Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

There's still a good chance for those kids without adult supervision who haven't been contacted yet, but I feel pretty hopeless about those trying to contact kids and a parent. You'd think they'd have been more likely to be able to get in touch with someone by now :(
Just catching up on the news. Theresa May just gave a briefing in front of Downing Street. Seems they know who did it now but not yet releasing name.

May all the injured recover, may their wounds heal, may all the traumatised and bereaved get the help they need too to recover.
Awful incident and targeting kids makes it even more incomprehensible. Horrible to think what the people involved are going through now.
That is true.

But the major difference is that is one is an accident, and another is an evil act that is intentionally done to maim and kill. The latter is just more scarier.,
That might be the case. I'm personally not more scared about it but that's just me, probably a minority view. The underlying motives are indisputably different, much more disgusting and evil for attacks than traffic accidents. Many traffic accidents though are caused by very irresponsible behavior, not by fate, and the outcome of events (attack vs accident) can be the same. That's why to me attacks aren't scarier but more despicable.
Just seen on my goddaughters Facebook that she had a few friends there last night who she's yet to hear from. Shes only 14, to think that kids younger than that would have been there too is beyond sickening.
Just catching up on the news. Theresa May just gave a briefing in front of Downing Street. Seems they know who did it now but not yet releasing name.

May all the injured recover, may their wounds heal, may all the traumatised and bereaved get the help they need too to recover.

I always hope they don't with stuff like this.

That video sums up why better than I could really but everything he says is spot on.
This is so awful... God bless those that have departed and hope those in hospital recover well.
I really don't know how you can target innocent people, children included. What on earth goes through someone's mind to do such a horrible thing.

I don't even want to think about the parents who still can't locate their children.... just terrible.

Nice to see both United and City offering to help...
Facebook/Twitter need to allow authorities to monitor people of interest or be legally barred by ISPs.

Police need more tools to restrain people who are security risks. Various times terrorists have been identified but nothing is able to be done.

Private or public verbal support of fascist Islam needs to be punishable by a custodial sentence. It can't be tollerated in any form. The same for other far right hate groups.

The civil rights campaigners will consider this liberty of the criminal to be more important than the safety of society. But the safety of society should take precidence over a likely criminals right, of any variety. Because we have become a society where a criminal's right trumps a victims rights.

I agree with the unbolded without a shadow of a doubt.

And, in principal, also with the bold.

The trouble is, and perhaps why it hasn't been deployed, is the fine line and where it is crossed. Our legal system and justice system is based on "innocent until proven guilty". Now, restraining known threats and impeding civil rights of known risks? Yes, that seems fair. The issue though is when someone is in those buckets, but isn't either. They are, for one reason or another, in that bucket due to whatever circumstances but are neither terrorists, part of any hate circle, or in any way a harm to society. They are simply being monitored. At what point does someone who is being monitored become a significant enough threat to hold prior to committing the act?

I don't deny that something of that nature is required. But really it is a double edged sword. By doing so, you alienate that part of the population more. You reinforce their agenda, their beliefs, their misinformed judgments. You effectively create the thing you're trying to eradicate. However if you do it right, then you mitigate those risks to an extent. The question is I don't think anyone across the western world has any idea of how to do it "right".

And of all of the people in the world, Donald fecking Trump has been the first to publically clock on to the fact that actually, the only people who can stop islamist extremists, are those Islamists who are not extremists but genuine humble followers of a misinterpreted religion by some. They are the only ones who will ever get through to these people, not us or our prime ministers or our presidents.
Shoppers in Arndale seen running away from the building and armed police have arrested someone.
Reports of a big bang and people running from the Arndale.
Facebook/Twitter need to allow authorities to monitor people of interest or be legally barred by ISPs.

Police need more tools to restrain people who are security risks. Various times terrorists have been identified but nothing is able to be done.

Private or public verbal support of fascist Islam needs to be punishable by a custodial sentence. It can't be tollerated in any form. The same for other far right hate groups.

The civil rights campaigners will consider this liberty of the criminal to be more important than the safety of society. But the safety of society should take precidence over a likely criminals right, of any variety. Because we have become a society where a criminal's right trumps a victims rights.
Agree with this 100%, especially Facebook/Twitter needing to allow authorities to monitor people of interest. It's inhumane not to allow this, a human's life trumps any sort of rights to privacy or whatever they want to call it.
Why is it worse that the bomber died with them? He is an absolute cretin and doesn't even deserve to be counted among the casualty toll.

Just rather he rotted in an isolated cell for the rest of his shit life. Also, there's such little justice available in attacks like this and being able to arrest a terrorist and then put them through the oldest criminal justice system in the world and have him put in prison sends a strong message of our ability to rely on the institutions that terrorists ultimately want to erode.
Just seen on my goddaughters Facebook that she had a few friends there last night who she's yet to hear from. Shes only 14, to think that kids younger than that would have been there too is beyond sickening.
Oh no... poor little thing.......
Hopefully this is nothing. These things always happen with people on edge.
True. Also the Arndale is evacuated as a precaution pretty frequently. Trouble is, the area where people evacuated from the south west corner are supposed to wait is Cathedral Gardens, which is sealed off by police after last night.
This is so wrong. Innocent young life should not be lost like this.

How can you possibly justify to yourself attacking innocent children? Sigh.
Agree with this 100%, especially Facebook/Twitter needing to allow authorities to monitor people of interest. It's inhumane not to allow this, a human's life trumps any sort of rights to privacy or whatever they want to call it.

Absolutely not.
Facebook/Twitter need to allow authorities to monitor people of interest or be legally barred by ISPs.

Police need more tools to restrain people who are security risks. Various times terrorists have been identified but nothing is able to be done.

Private or public verbal support of fascist Islam needs to be punishable by a custodial sentence. It can't be tollerated in any form. The same for other far right hate groups.

The civil rights campaigners will consider this liberty of the criminal to be more important than the safety of society. But the safety of society should take precidence over a likely criminals right, of any variety. Because we have become a society where a criminal's right trumps a victims rights.

Good post. You'll never stop every nutjob the world produces but stopping some is better than stopping none. We need to stop being so passive and afraid of upsetting everyone.
Good post. You'll never stop every nutjob the world produces but stopping some is better than stopping none. We need to stop being so passive and afraid of upsetting everyone.

Yeah, police frequently stop shy of arresting people because they are afraid of offending them, don't they? :rolleyes:
Just rather he rotted in an isolated cell for the rest of his shit life. Also, there's such little justice available in attacks like this and being able to arrest a terrorist and then put them through the oldest criminal justice system in the world and have him put in prison sends a strong message of our ability to rely on the institutions that they terrorists ultimately want to erode.

I think the only punishment that might put anyone off is a definite secluded cell for eternity. But I imagine that's not usually the case, so them mingling with anyone can't be a good thing.

I don't really know which is the better option, but the world is a slightly better place without them. And a sadder place because of the ones he took.
Just rather he rotted in an isolated cell for the rest of his shit life. Also, there's such little justice available in attacks like this and being able to arrest a terrorist and then put them through the oldest criminal justice system in the world and have him put in prison sends a strong message of our ability to rely on the institutions that terrorists ultimately want to erode.
Fair enough.
Hopefully a false alarm. The evacuation at Victoria coach station in London this morning was just that.