Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

So sad, so pointless. Have been to so many shows in that venue and used the station more times than I can count, always see lots of kids and families leaving when the shows end. It is just so evil to attack people like that. RIP to all the victims.
That account has really weird tweets. Constantly tweets to Her and say the date of the attack over and over saying that's when he will be there and do something. He hasn't tweeted since even though he has been tweeted daily

He's just tweeted and him tweeting the 'date of attack' seems more a case of him tweeting because it's the date of the concert. Maybe not all there but he definitely ain't involved.
So just start detaining people the police "suspect" of links?

Valid point but it's a very difficult area. When innocent people have lost their lives and you hear "suspect known to police/known links to ISIS, it's clear more needs to be done.

Freedom of speech/expression is one thing but when you have open hatred (I include white supremacist/westboro Baptist etc as well as radical islam) I think we need to be tougher and more ruthless.
This is the most disgusting act of terrorism yet. Attacking a venue known to be mostly full of women and children. Pathetic act of cowardice by these sick fecks.
So incredibly sad. I have no words. I hope no one from the CAF is amongst the casualties of this cowardly crime.
Spent the night travelling and just saw the news. Tragic. RIP to all the victims. Thoughts and prayers with the families :( Terrible world we live in.
Valid point but it's a very difficult area. When innocent people have lost their lives and you hear "suspect known to police/known links to ISIS, it's clear more needs to be done.

Freedom of speech/expression is one thing but when you have open hatred (I include white supremacist/westboro Baptist etc as well as radical islam) I think we need to be tougher and more ruthless.
You can't just start locking people up without appropriate due process, that will just lead to more people becoming enemies.
The pictures on the news/twitter of missing children is heartbreaking, knowing for sure some of those children probably won't be going home to those trying to find them. Shocking.

Disgusting targeting a venue full of children and teens.
I always think it's only a matter of time until something like this happens at a football game... which is a pretty scary thought.
I really hope no one on the caf has lost someone.
Just listening to RTE 1 on the radio, and there's a mother of a missing child talking. Absolutely heartbreaking. The human race is long gone past the point of return. We're a fecked up race.
If anyone starts using this as a political tool they can feck right off.
The worst thing is they can do it whenever they please. It don't even need to be a huge event. A lot of people are already gathered in areas during any time of the day. They can for example just step into a train and walk through it with a machine gun.
You can't just start locking people up without appropriate due process, that will just lead to more people becoming enemies.

Not necessarily locking up, but that's not to say more can't be done. Look at Anjem Choudary, he was allowed to parade around spewing bile for far too long. I know that's an extreme example btw.
The worst thing is they can do it whenever they please. It don't even need to be a huge event. A lot of people are already gathered in areas during any time of the day. They can for example just step into a train and walk through it with a machine gun.
Yep, people complaining about not enough security is normal in cases like these but there's only so much you can do. Buses, trains, open-air events or parties, hardly any security there and even if there is, you can make something happen right before the security checks. I'm currently in a library containing 500 students aged 18-24 without any security whatsoever, if a nutter bursts in with a machine gun the consequences would be horrible but you just can't let stuff like that take over your mind or everyday life.
As inevitable as it is tragic. There will be decades of this and it's going to get worse. Only a matter of time before something happens during a Premier League game.

Sorry for all those affected and sorry for the rest of the world because it could be any of us tomorrow.
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A horrific target. But I can't say that I'm surprised. These people have no soul, no heart. It's one thing having an ideology, it's another believing that that ideology requires this type of action. Just disgusting, RIP to those lost.

There may be 22 casualties who died in yesterdays attack but many of those children who were there who did survive, whether hurt or unhurt, will mentally be seriously affected by this. The true casualty list is much, much higher.
Yep, people complaining about not enough security is normal in cases like these but there's only so much you can do. Buses, trains, open-air events or parties, hardly any security there and even if there is, you can make something happen right before the security checks. I'm currently in a library containing 500 students aged 18-24 without any security whatsoever, if a nutter bursts in with a machine gun the consequences would be horrible but you just can't let stuff like that take over your mind or everyday life.
Indeed. Maybe we should live in a authorian democracy where ID cards are needed to go anywhere and bags and belongings are checked constantly. Maybe we could even create such a system where peope dont feel violated. Maybe that would be worth it if it prevented this.

But would it actually
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:( whats the atmosphere like?

On the train approaching the station and a police car or ambulance (couldn't tell which) drove underneath the bridge with its sirens on, an everyday occurrence that nobody would usually bat an eyelid at, and everyone immediately flung their heads left to see what it was and there were more than a few sighs of relief as it went away.

It's even unusually quiet in the office. People discussing it obviously but not the usual volume in here this morning.
Well done to the medical staff for their quick response

The same medical staff that Jeremy Cnut thinks are only worthy of a 1% pay rise!

