Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Must be a surreal thing. Good on you and hope all is safe.
It's a little bizarre I must admit, but I'm a firm believer of not changing my life around these things. I never let 9/11 stop me flying to the US and this cnut sure as shit won't stop me enjoying my city.

You can kind of tell people have something on their mind, but they're going about their business.
I'm not saying that the problem are the immigrants. I'm saying that the commom factor is the religion extremism. Sometimes, I don't even know if i should be called extremism, because the passages in the quran are quite clear about infidels.

The no-go zones are explained at the post above, but if we could focus on the main point of the post, I think it would be better.

Yeah, I understand you. I was just adding info on Sweden. I am not sure about the so called no-go zones, since I have been in those places couple of times, and never really felt threatened. Although, I would not claim those places are problem free, it is rather the swedish version of "ghetto" (if we have something like that). If you just mind your own business, then there is no risk of provoking wrong kind of people; that is basically the rule in those places.
I don't want to come off bad and I don't mean it that way but is there a chance it could affect our players tomorrow? It seems to certainly affect other people from Manchester.

I can't answer your question where Europe is heading to. All I can tell you that in Gemany, I see a lot of violence from alt-right Germans who proudly pretend to defend Christianity towards muslims and/or refugees. This includes attempts to burning their apartments down while they are asleep. And I know many muslims with different roots (in the sense where their parents or grandparents are from) who are as friendly, tolerant, open etc as you want pals, neighbors or co-workers to be.

IMO, extremism must be tackled regardless of who is committed to and why. From the far-left to far-right, from islamists to Christian fundamentalists. No type of extremism is *better* or *worthier* than the other one.

It's not faith that determines whether people act as despicable feckers. That's an excuse and an injustice to millions if not billions of totally peaceful people of the very same religion.
Thanks for the info, man.

My concern is that people keep comparing all religion extremists, but most if not all attack are muslim extremist. Agree that there is no better or worst extremism, but there is one clear culprit.

Last year, I was going to Europe for a month with my wife to finally wander from Portugal to Turkey, but we got pregnant, and that got way postponed.

Countries with a large Muslim population have more chances in having bad apples and the fact they are in large numbers takes more time for them to assimilate with the local culture if ever they do, plus the fact they aren't that far from the Muslim countries. Here in the states I see the same pattern with the Hispanic population, they live in large numbers in the cities and they don't assimilate the local culture and in some cases they are born in US and they don't speak English until they go to school. The Puerto Ricans are the exception I know a few and they don't speak Spanish.

Yeah, I've been to the US a few times. Wish me and my wife could leave there, actually haha. And hispanic communities, and especially at Florida they are well assimilated with the cultured, as the cultured is with them. But then again, there are not great differences of ideologies, and they get along very well.

New York is the greatest example, I felt safe walking the streets at night, like I never had in Rio for example, made indian, muslim, jewish, chinese friends. So many cultures.
Will probably spur them on, if anything.

To be honest yesterday's events made tomorrow's game irrelevant to me. I just can't shake this feeling of deep sadness.
Well done. I was too furious to reply to this SJW idiot.

Protecting the very basics of our criminal justice system does not make someone a 'Social Justice Warrior'. Right now everyone is angry and rightly so. A barbaric bastard just did something horrific and unspeakable, and he deserves to be locked away for the rest of his miserable life. That doesn't justify throwing away everything that makes our justice system fair and just. If you do that then the next time someone gets tortured and murdered by a mob and they later find out they got the wrong man, then thats on you.
It's a little bizarre I must admit, but I'm a firm believer of not changing my life around these things. I never let 9/11 stop me flying to the US and this cnut sure as shit won't stop me enjoying my city.

You can kind of tell people have something on their mind, but they're going about their business.

Just did the same. The weather is beautiful. Very strange walking around though, there would be double the amount of people about usually.
It's a little bizarre I must admit, but I'm a firm believer of not changing my life around these things. I never let 9/11 stop me flying to the US and this cnut sure as shit won't stop me enjoying my city.

You can kind of tell people have something on their mind, but they're going about their business.

Definitely the best way to go about it. The whole point of the attacks is to influence the way we live. By not allowing them to do this we take away their strength.
Yeah, I understand you. I was just adding info on Sweden. I am not sure about the so called no-go zones, since I have been in those places couple of times, and never really felt threatened. Although, I would not claim those places are problem free, it is rather the swedish version of "ghetto" (if we have something like that). If you just mind your own business, then there is no risk of provoking wrong kind of people; that is basically the rule in those places.
Thanks, man!

I'm sure those are not happy places, but from what you are saying, far from what we have in the favelas.
My right to privacy is worthless compared to that 8 years old death.

There are much better steps that the government can take to save people's lives without it affecting everyday people in their everyday lives. They won't want that though, because they have other agendas. This government does anyway.
The No-go zones are being debated, as that maybe my perception of more and more attacks is being skewed, but what are the others that sum half?
The truck attacks (it's even sad calling it like this, seems the trucks created life and ran people), Paris riots, islam extremists?

I have no idea about what you are talking about. But you are seemingly mixing up Islam extremism with delinquency and banditry.
Just did the same. The weather is beautiful. Very strange walking around though, there would be double the amount of people about usually.

Yea it's a glorious day which also feels a little odd somehow. It wasn't too quiet round this end, but not busy I agree. Aren't the schools off this week though?

Definitely the best way to go about it. The whole point of the attacks is to influence the way we live. By not allowing them to do this we take away their strength.

Agree 100%.
I'm the same. Just doesn't matter does it? It's only football. This is life. And unspeakable tragedy.

No it really doesn't. Tragedies like this put things in perspective.
Thanks, man. Do you think that the TIm Poole video was fabricated?

I think anything can be twisted and turned to reflect an image someone wants to show. I've seen propaganda videos that made Nazi germany look like good guys by chosing what to show and what not to. Showing only half the truth is still not THE truth.
Then email the police with all your social media and email passwords and request that all your post arrives via them as well. Job done and the rest of us can carry on.

Grow up.
The Americans wont be able to keep their mouths shut and will leak the name out if no one else does.

Multiple US officials went and called NBC last night and were leaking plenty of stuff to them. They also leaked out that it was a suicide bomber when the investigators would have preferred for that info to be kept quiet for a little while.
If that is the case then thank god for Americans.

Its downright dumb to keep such details under wraps for even few seconds. Imagine if there were other bombers around more people would be sitting ducks when they should have been informed of the danger.