Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

I see what you're saying, but where does security end? And also, aside from letting people out in drips, thus taking an absolute age to empty an arena like that, how do you avoid large groups of people at large events?

You just can't.

Yep I don't see how a change in security would avoid things like this. Even if the foyer was well secured, there would have been several other opportunities outside the venue to do just as much damage.
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!
That's not how things work though. You can't lock up or deport people who have not committed a serious crime. You can't deport people who are nationals to a country they are not from.

Sadly, often the first time people commit a serious crime it is something like this. The police and courts cannot predict the future.
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If your British and on a terror "watch" you should go to Jail. It's the only way to stamp it out. Watching isn't working, need to be tough on them. You want to practice terror or do it in your own country or you can sit in our Jail until death. It's the only way.

Locking people up who've not actually done anything is just going to lead to more unrest.

I'd doubt any home grown person could be capable of making a bomb and a sucide vest.

Sorry, maybe my sarcasm detector is broken, but please tell me you're joking? Jesus, I could probably make something with a bit of research online.
Only a matter of time before cinemas, shopping centres, live events all have security and checks on people.

The world is going to change and be much more strict if these sorts of things keep happening

Thing is it just bothers regular people and idiots still find a way
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Only a matter of time before cinemas, shopping centres, live events all have security and checks on people.

The world is going to change and be much more strict if these sorts of things keep happening
They do in France. When I went twice last year, if you have a rucksack it gets checked as you go in.

Never seen so much armed police/army people in public places in my life before then.
Only a matter of time before cinemas, shopping centres, live events all have security and checks on people.

The world is going to change and be much more strict if these sorts of things keep happening

This already happens in India. You can't enter halls and malls without security checks.
Thing is it just bothers regular people and idiots still find away

You say that, but we've seen nothing similar to 9/11 in the 16 years since. The gigantic step up in airport security has worked, right?

This is really sad. Absolutely barbaric!

What kind of monsters do this?

Isis, they are always looking for to kill kids.

Many report said that they are going to hit during this kind of event.
Hope all the cafites and their loved ones are safe. My thoughts go out to the victims and their families.
Yep I don't see how a change in security would avoid things like this. Even if the foyer was well secured, there would have been several other opportunities outside the venue to do just as much damage.
Outside the foyer, out on the street, people have much greater chance of dispersing and of getting away. People last night were running back into areas with dead ends where there could have been further attackers. They were falling down steps and over chairs trying to escape.
Locking people up who've not actually done anything is just going to lead to more unrest.


I'd rather have unrest then actively practicing terrorists walking the street. This shit is like war, needs to be stamped out, you don't see Nazis anymore do you, they need to be eradicated. I'm sure the world agrees "feck terrorists". I'm sure the world or much cleverer people then me can figure out a solution.

They can't win. I won't walk my streets in fear
Seriously though it's f#cked up. I hope everyone is safe and OK, I just cannot comprehend the mindset of someone who would target a demographic of your children.
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Why do people think the Government have orchestrated this to help them in the election?

I've just had to delete a load of people off social media.
That's not how things work though. You can't lock up or deport people who have not committed a serious crime. You can't deport people who are nationals to a country they are not from.

Sadly, often the first time people commit a serious crime it is something like this. The police and courts cannot prefict the future.

In the case of suicide bombers this is certainly true.

As for your post @Zii, the police can only monitor people it thinks might pose a threat, it can't do anything until they actually decide to act on that. Thwarting terror attacks when in the planning stage is really the only way it can be done, which is how it already works.
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!
I think you need to read the news a bit more , deport to where !!! most of them are home grown.
What about homegrown terrorists?
Also have family in Manchester but as all are older these days none will have been at a concert like this which is a relief, still doesn't stop you wondering what the hell is wrong with this world today

Personally if they are known for links to terrorists be it IS or anybody else either detain or get them out of the country because if the police and/or authorities are keeping an eye on them then there is cause for concern. same with those who go off to fight for IS or whatever take away their passports thats it, they made there bed and will now have to lie in it.
You say that, but we've seen nothing similar to 9/11 in the 16 years since. The gigantic step up in airport security has worked, right?

You could argue they don't need to do it again, they changed the way the world works with that attack. I'm pretty sure if someone wanted to harm a plane they could still do it sadly. It obviously helps deter people but I don't think you can truly stop it.
Locking people up who've not actually done anything is just going to lead to more unrest.

Sorry, maybe my sarcasm detector is broken, but please tell me you're joking? Jesus, I could probably make something with a bit of research online.

Why would be the materials easily available? And if it is so than it's something to look into.
Also have family in Manchester but as all are older these days none will have been at a concert like this which is a relief, still doesn't stop you wondering what the hell is wrong with this world today

Personally if they are known for links to terrorists be it IS or anybody else either detain or get them out of the country because if the police and/or authorities are keeping an eye on them then there is cause for concern. same with those who go off to fight for IS or whatever take away their passports thats it, they made there bed and will now have to lie in it.

So just start detaining people the police "suspect" of links?
No words for this, it is just horrific. Thoughts with all those involved.
I'd rather have unrest then actively practicing terrorists walking the street. This shit is like war, needs to be stamped out, you don't see Nazis anymore do you, they need to be eradicated. I'm sure the world agrees "feck terrorists". I'm sure the world or much cleverer people then me can figure out a solution.

They can't win. I won't walk my streets in fear

I do not know how to tell you this but....
I'd rather have unrest then actively practicing terrorists walking the street. This shit is like war, needs to be stamped out, you don't see Nazis anymore do you, they need to be eradicated. I'm sure the world agrees "feck terrorists". I'm sure the world or much cleverer people then me can figure out a solution.

They can't win. I won't walk my streets in fear
Mate, that situation would only escalate things as locking up people who have not committed a crime is an injustice and a sense of injustice - whether it is legitimate or just perceived - leads to further radicalisation, extremism and terrorism.

And sadly, yes, Nazis still exist. Nothing can stop an ideology, no matter how abhorrent. It's the ideology that is the problem and you can't solve it with injustice.
Shocking. It impacts more when it is on your doorstep. Heard some audio on the radio this morning and all you could hear were the screams of young girls.

I wonder if this is Islamic terrorism if Grande's concert became a target because she is perceived as too sexualised.
I heard the explosion in a video, it can't be something of handmade that you can hide easily

It could be a classic hand grenade
Why do people think the Government have orchestrated this to help them in the election?

I've just had to delete a load of people off social media.
Because people want to see a conspiracy in everything. This government is the one who decimated our police force, so I don't see how it would play into their hands anyway.
You say that, but we've seen nothing similar to 9/11 in the 16 years since. The gigantic step up in airport security has worked, right?

By sheer luck just as much gets past security as it did in the past. And not having another tragedy that kills 3,000 people is a low bar to set.
When my daughter was 14 to 16 I used to take her to see concerts in London and would sit in the car park outside until it ended. There would be lots of other parents doing the same thing in Manchester last night and I can't stop thinking of the Mothers and Fathers sitting outside when the bomb went off. The mixed emotions when you find your child is safe but know others have lost their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone affected by this act of barbarism.