Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

You seem to be confusing past, present and future. You can't arrest people for something they haven't done yet. Often, someone commits an awful crime like this and we hear that police are aware of them. If that person had committed a crime, then they would have been arrested, but often the first time the police have cause for arrest is when they actually do something like this. We don't hear about many of the other attacks the police foiled, but one came to light recently where they prevented a planned attack on the other side of the gardens from the arena. Where and when they have the chance to make an arrest and put a case together, they do, but they cannot arrest someone out of suspicion they may do something in the future or because they have an ideology, no matter how extreme.
Indeed, the exception being conspiracy

But you can't just arrest someone for something you think they might do in the future
I often wonder what impact social media has on these attacks. Imagine a world without Facebook and Twitter - the sheer exposure it gives to these atrocities is mindblowing. Manchester is trending worldwide now and will be for the next week.

Hopefully the death toll has peaked and the agencies can find anyone involved or even remotely linked to the attacker. Sadly, I think the issue is much more difficult to tackle as it is a peculiar and specific mindset and due to globalisation, it is becoming commonplace.
I'm the same, I live about 20 mins away in Reddish and all my friends are in the local area and that's why I'd rather see people I know were there marking themselves as safe rather than the local meatheads I play football with who wouldn't be caught dead there or friends that are currently on the other side of the world.

Yeah I saw someone do it this morning after already making two attention seeking statuses about it. Everyone already knows your safe, and you're a 30 year old bloke that doesn't leave Salford on a weeknight.
I'm the same, I live about 20 mins away in Reddish and all my friends are in the local area and that's why I'd rather see people I know were there marking themselves as safe rather than the local meatheads I play football with who wouldn't be caught dead there or friends that are currently on the other side of the world.

Obviously you can only relate to who's on your Facebook etc and I've seen a few mark themselves as safe. At first I did think it was odd but then they might have friends or family on the other side of the world and don't know where the arena is in location to their house or where they live. I'm sure some do it for attention but I'm equally sure there's some people who saw it and were glad the people they know are safe.

Thoughts to everyone who was affected by it. Really is the lowest of the low hope anyone who isn't currently found or accounted for is found soon safe and well.
Sad news for Manchester. Sad news when it hits home. The death of human life is tragic in any part of the world. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that this incident caused by a psychopath will now lead to 100's and even 1000's more women and children dying ontop of the thousands of women and children that have already died and been displaced in a place and part of the world that we might not care for or have stereotypical views on but they are still humans with families, daughters and sons and it will just lead to more tragic lives being lost that we wont even be told about in the media.

Stay safe in Manchester. The world is just a fekd up place right now.
Pissing me off seeing all these 'marked as safe' posts. You live in fecking Rochdale and London, I'm glad the blast radius didn't hit you sat in front of your TV. People should save that shit for people who actually went to the gig. Those are the people we need to know are safe. Someone on holiday in the fecking Bahamas marking themselves as safe.

But that person on holiday in the Bahamas, do all of their friends/family know that's where they are? That's the point of the feature, to confirm beyond doubt to anyone you know that you're safe.

When the Westminster attack took place, I didn't bother marking myself safe as I was in work about 45 minutes away. An hour later I'd got about 10 calls from various friends/family asking was I ok because all they know is I live in London. It's better to mark yourself safe if you think anyone might be worried. I don't think it's attention seeking.
I'm the same, I live about 20 mins away in Reddish and all my friends are in the local area and that's why I'd rather see people I know were there marking themselves as safe rather than the local meatheads I play football with who wouldn't be caught dead there or friends that are currently on the other side of the world.
I seen an old bloke in the news who was waiting for his teenage daughter and wife to come out and then the impact of the blast flung him back a few metres. He said he was searching for his family and had to resort to looking at the deceased because he couldn't get hold of them. That's just horrific and made me cry.
Heartbroken by this, what are we supposed to do with our children now?

How can we send them to concerts or shopping centres knowing this thing is highly likely to happen.

As a parent, I can't help have the same thoughts, but then I remember that I grew up in the age of mainland bombing by the IRA. I remember the Manchester bomb, but before that the Warrington bombings where children were killed. My parents would have felt exactly the same, but they didn't let it affect us. As tragic and terrifying as it is, you are less likely to be a victim of this kind of thing than you are a car or rail accident, but those worries don't stop people traveling, for example. We have to pretend that the fear doesn't exist basically.
I seen an old bloke in the news who was waiting for his teenage daughter and wife to come out and then the impact of the blast flung him back a few metres. He said he was searching for his family and had to resort to looking at the deceased because he couldn't get hold of them. That's just horrific and made me cry.

That is awful, I can't imagine ever being in that situation. I don't know if I'd be broken and unable to do anything or in a frenzy and acting irrationally. I feel for anyone who was there, I saw something on Facebook this morning that there are over 40 children at a Holiday Inn still on their own and the parents of those kids must be beside themselves given that they'll have heard nothing from them for over 12 hours now.
This is the reality of the world we live in.
We hear these kind of news so often that we feel detached from it. The truth is that these cnuts are everywhere among us. We just have to continue living our lives no matter how many of us they kill.
I just wish the MSM wouldn't spend days sensationaliing this atrocity. Fully expect CNN to send the big hitters like Aderson Cooper and co to Manchester.
You are giving these cnuts what they want. Talk about how quickly Manchester returns to normal instead.
So sad.
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I always think it's only a matter of time until something like this happens at a football game... which is a pretty scary thought.
An attacker tried to enter the France - Germany match in Paris. Only thanks to a guard he didn't make it into the stadium.

That being said, you probably don't mean it that way but I don't think that attacking a football stadium is any scarier than attacking people in an arena or concert hall, at a Christmas market, in restaurants, on the streets in front of a parliament, taking the underground, about to board a plane, praying in church, dancing in a night club. And it isn't any scarier than military attacking hospitals or people fleeing (civil) war.

