Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

RAWK said:
The spotlight should not be on the scumbag who committed this terrible act, it should be on the poor children who lost their lives going to a concert for their favorite artist, it could have been anyone of us, the spotlight should also be on the beautiful people of Manchester who responded to this tragedy by opening their homes to strangers for shelters and help.

In times like these, the people of Manchester responded with love and compassion and shared the tragedy together already defeating the purpose of whoever committed this hideous act, showing that neither fear nor hatred will ever rule people's lives and for this they are the real heroes.

Thoughts and prayers are with those who lost a loved one today, may your loved ones rest in peace.
I have nieces around that age. I've no idea if they were there. 2 thoughts cross my mind.
1. No problems and everyone is sleeping 2. A problem and everyone is busy.
Messaging Uncle on the other side of the world is one of the last things they'd think of.
They don't message me at the best of times.

Fingers crossed bud, hope they're not involved and you hear from them soon.
I have nieces around that age. I've no idea if they were there. 2 thoughts cross my mind.
1. No problems and everyone is sleeping 2. A problem and everyone is busy.
Messaging Uncle on the other side of the world is one of the last things they'd think of.
They don't message me at the best of times.

Thankfully I got messaged from family and friends.
I hope your family are all safe. And to anyone that is or has family in our near Manchester my thoughts are with you.
What did rawk say

The spotlight should not be on the scumbag who committed this terrible act, it should be on the poor children who lost their lives going to a concert for their favorite artist, it could have been anyone of us, the spotlight should also be on the beautiful people of Manchester who responded to this tragedy by opening their homes to strangers for shelters and help.

In times like these, the people of Manchester responded with love and compassion and shared the tragedy together already defeating the purpose of whoever committed this hideous act, showing that neither fear nor hatred will ever rule people's lives and for this they are the real heroes.

Thoughts and prayers are with those who lost a loved one today, may your loved ones rest in peace.
RAWK said:
The spotlight should not be on the scumbag who committed this terrible act, it should be on the poor children who lost their lives going to a concert for their favorite artist, it could have been anyone of us, the spotlight should also be on the beautiful people of Manchester who responded to this tragedy by opening their homes to strangers for shelters and help.

In times like these, the people of Manchester responded with love and compassion and shared the tragedy together already defeating the purpose of whoever committed this hideous act, showing that neither fear nor hatred will ever rule people's lives and for this they are the real heroes.

Thoughts and prayers are with those who lost a loved one today, may your loved ones rest in peace.

Football takes a back seat. Well done whoever posted this.
But where do you stop? Smoking, diabetes and car accidents kill far more people than terrorism.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin

Might have to summon @Carolina Red for this quote.
Hey! Sorry I'm late getting to this.

Dante, the quote you use is taken out of context (probably no fault of your own - libertarians have been taking that quote out of context for years)

Franklin is actually arguing in favor of taxing the Penn family to increase the defense budget of Pennsylvania during a time of frontier struggles against Native Americans. Essentially, he's defending the legislature's right to tax for the common defense.
Very sad. I hadn't cried since I was seven.
No messages from my family or friends yet. I feel helpless.

I'd take solace in the fact it happened quite late and most people will only be waking up to the news in several hours. Send a message and hope to hear in a few hours when people start waking up. Thoughts are with you though mate and hoping for the best.
Shocked, been a few times to the Arena for concerts. This is extremely sad. Heart goes out to the families, especially the parents of the young children affected by this :(
I have an alert on a twitter account for fans looking for tickets for sold out gigs - genuine account trying to do its best for fans. They are retweeting photos of the missing, it's totally heartbreaking. This is so awful. So so awful.
Abhorrent and shocking, to target children, or anyone for that matter... truly sickening. Stay safe and stay strong, Manchester.
Abhorrent and shocking, to target children, or anyone for that matter... truly sickening. Stay safe and stay strong, Manchester.

It taken a very special type of evil cnut to target young people with their whole lives in front of them.
Thoughts and prayers go out to all affected. As mentioned by others lets focus on celebrating the lives of those lost instead of focusing on the evil prick who committed this crime. Incredible response by the emergency services and all the local community.
Thoughts are with everyone affected.

May they have the strength to cope with & recover and not let whoever is responsible win this war of a peaceful and free society.
Fecking hell, horrible news. :(

I truly hope no-one from the car was affected in any way. Best wishes all.
Awful news.

I'm over in Australia working and I walked into the office at 8am (11pm Manchester time).

We have a big TV in our office kitchen and normally on Australian breakfast news shows it's all local stuff, always Melbourne, sometimes Sydney. To see MANCHESTER sprawled across the screen with ambulances everywhere really haunted me.

This is heart breaking. Feel completely numb reading this thread :(
Just woken up to this awful news, what a world we live in :(

I hope everyone's friends and families are safe, stay strong Manchester :(
Horrible news, especially when you consider who the main audience of Grande is :(
feck sake.

I work closely with many schools in the area. Feel physically sick, I know of at least four girls who were going last night.
It's the helplessness that gets me the most. You can't stop something like this; all it takes is one guy. It took place outside the venue as well so you can't even call for tighter venue security.
Utterly lost for words. Heartbroken. My most sincere condolences to all involved, particularly to any CAF users that may read this. We are all behind you.