Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Cannot begin to imagine the hurt in Manchester right now. Devastated for the friends and families of those affected.

And as for the absolute fcuktard of a wanker that perpetrated this, fcuk you. I hope that whatever heaven you think you were going to is a hell where your balls are roasted, sliced and fed to you every day
It's a tough situation mate but we need to stand up and continue with our lives or the bastards win.

Manchester is probably as safe as anywhere in the world today, there's police everywhere and for once I won't moan about the helicopters hovering over the office.

Just look at some of the stuff going on and take solace in the fact that we're not letting them win:

Not gonna overdo it on the tweets but there's loads like this.

I love my city.

Thanks mate. I know you're right. Hopefully this pulls us all closer together ultimately.
It's a tough situation mate but we need to stand up and continue with our lives or the bastards win.

Manchester is probably as safe as anywhere in the world today, there's police everywhere and for once I won't moan about the helicopters hovering over the office.

Just look at some of the stuff going on and take solace in the fact that we're not letting them win:

Not gonna overdo it on the tweets but there's loads like this.

I love my city.

That's a good attitude alright.
Yep, its not just the obvious victims who can be harmed over this, but those who suffer no wounds at all. Kids at the venue who saw things no kid should see, people who work in the area and suddenly now have to think about safety just doing their thing, whether they want to or not it will be there in the mind.

Also, I have to feel for Grande, its her job to go into arenas just like that one all over the world and attract crowds, and that has been used to kill people. She is bound to be feeling responsible, that one will live with her a long time.

A lot of victims for things like this well beyond the dead and inured.
I'm completely devastated by the story of a mother still looking for her 15 year old daughter. A parent losing a child must be one of the most horrible and heartbreaking things you can imagine in this life, even though I haven't got a clue what being a parent is like. I can only hope and pray it turns out well for her and all the others still waiting for news on their loved ones. Right now there's only the overwhelming sadness and feeling powerless. What can we do against so much blind, directionless hatred and cruelty?
Heinous and horrendous act of cowardice. Awful news and RIP to all the victims :(:(

Stay strong Manchester! Having visited the wonderful city on a few occasions I know you will all pull together through this, praying for you all. Hope all you Caftards and your families are all safe and well too. Peace x
Certainly. People talk about security and police; and yes, of course security and police matter and of course it has an impact. The reality is though, that it's impossible to eradicate from security and police alone. One will always slip through the cracks. They'll find another way. Another target. Another method.

The question is, can it be fixed? I'm struggling to find hope that it can. It's incredibly sad to say, and an insight into the times we are now in, but it's just a part of everyone's normal, day to day, life.

Facebook/Twitter need to allow authorities to monitor people of interest or be legally barred by ISPs.

Police need more tools to restrain people who are security risks. Various times terrorists have been identified but nothing is able to be done.

Private or public verbal support of fascist Islam needs to be punishable by a custodial sentence. It can't be tollerated in any form. The same for other far right hate groups.

The civil rights campaigners will consider this liberty of the criminal to be more important than the safety of society. But the safety of society should take precidence over a likely criminals right, of any variety. Because we have become a society where a criminal's right trumps a victims rights.
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It has been a terrible morning. First the news of Zack Snyder's daughter who committed suicide and then I heard about this tragedy.

All the best to everyone involved.
There won't be a safer place in Europe than Manchester in the next few weeks.
I know but my daughter isn't even 6 yet, if anything happened then I wouldn't forgive myself. I know old Trafford has increased their security over the past few years but that thought is there.
There won't be a safer place in Europe than Manchester in the next few weeks.
Point is;there's no guarantee of safety wherever you go, whatever mass event you attend. If someone is that hell bent on causing mayhem,they'll find a way.

You can't blame anyone for feeling that way,but the terrorists do win if people decide to stay away
Seeing the interview ITV did with a mother who has still not heard from her child was heartbreaking.
Pissing me off seeing all these 'marked as safe' posts. You live in fecking Rochdale and London, I'm glad the blast radius didn't hit you sat in front of your TV. People should save that shit for people who actually went to the gig. Those are the people we need to know are safe. Someone on holiday in the fecking Bahamas marking themselves as safe.
Why don't the fannies go for a military camp or a military fascilities. Why target children and teens. Wtf is wrong with this bastards
Just hope the intel agencies get to the others this guy was working with as quickly as possible.

