Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Devastating news to wake up to. Thoughts are with the families who lost loved ones last night. Heartbreaking.

Uncle is GMP working there overnight. What a shift, jesus.
Feck :( just woke up to this

I imagine this would have been a concert attended by loads of kids too
What an evil and truly despicable act of terrorism. Words fail me how a terrorist group or individual can knowingly target small children like this.

So sad. Thoughts with all those affected.
Only just woken to this news having been messaged by my boss telling me our workplace next to the arena is cordoned off. Horrific news, can't quite come to terms with it. I take my children into that area of town all the time, I am lost for words.

Poor people.
Only heard this in the car on the way into work and I genuinely welled up. Absolutely heart-breaking stuff.
I just can't get over the fact that it's kids. Who the feck targets a children's concert?
feck sake.

I work closely with many schools in the area. Feel physically sick, I know of at least four girls who were going last night.
Hopefully they are all alive and as well as a child can be under those circumstances.


Uncle is GMP working there overnight. What a shift, jesus.
Big thanks to your uncle and everyone in Manchester who's been helping the victims in whatever way.
I just can't get over the fact that it's kids. Who the feck targets a children's concert?

The type of person that has been taught to hate. Nobody is boring hating anyone, Normally people don't become suicide bombers. A sick person did this
What demograpies are represented among the casualties?
I am not sad any more I am fecking angry, fecking bunch of cowards targeting a concert that they knew would be full of kids with their parents, How fecking dare they bomb my city, at lest when the IRA did it they gave out warning so people could get away. These cowards need hunting down and burning.
What demograpies are represented among the casualties?

At an Ariana Grande concert, it's most probably teenagers.

What an absolute shitter to wake up to. Fingers crossed those involved are caught ASAP.
There is unfortunately some truth to this. The government and police could be a little more forceful in calling out certain areas to back Britain fully and do the right thing for all of us.

The person that did this will have had friends, family and members of the community who knew something was up but said nothing. Maybe they helped out, silently supported it or just didn't want to grass on a friend. Whatever it was, we need the guts to start going after those people too.
Awful news, to wake up and see this happening in Manchester is heartbreaking. I love that city so much, my thoughts and prayers go to the people that passed away and their families and loved ones. I hope all the injured people (both physically and mentally) come through.
The Manchester I know will come out stronger from this, they chose the wrong City to intimidate.
Sickening news. The ultimate act of cowardice to target such young people - it's hard to put in to words how devastating it is really. Thoughts with their families.
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Listening to the statement from GMP. The police just confirmed children have been killed. I can't start with this.
It takes a truly depraved person, or group of people, to deliberately target a concert predominantly filled with children and teenagers. Cannot begin to comprehend what some of those parents and families are now going through.
I am not sad any more I am fecking angry, fecking bunch of cowards targeting a concert that they knew would be full of kids with their parents, How fecking dare they bomb my city, at lest when the IRA did it they gave out warning so people could get away. These cowards need hunting down and burning.

I just dread we are going to hear he/she was on a watch list and slipped through the net.
Woman on Five Live saying about people in wheelchairs struggling to get out and a distaught mother who is searching for her daughter. It breaks your heart.
They fecking targeted a concert which contained mostly kids. fecking cnuts.
It takes a truly depraved person, or group of people, to deliberately target a concert predominantly filled with children and teenagers. Cannot begin to comprehend what some of those parents and families are now going through.

Maybe it's just my eternally optimistic mind looking for the most stomachable explanation but I can't help but think that whoever did this must be suffering from a mental illness. I just don't want to believe that anyone that is compos mentis could even begin to think any good could come out of this.
They fecking targeted a concert which contained mostly kids. fecking cnuts.
Cowards, terrible news thoughts go out to the families in this difficult time.
There are just no words. I know no one affected and yet I've been welling up all morning over this, I guess it's an age thing. You just feel so helpless - how on earth do we stop this? Surely it's enough now, we're all one species ya know, we're all people with friends and families. We all love don't we? We all feel. I don't wanna live on this planet anymore
What awful news. Thoughts are with Families who lost their loved ones. I am heartbroken to see Children targeted. Makes me so sad. Why? Why? Why?