Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Why do people think the Government have orchestrated this to help them in the election?

I've just had to delete a load of people off social media.

It's beyond stupid.
Why do people think the Government have orchestrated this to help them in the election?

I've just had to delete a load of people off social media.
Crazy although I've no doubt that plenty of the heartless bastards in Government see last nights events as a helpful step with regards to remaining in power.
Reticent to bring her up because she seeks attention on days like this, but no serious broadcaster or paper should ever be bringing Katie Hopkins on to comment on anything again.
Rotherham and Rochdale paedophile rings are two recent, shining examples.

Oh, I thought this thread was about terrorism and you were sticking to the subject in hand. Apologies.

According to this report, fear of causing offence is listed as a possibility in a string of reasons the Rochdale case was botched, not the sole cause of the case dragging on:

Seems at least as much about ineptitude and lack of resources than racial sensitivities. And it has about as much to do with last night's attack as Jimmy Saville.
Female Piers Morgan.

Writes for the Daily Mail too.

Wouldnt take much notice of her.

I gave in and took a look at what she has been saying. She's gone full alt-right, calling her a Female Piers Morgan actually puts Piers down.
Reticent to bring her up because she seeks attention on days like this, but no serious broadcaster or paper should ever be bringing Katie Hopkins on to comment on anything again.

I heard via a colleague that she's calling for a "final solution". She's a genuine waste of oxygen.
I gave in and took a look at what she has been saying. She's gone full alt-right, calling her a Female Piers Morgan actually puts Piers down.
She makes a living out of being a terrible person

And yet she keeps getting tv and paper time because so many lap it up
Terrible heartbreaking news. What is wrong with the world? The worst thing is I don't how we'll stop this.

And in other news, I get Ogden's sentiment but he should be a lot smarter than to put that out there. Can only have expected negative reactions. Nonsense stuff.
Oh, I thought this thread was about terrorism and you were sticking to the subject in hand. Apologies.

According to this report, fear of causing offence is listed as a possibility in a string of reasons the Rochdale case was botched, not the sole cause of the case dragging on:

Seems at least as much about ineptitude and lack of resources than racial sensitivities. And it has about as much to do with last night's attack as Jimmy Saville.

You wanted an example of the police/prosecutors going easy on criminals for fear of causing offence and there it is. Sorry if it doesn't fit the story you'd rather hear.

She has since changed it to "true solution", which really doesn't sound better.

Surely even she's not that stupid. She knew full well what she was writing!
You know there's something wrong with this country when Katie Hopkins uses the words "final solution" and her legion of right wingers line up to suggest the 'lefties' criticising her are the problem.
You wanted an example of the police/prosecutors going easy on criminals for fear of causing offence and there it is. Sorry if it doesn't fit the story you'd rather hear.

You say it as though it is a fact that the one and only reason those people were not brought to justice earlier was through a fear of causing offence though, when it clearly was only a factor in a complex case. It could all have been summed up as staggering ineptitude amongst those forces and the CPS.
Incredibly sad to hear about this :( RIP to the victims. My thoughts are with their families. Força Manchester!
Best thing to do is ignore her, she needs publicity like we need oxygen. Just forget she exists.
She has a radio show and gets paid to write columns - this should be put out there to ensure everyone knows how disgusting she is and to stop people hiring her. LBC need to sort themselves out in particular.