary, stay safe all!
Perhaps they've received some intel from that person they arrested.
Good way to go about things. I'd rather we were safe than sorry at this moment and time.
Think its the potential for imminent threats, not necessarily that they have intel.

Hopefully not anyway and its just political.
Surely it is though? Attacks like this, if we are to associate them with a general motive of radical terrorism, are designed to strike fear into us and therefore change the way we live.
No, it's an attack in response to the actions the West has taken in the Middle-East.
Critical can only be maintained for a few days at most, so it won't just be a precautionary or potential threat.
It's only raised to critical if they feel another attack maybe or is imminent. They don't raise it as standard procedure after an attack....they didn't raise it after the Westminster attack.

Exactly. The hasn't been done on a whim.

It's utterly terrifying.
The Guardian

Given that a “further attack may be imminent”, as Theresa May told the nation tonight, the threat level has been raised to critical. That allows military personnel to be deployed on the streets of Britain to free up armed police resources to hunt down suspects.

The arrangements are known as military assistance to civil powers. A key driver is that the numbers of police armed officers are limited, and they are best suited to hunt for any other terrorists, where the aim is to arrest if possible and try them in the courts.