Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

If that is the case then thank god for Americans.

Its downright dumb to keep such details under wraps for even few seconds. Imagine if there were other bombers around more people would be sitting ducks when they should have been informed of the danger.

Obviously other bombers would be informed to the public. The only information that needs withholding is the name of the terrorist. Hence you are denying him the chance to be a martyr and everyone knowing his name.
In Britain we've lost how many people to terrorism? A few hundred maybe in the last decade? And for that, you'd hand over your right to privacy?

Where do i sign? I've got nothing to hide.

Wouldn't care less if i was monitored or any shit like that because, like I said, I have nothing to hide and it's worth it if it can save even one life.
Then email the police with all your social media and email passwords and request that all your post arrives via them as well. Job done and the rest of us can carry on.

Surely its time to start re-thinking this position? Technology and globalised world we live in has changed the rules of the game. We need to start differently about what people can say and do online (for example), if the end result is the likes of last night.
Where do i sign? I've got nothing to hide.

Wouldn't care less if i was monitored or any shit like that because, like I said, I have nothing to hide and it's worth it if it can save even one life.

Presumably you'd argue for banning cars, planes, smoking, drinking, or anything else which can kill people? I understand where people are coming from with this but I think we should be incredibly staunch in standing up for our civil liberties.
Where do i sign? I've got nothing to hide.

Wouldn't care less if i was monitored or any shit like that because, like I said, I have nothing to hide and it's worth it if it can save even one life.

I think you're missing the point of the terrorists winning if this is what happens. The terrorists want us to live in a police state where our freedom is minimised.

Also, no amount of access to accounts could stop an atrocity like yesterday as they would just use different means of communicating.
Protecting the very basics of our criminal justice system does not make someone a 'Social Justice Warrior'. Right now everyone is angry and rightly so. A barbaric bastard just did something horrific and unspeakable, and he deserves to be locked away for the rest of his miserable life. That doesn't justify throwing away everything that makes our justice system fair and just. If you do that then the next time someone gets tortured and murdered by a mob and they later find out they got the wrong man, then thats on you.

Ignore him, mate. He's trying to use the events last night to continue giving his reactionary political views an airing. This isn't what it's about.
I don't want to come off bad and I don't mean it that way but is there a chance it could affect our players tomorrow? It seems to certainly affect other people from Manchester.

Depends, maybe some of the staff at the club have family members/friends of their children who have been harmed by this.
I think you're missing the point of the terrorists winning if this is what happens. The terrorists want us to live in a police state where our freedom is minimised.

Also, no amount of access to accounts could stop an atrocity like yesterday as they would just use different means of communicating.

Very true.
You're all discussing privacy as if the NSA and GCHQ weren't already doing what they are doing... Didn't prevent any of the attacks we saw in the last years though. There's a limit to what can be done.
Obviously other bombers would be informed to the public. The only information that needs withholding is the name of the terrorist. Hence you are denying him the chance to be a martyr and everyone knowing his name.
Clearly not what @Fergie's gum meant the govt/authorities intended to do.

"They also leaked out that it was a suicide bomber when the investigators would have preferred for that info to be kept quiet for a little while."
It's a little bizarre I must admit, but I'm a firm believer of not changing my life around these things. I never let 9/11 stop me flying to the US and this cnut sure as shit won't stop me enjoying my city.

You can kind of tell people have something on their mind, but they're going about their business.
I've calmed down a little since this morning and i with this wholeheartedly. I was considering not attending Carrick's testimonial but why the feck should i have to live like a recluse.
Presumably you'd argue for banning cars, planes, smoking, drinking, or anything else which can kill people? I understand where people are coming from with this but I think we should be incredibly staunch in standing up for our civil liberties.

Let's destroy Radical Islam first then sort out your lack of TV licence afterwards.
Thanks, man!

I'm sure those are not happy places, but from what you are saying, far from what we have in the favelas.

No problem amigo. When it comes to extremists, I have never really heard about some christian extrimist blowing people up for some jesus. Although, Breivik did kill lots of teens couple of years ago, but that was not in the name of some religion, it was just hate. There are evil people out there that use religion as a tool to control others and to spread terror. I am not religious myself, but I don't think this terror would dissappear in a world without religion (or Islam), insane people would instead blow themselves up in-the-name-of-something-else.

I just cannot grasp how there are grown human beings that are ready to kill children and other innocent people for any reason. There is no rehabilitation for such insane evil mind. If such animal is caught sympathising a terrorist group that propagates killing innocent people - then already at that point such person should be locked away for eternity.
Presumably you'd argue for banning cars, planes, smoking, drinking, or anything else which can kill people? I understand where people are coming from with this but I think we should be incredibly staunch in standing up for our civil liberties.
So you will equate personal choices to being a victim of terrorism.
You're all discussing privacy as if the NSA and GCHQ weren't already doing what they are doing... Didn't prevent any of the attacks we saw in the last years though. There's a limit of what can be done though.

The U.K. has one of the most sophisticated and successful counter terrorism operations in the world. Widely viewed as being best in class. But to put it in perspective, to put 24hr surveillance on anyone it takes around 30 people on the ground, plus analysts. Which means that at any given time, of the 1,000 or so people of interest the intelligence services have, they only actively track 200 as high risk. And of these 200 they can only do round the clock work on 50 at a time. So a lot of educating guessing going on.

