Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

If a reduction in privacy would have saved any of those those people tonight then it would have been worth it. Not saying it would have done but you get my meaning.
But where do you stop? Smoking, diabetes and car accidents kill far more people than terrorism.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin
But where do you stop? Smoking, diabetes and car accidents kill far more people than terrorism.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin
Might have to summon @Carolina Red for this quote.
The screams in that video are extremely upsetting. They must have known straight away exactly what had happened
But where do you stop? Smoking, diabetes and car accidents kill far more people than terrorism.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
― Benjamin Franklin

You stop when you can't do more.
If you're afraid of being patted down and your bag rifled through then what's in it.
We're not going to able to stop terrorists (fully) any time soon. Even in a police state - snooping on every conversation and every digital interaction, we will still have nutcases and we will still have people who have nothing better to do in their lives than kill themselves and others. Religion is part of it but insanity is what we're really dealing with. And some of those people will still slip through the 'net' of the security forces.

It's just a tragedy.
Carrot v stick.

There comes a time where we realise the softly softly approach of educating people doesnt work, and we need to come down on those doing, supporting AND turning a blind eye.

There is unfortunately some truth to this. The government and police could be a little more forceful in calling out certain areas to back Britain fully and do the right thing for all of us.
Terrorism always had and always will exist. Whether it's an attack like tonight or an American drone blowing up innocent civilians it still terrorism imo.


I continue to be appalled about the plight in Yemen and the International response to it. The fact the UK is selling arms to the Saudi's and actively helping them consign thousands of people to death and millions to the brink of famine is nothing short of disgusting.

Probably not the thread to get into that, though.

I continue to be appalled about the plight in Yemen and the International response to it. The fact the UK is selling arms to the Saudi's and actively helping them consign thousands of people to death and millions to the brink of famine is nothing short of disgusting.

Probably not the thread to get into that, though.
Agreed, we'll leave it at that :)
If reduction in privacy increases security I for one would not mind.

That's not how it works though. Recently a bloke was LIVE streaming on facebook killing people, his name address and phone was streaming, it took them 8 hours to find him. Often People that commit these crimes are already of lists and watch lists, nothing happens until its too late. All that would happen is they sell the average joes info's to companys and they track internet usage and we remain just as unsafe.

I continue to be appalled about the plight in Yemen and the International response to it. The fact the UK is selling arms to the Saudi's and actively helping them consign thousands of people to death and millions to the brink of famine is nothing short of disgusting.

Probably not the thread to get into that, though.

Definitely not the thread..
Terrorism always had and always will exist. Whether it's an attack like tonight or an American drone blowing up innocent civilians it still terrorism imo.

It's easy not to think that way. It only reverberates when it is against you. It hits home when its your country or as tonight my friends and family.
All I know is those people didn't want this (the kids didn't deserve this.. neither do the others on the other side) the ones that that ok this have a lot to answer for.

I continue to be appalled about the plight in Yemen and the International response to it. The fact the UK is selling arms to the Saudi's and actively helping them consign thousands of people to death and millions to the brink of famine is nothing short of disgusting.

Probably not the thread to get into that, though.

Not now. People don't need this.
A weary goodnight to one and all. Hope everyones family and friends are okay. This thread is one to forget and yet also one that shows good people and hope are still alive! Sorry to be dramatic but I think the situation allows for it.

Thoughts to all the people and families affected tonight.
I wonder if OT has ever been considered as a target by these cnuts? I never ever thought the security was that strict or heavy.
I was participating in a exhibition at the Excel -- there were 11 layers of securities and checks
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A weary goodnight to one and all. Hope everyones family and friends are okay. This thread is one to forget and yet also one that shows good people and hope are still alive! Sorry to be dramatic but I think the situation allows for it.

Thoughts to all the people and families affected tonight.

Definitely the right time. Nice to have a fountain of people being supportive and caring at a time like this.

I continue to be appalled about the plight in Yemen and the International response to it. The fact the UK is selling arms to the Saudi's and actively helping them consign thousands of people to death and millions to the brink of famine is nothing short of disgusting.

Probably not the thread to get into that, though.
The fact the countries on that area can't get together in situations like that (religion, always religion) is not our (west) problem, will be no peace when people think killing in name of religion is acceptable, we been there centuries ago with the crusades and then inquisition but at the end the power of the kings overpower the church.
Absolutely terrible and senseless. RIP.
What an unimaginable horror. It makes me grateful just to have my family with me tonight.

I'm so, so sorry for all those affected.
Very sad. I hadn't cried since I was seven.
No messages from my family or friends yet. I feel helpless.
I know there's people in a much worse position tonight, but it must be pretty rough to know they came to see you and this happened.

I wonder if OT has ever been considered as a target by these cnuts? I never ever thought the security was that strict or heavy.
I was participating in a exhibition at the Excel -- there were 11 layers of securities and checks[/QUOon TE]

Im sure it was. 11 layers of security probably poor them off. But then who knows. American stadiums haven't been targeted because I'm assuming the lethal force that normal police can call on.
If a terrorist force tried it at a American stadium there'd be about 100 people that would draw down. They'd probably end up terrified same as England
My Best friends sister. Thank God!!

Thanks for all the messages we got home safely thank god! The explosion was on the staircase next to where we were coming out! Thankfully we went to our left and not right, otherwise we would have been in the middle of it . My thoughts are with those caught in it. Xx
Very sad. I hadn't cried since I was seven.
No messages from my family or friends yet. I feel helpless.

Do you have people there, I'm sure all our thoughts and prayers are with you, fingers crossed everyone is ok.
I know there's people in a much worse position tonight, but it must be pretty rough to know they came to see you and this happened.

Definitely it must be awful. It's just awful for everyone, and those that survive an experience like that will have had their lives changed for the worse.
Do you have people there, I'm sure all our thoughts and prayers are with you, fingers crossed everyone is ok.

I have nieces around that age. I've no idea if they were there. 2 thoughts cross my mind.
1. No problems and everyone is sleeping 2. A problem and everyone is busy.
Messaging Uncle on the other side of the world is one of the last things they'd think of.
They don't message me at the best of times.