Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Words are failing me, I listened through the night to this as it broke, and I'm trying to comprehend what's coming out. With the news they suspect it's a suicide bomber, then I'm amazed that we haven't got a higher casualty number. I'm also trying to wrap my head around why this event? Why not over next weekend, when we have the city games and Greater Manchester runs, which will be televised around the world?

Manchester though will do what Manchester does in times like this. We'll come together, we'll support each other and we will come back stronger than ever. This coward won't destroy us or our city.
Chief constable Ian Hopkins confirms that 22 people have died and a further 59 have been injured.

This has been the most horrific incident we have had to face in Greater Manchester and one that we all hoped we would never see.

Families and many young people were out to enjoy a concert at the Manchester Arena and have lost their lives. Our thoughts are with those 22 victims that we now know have died, the 59 people who have been injured and their loved ones. We continue to do all we can to support them. They are being treated at eight hospitals across Greater Manchester.

This is a fast-moving investigation and we have significant resources deployed to both the investigation and the visible patrols that people will see across Greater Manchester as they wake up to news of the events last night. This will include armed officers as people would expect. More than 400 officers have been involved in the operation during the night.

To remind you, we were called at 10.33pm to reports of an explosion at the Manchester Arena at the conclusion of an Ariana Grande concert. More than 250 calls came in and emergency services were very quickly on scene. Emergency numbers have been established for anyone who is concerned for loved ones who may not have returned home: 0161 856 9400 or 0161 856 9900.

We have been treating this as a terrorist incident and we believe that while the attack last night was conducted by one man, the priority is to establish whether he was acting alone or as part of a network.

The attacker, I can confirm, died at the arena. We believe the attacker was carrying an improvised explosive device, which he detonated, causing this atrocity.

We would ask people not to speculate on his details or to share names. There is a complex and wide-ranging investigation under way.

Our priority is to work with the national counter-terrorist policing network and UK intelligence services to establish more details about the individual who carried out this attack.

Police Statement
Words are failing me, I listened through the night to this as it broke, and I'm trying to comprehend what's coming out. With the news they suspect it's a suicide bomber, then I'm amazed that we haven't got a higher casualty number. I'm also trying to wrap my head around why this event? Why not over next weekend, when we have the city games and Greater Manchester runs, which will be televised around the world?

Manchester though will do what Manchester does in times like this. We'll come together, we'll support each other and we will come back stronger than ever. This coward won't destroy us or our city.

I suspect yesterday being the fourth anniversary of fusilier Lee Rigby being beheaded by extremist psychos had something to do with it. Guess we'll find out as the police investigation continues...
Does anyone know what a suicide bomber actually is? Like I hear about them a lot but I have no idea what the bomb is, surely someone with a bomb strapped to their chest is spottable, how do they avoid security. I guess the cnuts will always find a way.

We need to fecking stamp them into the ground. They are being taught hate nobody is born wanting to do that shit.
Whoever did this is fighting/targeting an enemy that doesn't even realise they're in a fecking 'war'. Disgusting cowardice. As pure a display of evil as there could ever be.
I suspect yesterday being the fourth anniversary of fusilier Lee Rigby being beheaded by extremist psychos had something to do with it. Guess we'll find out as the police investigation continues...

This is also such a soft target (I imagine security wouldn't have been as tight as at a football game on the weekend) and has the biggest impact - kids. It's truly sick, made even worse by the fact whoever carried it out died along with everyone else.

I'm actually in a bit of shock at this attack. When will this madness ever fecking end.
When will this madness ever fecking end.

It won't end. Sorry if it was a rhetorical question, but I just felt the need to answer... It's a reality that we'll have to face for the rest of our lives - This will not end.
Does anyone know what a suicide bomber actually is? Like I hear about them a lot but I have no idea what the bomb is, surely someone with a bomb strapped to their chest is spottable, how do they avoid security. I guess the cnuts will always find a way.

