Little Big Planet: Is this the game of the year?

I thought that you couldn't play it?

I said in that thread that I managed to get it to load the disc today and haven't turned the PS3 off/quit the game since for fear of it not working again.
Damn this holiday period. I've already decided im getting Gears II, and as for a second game I thought it was going to be this, but then Resistance 2's coop multiplayer suddenly looked an incy bit unmissable.., then theres Left 4 Dead in a few weeks. BAH! Ill probably just rent this instead.
Do a in game search for me (ChimeraSi) or my level called "Man Utd Champions of Europe". It's got John Terry in it but i need one of those playstation eyes so i can upload pics of the united team to it. Don't forget to heart me if you go on it!
Someone play my level, just finished it.

'Escape From Moscow Bay' by 'Solius'

search either of those 2 to find it.

Maybe the best time to play this game, for the first, time is not after watching us get beat by Arsenal, with a massive grumpy head on me.

I'm slowly starting to succumb to it's charms. The control system gets more natural over time and it really is a cracking looking wee game. Great sound-track too.

I may need to re-review this in another few days.

Maybe the best time to play this game, for the first, time is not after watching us get beat by Arsenal, with a massive grumpy head on me.

I'm slowly starting to succumb to it's charms. The control system gets more natural over time and it really is a cracking looking wee game. Great sound-track too.

I may need to re-review this in another few days.

I dont think you get the option of going online or creating your own levels till you complete the first world, which is essentially a collection of training levels.
I think after 3 levels you unlock My Moon and the other one which has escaped me at this time.

Online is fecking great though. Although apparently i'm approx. the 24,000th best player at seemingly every level.
Game of the year will be Wrath of the Lich King, to answer the original question posed in the thread title.
I haven't even played LBP yet, and the game wouldn't win it anyway IMO.

So what did win? I haven't played it yet either, and so I can safely say that Fable 2, Mass Effect, and Gears of War 2 are all better games.
Yeah MGS was good, but I never really got into them so Mass Effect for me. Though that could change by the time I complete Gears of War as this game just keeps getting better and better
I've made a second part to my level, quite chuffed with it :D
How do I find your level?

Will check it out tomorrow.

Cool Levels > Search > 'Solius'

Now the 2 part one wont appear, but my levels 'War' and 'Temple Solis' will. So push X on War or the other one and then go down to 'Find More By This Author. Then the others should pop up.
When is Resistance 2 out then? According to some PS3 magazine I saw the otehr day Bioshock is XBOX's best shooter and it's going to be even better on the PS3. Never understood the fascination with Bioshock myself, and certainly wouldn't classify it as XBOX's best shooter
Is Deadspace out on the PS3? In my opinion that is a better game than Bioshock
I've got all these fecking games unfinished someone decide for me.

Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway.
Fallout 3.
Halo 3.
Project Gotham 4.
Call of Duty 4.
Call of Duty: World at War.
Guitar Hero III.
Fable 2.
Colin McRae Dirt.
Little Big Planet.
Dragonball Z.
Saints Row 2.
Far Cry 2.

All started, none finished. It's annoying me. Which should I fecking start playing again?
You played it yet?

Is that one for my Christmas list?

Yeah I have, and depends if you like horro shooters. Because they're right when they say it has set the benchmark for the horror genre, it's a pretty scary game.