RIP to the victims
The worst thing is they can do it whenever they please. It don't even need to be a huge event. A lot of people are already gathered in areas during any time of the day. They can for example just step into a train and walk through it with a machine gun.
Yep, people complaining about not enough security is normal in cases like these but there's only so much you can do. Buses, trains, open-air events or parties, hardly any security there and even if there is, you can make something happen right before the security checks. I'm currently in a library containing 500 students aged 18-24 without any security whatsoever, if a nutter bursts in with a machine gun the consequences would be horrible but you just can't let stuff like that take over your mind or everyday life.

Certainly. People talk about security and police; and yes, of course security and police matter and of course it has an impact. The reality is though, that it's impossible to eradicate from security and police alone. One will always slip through the cracks. They'll find another way. Another target. Another method.

The question is, can it be fixed? I'm struggling to find hope that it can. It's incredibly sad to say, and an insight into the times we are now in, but it's just a part of everyone's normal, day to day, life.

On the train approaching the station and a police car or ambulance (couldn't tell which) drove underneath the bridge with its sirens on, an everyday occurrence that nobody would usually bat an eyelid at, and everyone immediately flung their heads left to see what it was and there were more than a few sighs of relief as it went away.

It's even unusually quiet in the office. People discussing it obviously but not the usual volume in here this morning.

Must be horrible. That sense of eeriness. Sadly becoming an all too common feeling.
Just read about this now. Such tragic news.

I hope that all the Caftards and their family are safe!
Heartbreaking. I don't really know how to put it in to words. Teenage girls going to see one of their heroes with their parents/mates. Utterly devestating and my thoughts go out to all those affected and involved.

I'm immensely, immensely proud to be from Manchester. I've got tears in my eyes, it's terrifying to know what some people are capable of.

The city will stand strong and won't be broken. We will always stand together.
Heartbreaking. I don't really know how to put it in to words. Teenage girls going to see one of their heroes with their parents/mates. Utterly devestating and my thoughts go out to all those affected and involved.

I'm immensely, immensely proud to be from Manchester. I've got tears in my eyes, it's terrifying to know what some people are capable of.

The city will stand strong and won't be broken. We will always stand together.

You put it better than I could.

Truly horrifying and evil. I cannot comprehend it at all.

On the train approaching the station and a police car or ambulance (couldn't tell which) drove underneath the bridge with its sirens on, an everyday occurrence that nobody would usually bat an eyelid at, and everyone immediately flung their heads left to see what it was and there were more than a few sighs of relief as it went away.

It's even unusually quiet in the office. People discussing it obviously but not the usual volume in here this morning.

I almost wish I had that immediate return to normality today, but my work is closed as all of Victoria and Cathedral Gardens are sealed off by police. I feel pretty reluctant to go back at this point though.

A few weeks ago I had to cross through police crime scene barriers to enter and leave my flat, when my neighbour was killed, and now this. I know that I'm one of the lucky ones in these situations as it's really caused me no harm other than an inconvenience, but the world outside, the places where I spend the greatest portions of my life are becoming very bleak, dark places in my mind.
Indeed. Maybe we should live in a authorian democracy where ID cards are needed to go anywhere and bags and belongings are checked constantly. Maybe we could even create such a system where peope dont feel violated. Maybe that would be worth it if it precented this.

But would it actually

Increased counter terrorism spending would make a difference. Currently the security services meet monthly to discuss the most dangerous people on the watch list and allocate their resources the best they can. Sometimes they get it wrong or have to let potentially dangerous people off the hook through matter of priority. Increased funding means more potential terrorists can be watched. Nothing to do with an authoritarian state.

In real terms they would be better spending that extra money on road safety, however.
Tragic stuff. Been reading about it all morning. Saw when when I first woke and it ruined my day. feck this shit like.

RIP to the victims.

The world is becoming a worse place to live.
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I almost wish I had that immediate return to normality today, but my work is closed as all of Victoria and Cathedral Gardens are sealed off by police. I feel pretty reluctant to go back at this point though.

A few weeks ago I had to cross through police crime scene barriers to enter and leave my flat, when my neighbour was killed, and now this. I know that I'm one of the lucky ones in these situations as it's really caused me no harm other than an inconvenience, but the world outside, the places where I spend the greatest portions of my life are becoming very bleak, dark places in my mind.

It's a tough situation mate but we need to stand up and continue with our lives or the bastards win.

Manchester is probably as safe as anywhere in the world today, there's police everywhere and for once I won't moan about the helicopters hovering over the office.

Just look at some of the stuff going on and take solace in the fact that we're not letting them win:

Not gonna overdo it on the tweets but there's loads like this.

I love my city.