Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

ISIS just put out a message that this was done by a soldier of the caliphate (via their Telegram channel).

Sounds more and more like a loan wolf.
And few outlets (for example CBS) already confirmed - and released - the identity of this fecker. He was known to authorities.
I think it's times like these you realise just what a phenomenal job the emergency services do. Running towards danger as everyone else runs away.

Being a first responder to an attack like this must be horrifying. Can only imagine what they see.
Yeah i Imagine it stays with them forever.
How do you go about preventing this for the future. Is there any realistic measures to stop these lunatics being radicalised or is it just an inevitability?
In the West, this should be the priority in the long term. I understand people wanting more money spent on security and more snooping etc, but education, integration (which doesn't only apply to foreigners, but British citizens as well), and the culling of extremist/radical preachers in the country should be really targeted. I have no idea how much is being invested in these.
ISIS just put out a message that this was done by a soldier of the caliphate (via their Telegram channel).
Sounds more and more like a loan wolf.

Surely its virtually impossible to carry out an attack like this without anyone else knowing? If so, then the enemy has become even more sophisticated and impossible to track.

They're parasites at times like this, I remember a few years ago the wife of my dads business partner hung herself at the school she worked in. The utter cnuts were surrounding their house for days whilst their teenage kids were trying to get back to school and somehow get on with their lives. Vile.
They're parasites at times like this, I remember a few years ago the wife of my dads business partner hung herself at the school she worked in. The utter cnuts were surrounding their house for days whilst their teenage kids were trying to get back to school and somehow get on with their lives. Vile.
Vile is correct, how do they sleep at night.
Fair enough, but as I don't have anything to hide I couldn't care less who wants to look at any aspect of my life. I don't do political correctness.
For me, if there is something you can do to keep people safe then it should be done.

We'll just have to disagree on this I'm afraid..

It's nothing to do with political correctness, its about not handing over power to the state to have access to every aspect of your life. People will say this isn't the time to talk about it, but it's exactly the time. Because now is the time when powers are given away that will never be gotten back. You might not have anything to hide (you think), but maybe you'll think differently when you find out what handing the state these kinds of powers actually means. Look at America if you don't believe me, people prevented from flying for reasons they are never told but because their name ended up on the wrong list, people's every text message or email scanned, no accountability for any of it because of 'national security' and 'keeping people safe'.

In Britain we've lost how many people to terrorism? A few hundred maybe in the last decade? And for that, you'd hand over your right to privacy?
Surely its virtually impossible to carry out an attack like this without anyone else knowing? If so, then the enemy has become even more sophisticated and impossible to track.

True, maybe loan wolf is a bit misleading. He may have just been influenced by propaganda and took matters into his own hands.
Naming the perp could have some value in terms of people who would otherwise have remained ignorant of his/her identity bringing potentially useful information to light.
I don't think you have to make the name public to achieve that.

How do you go about preventing this for the future. Is there any realistic measures to stop these lunatics being radicalised or is it just an inevitability?
In 99% of the cases the answer will most likely be: No.

And few outlets (for example CBS) already confirmed - and released - the identity of this fecker. He was known to authorities.
I wait for official confirmation. Remember the false reports about the identity of the attacker at Westminster? Let's wait and see.
They're parasites at times like this, I remember a few years ago the wife of my dads business partner hung herself at the school she worked in. The utter cnuts were surrounding their house for days whilst their teenage kids were trying to get back to school and somehow get on with their lives. Vile.
Same situation here a few weeks ago when my neighbour was killed, they were desperately getting anyone to talk to them, whether they knew the people or not, and were craning their zoom lenses down the road when his wife was brought back to the scene with police. Parasites.
This event in particular is a prime opportunity to see how we're not really dealing with 'Islam' or 'religious fundamentalists' but more than anything we're dealing with the insane.

Walking into an arena and blowing yourself up with a home made bomb, killing and injuring innocent children, teenagers and mothers. That's insanity above anything else. I don't have the exact answer but you're never going to solve a problem until you focus on it properly.
And few outlets (for example CBS) already confirmed - and released - the identity of this fecker. He was known to authorities.

F*cking hell:( Does it have to get to this disgusting level before authorities take actions against those who are under their radar.
An attacker tried to enter the France - Germany match in Paris. Only thanks to a guard he didn't make it into the stadium.

That being said, you probably don't mean it that way but I don't think that attacking a football stadium is any scarier than attacking people in an arena or concert hall, at a Christmas market, in restaurants, on the streets in front of a parliament, taking the underground, about to board a plane, praying in church, dancing in a night club. And it isn't any scarier than military attacking hospitals or people fleeing (civil) war.

I couldn't agree more with the part I bolded and would like to add that we shouldn't fall into the trap to feed the narrative of these extremists.

I'm from Brazil, and we are a very diverse place, with a small muslim community.

You rarely see terror attacks here (few weeks back, there was a Syrian who threw a bomb in a protest, but was quickly arrested, and some years back a guy converted to Islam, went to a school and shot a bunch of children, in the Massacre of Realengo). You don't see marches in favor of Sharia, to defend hijab, or being harassed in the streets for not dressing by some standards written in the book (although, there are some people that try to shame others, but it's ridiculed). You see mostly muslims fitting the culture, not trying to change it, or dominate it. I had very few openly muslim friends, and those guys were crazier than me, in a good sense. The little contact I had showed me no difference between us.

I don't know if extremists don't get a turn here because we are a very open and violent country, or because their intolerance wouldn't fly here.

I agree that giving too much exposure to terrorist is falling to what they wish, spread fear and show the power to punish the infidels. But seeing what happens in Europe, I often wonder when will be enough?

Sweden has no go zones and this year a guy hijacked a truck and butchered five people, Berlin had a similar attack, the Bastille Day attack at Nice was disgusting with more the 80 murders. London has mainly muslim neighborhoods with sharia police, Paris had extremists rioting and using Molotov on policemen, terror attacks skyrocketed throughout Europe and there is one common factor in the massive majority, if not all of them. Islam extremists.

I know there are lots of muslims here, and most if not all condem this kind of attitude, I assume. With the attacks being more constant, where do you think the relations in Europe will head?
:( 8 years old...

poor little thing... condolences to her family
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are youngsters.

You have to remember, Grande is not just a pop star, until just a couple of years ago she was one of the biggest kids TV stars on Nickleodeon, her shows are on almost every weekend in the UK still now.
I'm fecking wounded by that...I can't imagine what the parents are going through...I've got a nearly 8 year old, and I can't even begin to comprehend what it must be like...
Journos are scum.
Our town had a family drown when their car slipped into a pier and a journo went to their wake pretending to know the victims, she then published off the record conversations with their family members as if they gave her an exclusive interview. She even dragged her own kids along as part of the deception.
This was all after the families pleaded for privacy so they could mourn
Sweden has no go zones and this year a guy hijacked a truck and butchered five people, Berlin had a similar attack, the Bastille Day attack at Nice was disgusting with more the 80 murders. London has mainly muslim neighborhoods with sharia police, Paris had extremists rioting and using Molotov on policemen, terror attacks skyrocketed throughout Europe and there is one common factor in the massive majority, if not all of them. Islam extremists.

The things in bold are wrong.
That's just disgraceful. I'm sorry to say that, but British press seems to be hitting new lows every week. Fecking classless.
And yet if they published such content, it will be the most read and consumed of all.

This is the price a 'freedom of speech'
True, maybe loan wolf is a bit misleading. He may have just been influenced by propaganda and took matters into his own hands.

Have they not already arrested somebody who they believed to be involved? These are rarely the work of one person.