Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

Some lives will be unimaginably changed after tonight.

Saying "my thoughts are with them" seems like a woefully inadequate thing to say.

feck those cnuts who are so pathetic in their own lives that they have to ruin others.
Oh God most of the dead will be young teenage girls, aren't they?

Absolutely fecking sickening.
Who in the right mind hoaxes this kind of incident? I'm hoping we get a cull of the world population by some kind of divine intervention... I'm joking, but I'm not joking.

It's probably some account from IS sympathisers. They always pop up after stuff like this.
Who in the right mind hoaxes this kind of incident? I'm hoping we get a cull of the world population by some kind of divine intervention... I'm joking, but I'm not joking.

There are too many ignorant and insensitive bellends around. People joking around, people spreading false news, jumping the gun etc etc. Like someone said, attention seeking is a disease.
This really really pisses me off that the Cafe is being used for these purposes of reporting on such hate and horror.

I for one will not become numb or jaded or accepting of this evil happening. We must guard against becoming accepting of this, thinking it's bound to happen and just put up with it!

I know it's not 100% confirmed that it's IS or a terrorist/religious attack as it may be a random nutter, but we must not become accepting of these attacks.

I'm tired and emotional as I'm sure most of us are tonight, but just think of those families who are at hospitals or worse right now..

The caf becomes a news group in times like this. I applaud it.

I agree with you with never becoming numb to this (which I think with the responses we are not)

And again I'm with you. I'm not religious but prayers for the families. I can't even imagine what they are going through.
Chief Constable of GMP will be live on Sky News momentarily.
BBC talking about arena security giving a warning to concert-goers, very possibly saving dozens from injury and worse.
It's scary as hell. I am always on edge whenever I go to a big event or well known landmark. The world shouldn't be like this and we shouldn't be made to feel unsafe in the places we live. That's what these bastards want though :(
Oh mate, I've got no words.. I hate this feeling of powerlessness, I wish I was there tonight so I could help or do something, fecking frustrating.

I know it's so sickening but kudos to the people of Manchester tonight pulling together and doing what they can.
Terrorists win if we do that mate.
Too late, terrorists have already won dude. They've changed our way of life. Racism and xenophobia running rampant with events like Brexit and idiots like Trump in office. Anytime someone looks sideways at a person who fits the stereotype, the terrorists have won.
Really, I'm watching live BBC and nothing on there?

I've seen several American reporters from CNN say they've identified a male as the likely suspect. They'll have heard it from security sources in the US who are working with GMP/MI5.
There are too many ignorant and insensitive bellends around. People joking around, people spreading false news, jumping the gun etc etc. Like someone said, attention seeking is a disease.

I think you hit the nail on the head saying 'disease'. Years ago it was everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, then we moved into the X Factor era and social media era, and as you say, fecking disease!
It's scary as hell. I am always on edge whenever I go to a big event or well known landmark. The world shouldn't be like this and we shouldn't be made to feel unsafe in the places we live. That's what these bastards want though :(

I know. My anxiety goes through the roof at airports etc. It's an absolute fecking joke that we live in a world like this, where people kill innocents indescriminatly.
I saw that, how did they know unless someone walked in wired up?

Yes, if it's accurate, it would seem to lend credence to the suicide bomber theory. Either they were noticeably wearing a bomb vest or said something themselves.
I've seen several American reporters from CNN say they've identified a male as the likely suspect. They'll have heard it from security sources in the US who are working with GMP/MI5.

Strange that the BBC hasn't said anything about it though.
Too late, terrorists have already won dude. They've changed our way of life. Racism and xenophobia running rampant with events like Brexit and idiots like Trump in office. Anytime someone looks sideways at a person who fits the stereotype, the terrorists have won.

You can't think that way brother. If that was the case the Nazis would have won. You just keep going and doing your thing. They can't beat us if we refuse to be beaten!
If it's accurate, it would seem to lend credence to the suicide bomber theory.

Yeah it sounds like someone walked in and security spotted it and told them to run, guess you can't do much about that in a public place but surely places like this should be on higher security when there's an event on, it's common sense ffs.
It's scary as hell. I am always on edge whenever I go to a big event or well known landmark. The world shouldn't be like this and we shouldn't be made to feel unsafe in the places we live. That's what these bastards want though :(

It is always at a place that normal people clock off and unwind at. The one moment you get away from a shitty 9-5 to spend with your family and your attacked. Makes me sick and anxious for going to events, matches and public places. It only takes one.
The caf becomes a news group in times like this. I applaud it.

I agree with you with never becoming numb to this (which I think with the responses we are not)

And again I'm with you. I'm not religious but prayers for the families. I can't even imagine what they are going through.

Yeah, it sucks, but I agree Mr B. Some good folk here. I can't help but hear this in my head though “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Yeah, it sucks, but I agree Mr B. Some good folk here. I can't help but hear this in my head though “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Even speaking out against it is doing something. The entire caf is demonizing this act of violence just as Paris before it all the way back to 9/11.
The evil will always be fighting an uphill battle against the good and find a wall of people that won't stand for it. That's what we have to do. Stand and say feck you.
Strange that the BBC hasn't said anything about it though.

The press, while very similar, have different attitudes on certain things from my experience. The British press faces other restrictions that the Americans don't. The BBC and others probably wait to let the government verify things before reporting it. For obvious reasons the American press has very good connections to the law enforcement and intelligence communities that are helpful in this situation.
Heart breaking. Terribly sad incident. 19 innocent lives gone just because they went for a concert. Thoughts are with the wonderful people of Manchester. Wonderful city with wonderful people. The police and emergency services have been doing a very good job. Stay strong. Stay safe.
Yeah, it sucks, but I agree Mr B. Some good folk here. I can't help but hear this in my head though “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

What can the good men do though? Not every person who preaches Islam is a terrorist, good guys are pretty much fighting a ghost, you can only hope we can educate the young men of all religions that violence is never the way, no god would want innocent lives being taken away in their name.
It's scary as hell. I am always on edge whenever I go to a big event or well known landmark. The world shouldn't be like this and we shouldn't be made to feel unsafe in the places we live. That's what these bastards want though :(

I think about it too. I've thought before about the clubs I go to in Manchester and how easy a target they must be. You'd be trapped. And OT too, obviously. I have friends who travel every weekend to major cities around Europe and play gigs in packed clubs. All could be targeted.