Yup, which would be seen by most as a hint towards smokey.
I still really liked the finale but it's amazing to see how much discussion it has produced. Mockney seems to be swaying from liking it, to not, then back again, then not again. I can see why people would be annoyed with it but the way I see it is in terms of what we've watched over the past 6 years it wasn't pointless. Jack got Kate, Sawyer and Claire off the island which is pretty much all he cared about, and then he died on the island. That was the ending. The afterlife/church part while intended to be a big reveal, was just intended to give the characters some resolution and give us some hints as to what happened to everyone after Jack died and the Ajira plane left. It had a purpose, and so did the island events. That's how I feel about it anyway.
Completely. As an episode I liked it. As the final chapter in Lost, and what that means for Lost the series, I didn't.
The overriding thing people were saying after Across The Sea (ep15) was "lets just wait and see"...and we did, and they did nothing.
That episode WAS the only explanation of the Island, like those of us who hated it thought it would be....So looking back on all the stuff about the Island now, I'm really really pissed off that we got a bunch of complete nonsense as the answer to the most burning question when it all started - What is this place? ...Their answer? -
"Who cares, something about light, but we can tell you what this other place we've just introduced you to is?...Isn't that satisfying?"
The character resolutions don't bother me - religious nonsense aside - and I actually quite like the idea of them tying up the whole "what happens in the very end for them all" thing during the series rather than after it....However as a series as a whole goes, and now that I'm over the whole emotional impact of the finale and can look back...I think they did a terrible job of resolving the Island story, to the point where they basically told us
"Look, ignore that, it isn't that important...the after life is really what's important, focus on that, isn't it cool and emotional and trippy and shit?...The Island stuff's just stuff"....Which is bullshit to be completely honest. The mystery they answered was one none of us asked...that's a cop out.
They should have resolved the Island stuff in a good, non bullshit way before the finale, which they had plenty of time and opportunity to do, but didn't...instead they brought back Widmore (for nothing), gave him a sidekick (for nothing) made some whole deal about blowing up a plane, then there was a sub, oh and then there was a boat....It was all pointless. Almost everything that happened in the last 3 seasons didn't really have a point or a reason other than making shit happen for happen's sake.
That is incredibly dissapointing....Especially because I watched this show because I thought the writing was so good, and it was about a mysterious Island not about what happens to us when we die. I think all the people who loved it are either forgetting that, or have been blindsided by how cool some of the little bits where. In the end, it was a disapointment....but meh, I suppose it was always going to be. I just didn't think quite like that