It required expertise to make this bomb and highly unlikely he made the device on his own.
My thoughts are with you all, I know there are the immediate victims of an incident like this and I can only hope no one on here is connected, but there is a secondary 'wave' from an incident like this, the fear it causes everyone in their day to day lives and that effects all of us. Stay strong Manchester x
I'm off to the testimonial with my daughter and I'm considering cancelling it. I'm scared.

Whilst you imagine the worst and when its family you don't want to risk, these events are still rare. Unfortunately there's plenty more lower profile risks.

Saying that I find it hard to imagine if this was my neice or nephew so i cant imagine how parents feel. Turning footage off now
Just hope the intel agencies get to the others this guy was working with as quickly as possible.

It required expertise to make this bomb and highly unlikely he made the device on his own.
Too early to say though. The 22. July in attack in Norway in 2011 was by a sole attacker, who by himself constructed a bomb which was (probably) way more devastating than this was. Just no way of controlling what one sick person is able to do on his/her own.
Very sad to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with the affected and their loved ones.

I hope all the Cafe members and their families are safe.
Pissing me off seeing all these 'marked as safe' posts. You live in fecking Rochdale and London, I'm glad the blast radius didn't hit you sat in front of your TV. People should save that shit for people who actually went to the gig. Those are the people we need to know are safe. Someone on holiday in the fecking Bahamas marking themselves as safe.
I understand what you mean but I live about 40 mins away from Manchester at the moment. I have tons of friends in the area, people I grew up with, people I went to school with, people I used to work with. When I saw my friends mark themselves as safe, it was a sign of relief for me. For all I know they could have attended.
I understand what you mean but I live about 40 mins away from Manchester at the moment. I have tons of friends in the area, people I grew up with, people I went to school with, people I used to work with. When I saw my friends mark themselves as safe, it was a sign of relief for me. For all I know they could have attended.

I'm the same, I live about 20 mins away in Reddish and all my friends are in the local area and that's why I'd rather see people I know were there marking themselves as safe rather than the local meatheads I play football with who wouldn't be caught dead there or friends that are currently on the other side of the world.
There won't be a safer place in Europe than Manchester in the next few weeks.

That's true - in a sick, sick way it almost feels like whoever did this has simply ticked Manchester off a list of targets, possibly even the UK, for the time being anyway. I'd be much more concerned if I lived in mainland Europe as the warnings are already starting to surface that there maybe more attacks to come there. RIP to the dead and everything crossed for as much good news as possible today regarding the injured and missing.
Heartbroken by this, what are we supposed to do with our children now?

How can we send them to concerts or shopping centres knowing this thing is highly likely to happen.
Facebook/Twitter need to allow authorities to monitor people of interest or be legally barred by ISPs.

Police need more tools to restrain people who are security risks. Various times terrorists have been identified but nothing is able to be done.

Private or public verbal support of fascist Islam needs to be punishable by a custodial sentence. It can't be tollerated in any form. The same for other far right hate groups.

The civil rights campaigners will consider this liberty of the criminal to be more important than the safety of society. But the safety of society should take precidence over a likely criminals right, of any variety. Because we have become a society where a criminal's right trumps a victims rights.

You seem to be confusing past, present and future. You can't arrest people for something they haven't done yet. Often, someone commits an awful crime like this and we hear that police are aware of them. If that person had committed a crime, then they would have been arrested, but often the first time the police have cause for arrest is when they actually do something like this. We don't hear about many of the other attacks the police foiled, but one came to light recently where they prevented a planned attack on the other side of the gardens from the arena. Where and when they have the chance to make an arrest and put a case together, they do, but they cannot arrest someone out of suspicion they may do something in the future or because they have an ideology, no matter how extreme.