Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

As this is now likley to be a terrorist attack and if that is so it may be an attack involving a religious nutter. In this event can we please restrain comment to not include everyone of that religion for abuse if this is what it turns out to be please? And by please I mean ............
People posting fake missing photos for likes as you wrote on your post?

Oh right, yeah, it's scary how people even get it into their heads to post something like that on the internet. Sorry I'm just tired now.
Poor feckers, so upsetting, what a fecking shit world we live in, R.I.P.
I'm not usually a paranoid man, but the Champions League final next month in Cardiff is kinda scaring me, clearly this shit is doing its job...

So sorry for the families of the 19 who have been taken away from them, and also the people there who will carry this with them for life, no one deserves to experience this, it's a fecked up world unfortunately.


I'd imagine the security for football matches is at a much higher level than a Monday night concert. They're much bigger, more obvious targets so the police/intelligence agencies are likely focused on them. In this case, they get a soft target along with one that will cause a visceral response since the audience is so young. These types of concerts happen in cities all over the world every day with thousands of people in a small area. In 99.9% of cases, everyone has a lovely time and gets home safely.
I'd imagine the security for football matches is at a much higher level than a Monday night concert. They're much bigger, more obvious targets so the police/intelligence agencies are likely focused on them. In this case, they get a soft target along with one that will cause a visceral response since the audience is so young. These types of concerts happen in cities all over the world every day with thousands of people in a small area. In 99.9% of cases, everyone has a lovely time and gets home safely.

This is from a Spurs game few weeks ago.

Fivelive were talking about a family of four arriving at the arena to collect someone earlier, one of them in floods of tears, sounded just awful.

They've just left with broad smiles after eventually picking up a young child. :)

Not everyone will have such a reprieve...

ETA: Phil Williams, please allow the woman crying down the phone line find some privacy.
This is so sickening.

I fear those casuality figures will only get higher.

That tends to be how the news drips through on these stories.

Heartening to see the support being offered on twitter within the city.
Unfortunately it's the nature of the wounds caused by things like this (my wife is a trauma nurse)
So sad may the lost souls rest in piece and condolences to the family and friends of the victims. :(
I am always surprised that such similar incidences have not happened at football matches. Its too easy to do the same thing at OT.
This is from a Spurs game few weeks ago.

I don't necessarily mean the people frisking as they enter. People will half-ass that everywhere, but in terms of counter-terrorism/security resources, they're likely focused bigger events. For the Champions League Final, the security services will be heavily involved in the lead-up and matchday.
People posting fake missing photos for likes as you wrote on your post?
There are too many nutters on FB and Twitter always. My friend who suffers from various health issues gets her pic posted somewhere or other with stuff like "Today is my birthday. One like for someone like me please"
I don't necessarily mean the people frisking as they enter. People will half-ass that everywhere, but in terms of counter-terrorism/security resources, they're likely focused bigger events. For the Champions League Final, the security services will be heavily involved in the lead-up and matchday.

Ah got you mate.
For anyone commuting in Manchester, it's expected that Victoria will be closed the whole of Tuesday if not for longer. I imagine much of the City will be on lock-down also.
Still can't believe this has happened, when in reality it isn't that shocking due to the way the world is nowadays.

Hope those lost children can get reunited with their families soon so they can be looked after and comforted asap.
For anyone commuting in Manchester, it's expected that Victoria will be closed the whole of Tuesday if not for longer. I imagine much of the City will be on lock-down also.

It's already on lock down. Seen at least 15 armed officers over at piccadilly and the number will surely be much higher at Victoria.
An ISIS looking account on Twitter tweeted #manchesterarena just before the blast. Account since suspended.

This really really pisses me off that the Cafe is being used for these purposes of reporting on such hate and horror.

I for one will not become numb or jaded or accepting of this evil happening. We must guard against becoming accepting of this, thinking it's bound to happen and just put up with it!

I know it's not 100% confirmed that it's IS or a terrorist/religious attack as it may be a random nutter, but we must not become accepting of these attacks.

I'm tired and emotional as I'm sure most of us are tonight, but just think of those families who are at hospitals or worse right now..
She giving an interview on the matter?
Written statement. She actually says "being treated by the police as an appalling terrorist attack", so echoing what we've already heard.