We need to fecking stamp them into the ground. They are being taught hate nobody is born wanting to do that shit.
A person who detonates a bomb either near or on themselves to make sure they're killed too? Don't think it has anything to do with the type of bomb.
This is also such a soft target (I imagine security wouldn't have been as tight as at a football game on the weekend) and has the biggest impact - kids. It's truly sick, made even worse by the fact whoever carried it out died along with everyone else.

I'm actually in a bit of shock at this attack. When will this madness ever fecking end.
They were saying on the news earlier that when people go into the arena all bags are searched. However when people are going out, the doors are just opened and a lot of parents come in to pick their kids up, so anybody else could just come in as well.

Where it happened is where they sell the merchandise and the areas are crowded because when people are going in, it is at different time intervals. When they are coming out it is all at once.

Just found this online. My anger levels are rapidly rising. The only good terrorist is one that's been neutralised by the SAS!
Does anyone know what a suicide bomber actually is? Like I hear about them a lot but I have no idea what the bomb is, surely someone with a bomb strapped to their chest is spottable, how do they avoid security. I guess the cnuts will always find a way.

This seems to have happened in the foyer, so security did their job to the extant no one got into the concert with these things, they just waited till everyone was leaving and let it off at the front door.
Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick bastards. Horrible news. I can't believe it.
Just heard from my Mum my cousin and her niece was at this concert tonight but they got home safe. My other cousin picked them and heard the explosion from the car so they must have left before it finished.
So pleased they are ok mate.
Does anyone know what a suicide bomber actually is? Like I hear about them a lot but I have no idea what the bomb is, surely someone with a bomb strapped to their chest is spottable, how do they avoid security. I guess the cnuts will always find a way.

We need to fecking stamp them into the ground. They are being taught hate nobody is born wanting to do that shit.

There wouldn't have really been any security whatsoever where he was. It's not really inside the arena.
This seems to have happened in the foyer, so security did their job to the extant no one got into the concert with these things, they just waited till everyone was leaving and let it off at the front door.
I can't believe that this security procedure was not flagged as a weakness by the police.

My workplace is just yards from the arena and everything we do in terms of security is in coordination with the police and Project Griffin. It seems an obvious weakness that should have been addressed by the Arena.
Had to get some sleep at about 2 so catching up again this morning. If it was a suicide bomber in the foyer you'd think he must have detonated early when the first people started leaving otherwise the casualty count would likely be much higher.

Utterly vile despicable subhuman scum.
I can't believe that this security procedure was not flagged as a weakness by the police.

My workplace is just yards from the arena and everything we do in terms of security is in coordination with the police and Project Griffin. It seems an obvious weakness that should have been addressed by the Arena.

I see what you're saying, but where does security end? And also, aside from letting people out in drips, thus taking an absolute age to empty an arena like that, how do you avoid large groups of people at large events?

You just can't.
This is also such a soft target (I imagine security wouldn't have been as tight as at a football game on the weekend) and has the biggest impact - kids. It's truly sick, made even worse by the fact whoever carried it out died along with everyone else.

I'm actually in a bit of shock at this attack. When will this madness ever fecking end.
Why is it worse that the bomber died with them? He is an absolute cretin and doesn't even deserve to be counted among the casualty toll.

This is really sad. Absolutely barbaric!

What kind of monsters do this?

My condolences to everyone affected by this and all the good people of Manchester and Great Britain. Be strong. Those who keep perpetuating evil acts like this, will never beat us.
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!
Only a matter of time before cinemas, shopping centres, live events all have security and checks on people.

The world is going to change and be much more strict if these sorts of things keep happening
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!

What about homegrown terrorists?
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!
Deported to where? Some of them are British.
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!
Most of the terrorist attacks since 9/11 have come from home grown terrorists
All these so called 'known' suspects of terror shouldn't even be in the U.K. ANYBODY no matter the race, religion, ethnicity with links to terror should be deported, not 'monitored' because it is not working!
Where do you deport the homegrown terrorists?
Deported to where? Some of them are British.

If your British and on a terror "watch" you should go to Jail. It's the only way to stamp it out. Watching isn't working, need to be tough on them. You want to practice terror or do it in your own country or you can sit in our Jail until death. It's the only way.