Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

The press, while very similar, have different attitudes on certain things from my experience. The British press faces other restrictions that the Americans don't. The BBC and others probably wait to let the government verify things before reporting it. For obvious reasons the American press has very good connections to the law enforcement and intelligence communities that are helpful in this situation.

Yeah that's my view too, perhaps they'd be a bit slower if it was there and vice versa.
I think about it too. I've thought before about the clubs I go to in Manchester and how easy a target they must be. You'd be trapped. And OT too, obviously. I have friends who travel every weekend to major cities around Europe and play gigs in packed clubs. All could be targeted.
The tube is the one that scares me most. Literally anyone could walk onto a train and everyone would be doomed as the security is so lax. I guess we just have to hope the police are doing all they can to suss out the people before they get to that stage. Sadly it seems like this one tonight slipped through the net.
Even speaking out against it is doing something. The entire caf is demonizing this act of violence just as Paris before it all the way back to 9/11.
The evil will always be fighting an uphill battle against the good and find a wall of people that won't stand for it. That's what we have to do. Stand and say feck you.

Yes, you're right, I'm just venting a bit right now. You can forget at times that the majority are good and decent.
Yeah that's my view too, perhaps they'd be a bit slower if it was there and vice versa.

Yeah, I think there's potentially a different level of pressure on them to get it right. When reporting events at home to your own people, getting it 100% right is paramount.
When my local news channel (in Pennsylvania, US) first broke the news, they announced first that the bombing took place at a stadium in Manchester. Honestly, my first thought was of Old Trafford and I started to tear up (not something I do often). It didn't comfort me at all when they corrected themselves. I feel so sad for all involved. I hope the victims and their families can find comfort in something to get past this horrible act of terror.
Yep that's exactly what I was thinking. Imagine how low these sick bastards have to be to target teenage girls.
Couple of callers into BBC had taken their daughters to the show as a christmas present, 9 and 12 years old (all safe, thankfully). Just unthinkable.
What can the good men do though? Not every person who preaches Islam is a terrorist, good guys are pretty much fighting a ghost, you can only hope we can educate the young men of all religions that violence is never the way, no god would want innocent lives being taken away in their name.

Yes, it's hard to face sometimes though, you just want it to end and have people come together the world over. Have to say that it's also the young women of all religions too, not just the young men.
Yep that's exactly what I was thinking. Imagine how low these sick bastards have to be to target teenage girls.

I have no words. Just animals. To take any life is horrible, but to kill young innocents who probably don't even have the slightest idea of religious/politics ideologies is just abhorrent. Honestly, I'm shocked.
The tube is the one that scares me most. Literally anyone could walk onto a train and everyone would be doomed as the security is so lax. I guess we just have to hope the police are doing all they can to suss out the people before they get to that stage. Sadly it seems like this one tonight slipped through the net.

People are saying this about tube stations, train stations, football matches, sporting events etc.

Whilst there is some truth to it it would be impossible to have everything with top level security. The best we can hope for is that our intelligence services do the best they can to stop these attacks from happening in the first place.

However, expect May to use this to push for further erosions of our privacy.
Yes, it's hard to face sometimes though, you just want it to end and have people come together the world over. Have to say that it's also the young women of all religions too, not just the young men.

True! We need to start educating the vulnerable at a young age so they don't get radicalised, only then will the influence of the extremism bear little fruit, unfortunately it won't happen, it's a vicious cycle.

Hope the death toll doesn't increase and the injured heal and not pass!
People are saying this about tube stations, train stations, football matches, sporting events etc.

Whilst there is some truth to it it would be impossible to have everything with top level security. The best we can hope for is that our intelligence services do the best they can to stop these attacks from happening in the first place.

However, expect May to use this to push for further erosions of our privacy.
Perhaps you'd prefer that she did nothing.

The wave of fear in that video is upsetting.

Wow, that's chilling, the casual singing at the start, then the girl in the blue just walking towards the tier and just suddenly turning, grabbing her friend and running.
People are saying this about tube stations, train stations, football matches, sporting events etc.

Whilst there is some truth to it it would be impossible to have everything with top level security. The best we can hope for is that our intelligence services do the best they can to stop these attacks from happening in the first place.

However, expect May to use this to push for further erosions of our privacy.
Agreed, that's pretty much what I said really. We just have to be grateful that our emergency services are absolutely brilliant. I am sure they will have had to deal with some terrible experiences tonight.
Couple of callers into BBC had taken their daughters to the show as a christmas present, 9 and 12 years old (all safe, thankfully). Just unthinkable.
I feel like our world is slowly becoming one where innocence is not going to be valued for much longer. Too many children are dying everywhere.
It's worth remembering that we are living in the most peaceful time in human history. Social media would have you think otherwise.

Not that they make these attacks any less shocking, upsetting, and terrible.
I've tried explaining this to people and they look at me like I'm crazy
Perhaps you'd prefer that she did nothing.
Terrorists aren't going to conquer the UK with attacks like these. That's not the purpose of the tactic.

The aim is to affect public policy to divide society, and legitimise their Nationalistic claim for an Islamic State that they control.

If one bloke with a bomb can drastically alter the thinking of the Prime Minister, it will only encourage further attacks.

The more stoically we react, the less likely it is to be repeated.
What can the good men do though? Not every person who preaches Islam is a terrorist, good guys are pretty much fighting a ghost, you can only hope we can educate the young men of all religions that violence is never the way, no god would want innocent lives being taken away in their name.

Carrot v stick.

There comes a time where we realise the softly softly approach of educating people doesnt work, and we need to come down on those doing, supporting AND turning a blind eye.