It's a tough situation mate but we need to stand up and continue with our lives or the bastards win.

Manchester is probably as safe as anywhere in the world today, there's police everywhere and for once I won't moan about the helicopters hovering over the office.

Just look at some of the stuff going on and take solace in the fact that we're not letting them win:

Not gonna overdo it on the tweets but there's loads like this.

I love my city.

I couldn't agree more with the part I bolded and would like to add that we shouldn't fall into the trap to feed the narrative of these extremists.
Sickening cowardly attack. Hopefully if there are more people involved in this the authorities get them fast and throw the book at them.
Stay strong, Manchester. This is one of the most heinous attacks ever. Targeting young children who are out with friends enjoying seeing one of their idols. Barbaric act. Shed a tear this AM watching the news. Thoughts are with everyone that is affected. Have to say the response from the people of Manchester from what i have seen on social media and the news is nothing short of amazing. Stick together!
My heart goes out to the victims, I hope the fatalities ended with the last number I heard.Stay strong.
Earlier in the thread people kept posting 'I hope its not a terrorist attack'.I don't understand, what would you rather prefer it was?
An attacker tried to enter the France - Germany match in Paris. Only thanks to a guard he didn't make it into the stadium.

That being said, you probably don't mean it that way but I don't think that attacking a football stadium is any scarier than attacking people in an arena or concert hall, at a Christmas market, in restaurants, on the streets in front of a parliament, taking the underground, about to board a plane, praying in church, dancing in a night club. And it isn't any scarier than military attacking hospitals or people fleeing (civil) war.

Of course you are correct, I meant scarier from a personally stand-point as I attend football games with high-regularity. But yeah, in the grand scheme of things its no different (except for I guess the fact that people are packed in and it would be televised... but actually thinking about it, people are even more packed it at a concert/festival.
Can we please not mention Katie Hopkins again?

Waiting for my flight back home to Manc and I've never felt so inadequate.
My heart goes out to the victims, I hope the fatalities ended with the last number I heard.Stay strong.
Earlier in the thread people kept posting 'I hope its not a terrorist attack'.I don't understand, what would you rather prefer it was?
A tragic accident? Much more easy to accept in the minds of the public than someone intent on murdering children indiscriminately.
At OT on Sunday I felt security was better than ever. They split females and males and we both got a very thourough search

But last night seems to have been just outside the arena. And if someone targeted OT immediately after a game outside the ground it would be devastating. And I'm not sure how that can be policed
Heartbroken by this, what are we supposed to do with our children now?

How can we send them to concerts or shopping centres knowing this thing is highly likely to happen.
Come on mate. I know emotions are obviously running high at the moment, and this is utterly heartbreaking, but to say it's highly likely is a bit of exaggeration.
Heartbroken by this, what are we supposed to do with our children now?

How can we send them to concerts or shopping centres knowing this thing is highly likely to happen.

Easy to say but by knowing that it in fact isn't.
It's pretty sick how people are already using this to bash refugees.
I am 99% sure the perpetrator of this atrocity will be holding a British passport.
At OT on Sunday I felt security was better than ever. They split females and males and we both got a very thourough search

But last night seems to have been just outside the arena. And if someone targeted OT immediately after a game outside the ground it would be devastating. And I'm not sure how that can be policed

I don't think it can. Its just awful.
Even animals don't target the young senselessly. Devastating news to wake up to. :(
At OT on Sunday I felt security was better than ever. They split females and males and we both got a very thourough search

But last night seems to have been just outside the arena. And if someone targeted OT immediately after a game outside the ground it would be devastating. And I'm not sure how that can be policed

It can't be. Just like you can't search everyone getting on or off a train, or bus. Or stop someone driving a truck into a crowd of people. There's only so much that can be done in terms of preventative measures. I dunno how this ends but it can't be stopped by increasing the level of security at big events, that's for sure.
Of course you are correct, I meant scarier from a personally stand-point as I attend football games with high-regularity. But yeah, in the grand scheme of things its no different (except for I guess the fact that people are packed in and it would be televised... but actually thinking about it, people are even more packed it at a concert/festival.
I guessed that you meant it that way, just wanted to put it into perspective. :)

It can happen anywhere anytime, whether you're in a crowd at an event, at work, commuting, travelling, ... There have also been smaller attacks where a person just pulled a knife and attacked a single person.

And yet, as @decorativeed rightfully pointed out, we are less likely to be the victim of these kind of attacks than suffering a (possibly fatal) accident by using our cars. Nevertheless, we use it (almost) every day.
Awful news :(. Thoughts are with the affected and people helping.
I guessed that you meant it that way, just wanted to put it into perspective. :)

It can happen anywhere anytime, whether you're in a crowd at an event, at work, commuting, travelling, ... There have also been smaller attacks where a person just pulled a knife and attacked a single person.

And yet, as @decorativeed rightfully pointed out, we are less likely to be the victim of these kind of attacks than suffering a (possibly fatal) accident by using our cars. Nevertheless, we use it (almost) every day.

That is true.

But the major difference is that is one is an accident, and another is an evil act that is intentionally done to maim and kill. The latter is just more scarier.,

I clicked on her friends link and it's just so devastating to read her timeline.

I feel just so incredibly sad.
This is just terrible.. Can´t really understand this it just doesn´t compute.. I am disgusted at humanity..
My deepest condolences to all the families and friends. Stay strong Manchester ..
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Heartbreaking. For all of mankind's bickering and craziness, it is in moments like these that our true nature shines through and we come together as one people, united in the face of those who seek to divide us.

My heart is saddened yet I am in awe of the way the people of Manchester and the world are coming together to prove that love truly does conquer all.