Manchester Arena Bombing 22.05.17

The number of ambulances still coming and going from the scene is awful, several hours after the incident.

The Arena owner's are saying it occurred in a public area just outside the arena (but presumably still inside the arena/station complex).
I'm not going to comment on who or what did it but it does feel surreal happening so close to home and it just shows how unpredictable and shocking these events are.

I must say I am slightly desensitized to these incidents as they happen far too often.

Credit to the police and ambulance services in this time. They get a bad slating at times but they are genuinely lifesavers.
But that's how it is.

If this explosion had happened in Africa, this thread would be like 2 pages.

There's a time and place for discussions about desensitization of tragedies and attacks in foreign countries.

A thread about an attack in Manchester in a forum dedicated to a sports team in Manchester is neither.

Live Facebook stream from Manchester Evening news outside Arena.

I find it difficult to relate when a lot of these tragedies happen. Either I'm desensitised to them a bit or they don't really feel 'real' but I always find it touching seeing the emergency services responding to these events. Real heroes.
But that's how it is.

If this explosion had happened in Africa, this thread would be like 2 pages.

You can relate to it more. There's more chance of someone you know being involved. It's a first world country with what's meant to be the best security in the world. It's more frightening to people for all these reasons. That's why.
Reports now of a second suspect device.
People are actually arguing in this thread....feck me this site at times is fecking ridiculous.
This feels a lot like the Arndale bombing :(

Not saying it's the IRA or anything, we all know who's behind it, more that it's so close to home.
This is so so devastating man , been in Manchester for the last 2 weeks and I have fallen in love with the city . This is an absolutely terrible terrible thing
Second controlled explosion heard live on BBC there.
Come on lads, just sit on your hands for the time being if you're getting drawn into unnecessary discussions.

Tonight, keep this thread for relevant news.
All the best.
But that's how it is.

If this explosion had happened in Africa, this thread would be like 2 pages.

Maybe if you supported an African team then their forum would create more outrage over an attack on African soil than one on Western soil, you moron
Without any care? People like me are the ones who care, because we place the protection of the public before religious sensibilities. I'm tired of this shit. I post because I'm so sick of religious attack after attack, while society seems to sleepwalk deeper and deeper. If you think I am t he disgrace, you have a big problem.
I think what he means is at this moment with news still coming in. It's not the time.
Often said in such cases, but by the looks of it the emergency services response has been excellent and very professional.
The controlled explosion went off on BBC live there.

This is absolutely mental.
Maybe if you supported an African team then their forum would create more outrage over an attack on African soil than one on Western soil, you moron

wtf chill out...

i was replying to him that you don't have to feel guilty because you feel more sad about this explosion than others, its normal, human nature.

relax and pay attention what you read.
That controlled explosion was in the Cathedral Gardens. That's just in front of the National Football Museum.
Has there been any word from Ariana Grande or her team? I presume they were far away from the explosion and have long gone from the area?

Well the concert finished. She could well have left at that point.