This is the same with even the best resourced agencies.
You're all discussing privacy as if the NSA and GCHQ weren't already doing what they are doing... Didn't prevent any of the attacks we saw in the last years though. There's a limit to what can be done.

Exactly. And the complete lack of internet communication, social media etc did not stop countless acts of murder and terrorism in the centuries before this one.
No problem amigo. When it comes to extremists, I have never really heard about some christian extrimist blowing people up for some jesus. Although, Breivik did kill lots of teens couple of years ago, but that was not in the name of some religion, it was just hate. There are evil people out there that use religion as a tool to control others and to spread terror. I am not religious myself, but I don't think this terror would dissappear in a world without religion (or Islam), insane people would instead blow themselves up in-the-name-of-something-else.

I just cannot grasp how there are grown human beings that are ready to kill children and other innocent people for any reason. There is no rehabilitation for such insane evil mind. If such animal is caught sympathising a terrorist group that propagates killing innocent people - then already at that point such person should be locked away for eternity.
Anders Breivik was very recent. There have also been bombings against planned parenthood in America.
Depends, maybe some of the staff at the club have family members/friends of their children who have been harmed by this.

One girl who died is near enough the same age as Rashford. With a lot of manchester lads in and around the first team squad again now, it wouldn't be too surprising that at least someone there knows one of the injured.
You're all discussing privacy as if the NSA and GCHQ weren't already doing what they are doing... Didn't prevent any of the attacks we saw in the last years though. There's a limit to what can be done.
There is a limit and not everything can be stopped

And yes there is a good chance everything is being monitored as it is. But maybe they manage to stop other incidents before they have a chance to act
So you will equate personal choices to being a victim of terrorism.

Terrorism has existed since the dawn of humanity. It's existed during absolute monarchies, theocracies, dictatorships and fascist and communism regimes. It existed when minority races and religions were being harshly persecuted, and it exists now when we're supposedly past that in the west. So why the feck anyone thinks giving up centuries of hard won freedoms and rights is going to help anything is frankly beyond me.
I have no idea about what you are talking about. But you are seemingly mixing up Islam extremism with delinquency and banditry.
I have no acess to youtube right now... But if you can, check the Tim Poole video in Sweden.

But I do understand I may have been mislead on it.
Let's destroy Radical Islam first then sort out your lack of TV licence afterwards.

You can't completely "destroy" radical terrorism, whether it be Islam or not. Before the threat of Al-Qaeda and ISIS the UK had to deal with regular bombings from the IRA; I suspect at some point in the future the threat may change as society changes.
Everyone banging on about Islam not being to blame... But it is. Pretty simple isn't it really, almost every attack is perpetrated by Muslim extremists so I'm going to go ahead and say there is some connection.
Anders Breivik was very recent. There have also been bombings against planned parenthood in America.

It was 6 years ago to be exact. That is more than half of a decade. Not so recent to be honest...

I am actually very poorly informed on planned parenthood bombings:(
Anyone talking about a suspension in civil liberties (including a trial) would do well to brush up on Guildford and Kilburn. People imprisoned for a very long time for crimes they didn't commit, but forgotten about because of terrorism and racism/stigma that surrounds it.

It's not noble to suspend civil liberties as a response to terrorism, it's dangerous and pointless.
Everyone banging on about Islam not being to blame... But it is. Pretty simple isn't it really, almost every attack is perpetrated by Muslim extremists so I'm going to go ahead and say there is some connection.

Islam is often an excuse, the Nice terrorist for example was known to not really care about it.
Anyone talking about a suspension in civil liberties (including a trial) would do well to brush up on Guildford and Kilburn. People imprisoned for a very long time for crimes they didn't commit, but forgotten about because of terrorism and racism/stigma that surrounds it.

It's not noble to suspend civil liberties as a response to terrorism, it's dangerous and pointless.

Correct. People arguing that they have "nothing to hide" are completely missing the point; a suspension or erosion of civil liberties grants any respective government more power than they should be entitled to hold, power that can be used for malicious purposes instead of targeting terrorist threats.
I think anything can be twisted and turned to reflect an image someone wants to show. I've seen propaganda videos that made Nazi germany look like good guys by chosing what to show and what not to. Showing only half the truth is still not THE truth.
Agreed completely. The video in question was made amid the confusion about the situation in Sweden, and the Trump quote. And this guy went there as a bet against Infowars to see for himself the situation in Sweden. He worked for NCB,Al Jazeera, and was a producer for Vice.

That's why I kept asking about that, seemed a very unbiased perspective, since his stance of the occupy WS protests and his previous carreer.
I actually can't believe people still throw out the 'I've got nothing to hide' line without smirking. The statement/argument has been destroyed perfectly over and over again for years. It's practically a meme of the internet dumbass.
It was 6 years ago to be exact. That is more than half of a decade. Not so recent to be honest...

I am actually very poorly informed on planned parenthood bombings:(
6 years isn't an ago, really. But the point is terrorism isn't exclusive to any one group. The Charleston church shooting was only 2 years and was done by a white supremacist. Mosques get firebombed every now and again. Our governments destroy hospitals in foreign lands. And the list goes on.