Little Big Planet: Is this the game of the year?

No they cant, PS3 is very popular here and I feel a bit sorry for Sony. I think they made the right decision, losing their market hold here would not help them. For the latter part, nice generalization. If the issue hadn't been raised I dont think most people including me would have noticed. Even now that it is, Im not offended. I would have rather had a patch, but Sony really dont have a choice. Expect more people to buy it now though if the media take hold of this.

generalizations happen for a reason. what have they done that their faith deserves more respect from non-believers than any other faiths?
The Church of England chucked a wobbler about people shooting guns in Manchester Cathedral in Resistance Fall of Man didn't they? They wanted it removed and were told to feck off. Then again, it's only the Church of England.
generalizations happen for a reason. what have they done that their faith deserves more respect from non-believers than any other faiths?

Your can to start a new thread about it if you want, but if you want to believe just what the media (and cretin people!) have been telling you about Islam your more than welcome to.
I honestly don't mind if muslims would like a patch; or a replacement of the discs in countries with constitutions that are based on Islamic law. That's why I asked the question as to whether it was offensive to certain muslims just to hear it or for it to exist at all. Is it similar to novel "The Satanic Verses" where its very existence is upsetting to some?
yet another reason to hate religion

this is as rediculous as the uproar about that danish paper having a picture of the prophet mohammed in a cartoon.

lunacy at it's best
could they not have released 2 different versions, 1 for the muslim community, and 1 for everyone else
could they not have released 2 different versions, 1 for the muslim community, and 1 for everyone else

This is what they say...

As some of you may have noticed, LBP has been slightly delayed in some territories. At MM we were as shocked and dismayed by this as anyone - shellshocked and gutted. We can’t wait for you all to get playing and creating!

We learnt yesterday that there is a lyric in one of the licensed tracks which some people may find offensive, and which slipped through the usual screening processes. Obviously MM and Sony together took this very seriously. LBP should be enjoyable by all. So within 12 hours of hearing about this issue involving a lyric (in Somalian, I believe!), we prepared an automatic day 0 patch and had a new disk image ready; however a decision was made within Sony that the right thing to do for quality and support of people with no on-line was to replace existing disks. They assure us that they are doing everything in their power to get things straightened out as fast as possible, and will announce dates soon.

Apologies to everyone excited to play the game and I can assure you that when it arrives, it will be worth the wait! We want everyone to be able to enjoy the game, and this tweak should help - we’re just gutted it couldn’t be sooner. MM continues to work hard to support the game too. We know that LBP will be something that you can enjoy for a long time to come, when all of this is forgotten and all that remains are thousands of incredible levels and creations to play, create and share.
ive just finished reading the thread which started all this crap

can someone please explain this

abd_alazeez2002 said:
to add some info to all ppl here about Qur'an

Qur'an was writen before 1500 years and it kept from any change

Qur'an is the last miracle in this world and it contain all the worlds secrets but we can't feel it till human discover a secret

that is why Qur'an is our holy book

so if we use Qur'an word to make songs this might lead to a small hole to bad ppl to try to change it

So muslims roll is to keep it from changes
I'm actually surprised Sony have gone to all the efforts they have in re-calling all the discs at such a late stage.
Meh, I've never liked them they have done nothing but moan about the stupidest things, and most of the stuff they moan about is in other countries. If they don't like it then bloody move. It realy is ridiculous and now they are potentialy delaying the release of a game because a few sentences in a song.

Jesus fecking christ

i totally agree, but your just risking a backlash from muslims on this board who although may not find the game offensive, but they will likely find your post offensive.

back on topic

whatever happened to "Sticks and Stones can break my bones but Words can never hurt me"
Well, I also seriously dislike organised religion, as it's akin to illogical brainwashing IMO. However, I have no problem with people being religious if they wish to be so. Maybe he could have phrased his feelings better.

Yes, same for me. I could have indeed phrased it better, thank you Weaste.
Oh dear...I sense a touchy debate.

Keep it in the current events forum, this could turn out real nasty. And lets not forget theres an equal share of practising Christians and Muslims on these RedDevil and the lot..I'd rephrase your feelings better - I know you meant no harm but keep in mind you will be insulting lots around here.
Well, I also seriously dislike organised religion, as it's akin to illogical brainwashing IMO. However, I have no problem with people being religious if they wish to be so. Maybe he could have phrased his feelings better.

I'm a bit of a militant atheist myself, but I don't appreciate clear cut racism, which is what it looked like. Fair enough if he just dislikes Islam. I dislike Islam strongly, but just a bit more than I dislike Christianity, and that only because Christianity is secularized and watered down in the West.
Yes, same for me. I could have indeed phrased it better, thank you Weaste.

Could have? :lol:

At least you realise that now, maybe next time you could try to engage in some of this thinking before you post...

I didn't say nowt before because I'm not arsed about it (I'd rather know your opinions and how you feel rather than you keeping them on the low) but its not like you haven't made that kind of rash comment before mate. With that comment you were only going to make this more 'stupid and petty' than it already is.
Meh, I've never liked them they have done nothing but moan about the stupidest things, and most of the stuff they moan about is in other countries. If they don't like it then bloody move. It realy is ridiculous and now they are potentialy delaying the release of a game because a few sentences in a song.

Jesus fecking christ

Right-wing Christians make even stupider remarks but they're sheltered by the fact that right-wing Christians aren't exactly abnormal within the United States.

All religions are protective of their religious objects and surely it's understandable if someone takes verbatim text from their holy books for their own profit.

Having lived in both cultures, I personally feel a lot of the resentment from Muslims is down to the high levels of Islamophobia - in some ways, one side has to give but neither side ever will.
Not being religious avoids all of this of course.
A polite request RedDevil#26655: I have deleted the most offending post. In the future please keep all your generalisations of the board.

The email posted by a certain Muslim gamer further up the thread was a polite request asking the developer, distributor to remove certain verses of the Quran from the game - I hardly see a request being a crime.

Back to discussing the game please.
Originally Posted by RedDevil#26655 View Post
Meh, I've never liked them they have done nothing but moan about the stupidest things, and most of the stuff they moan about is in other countries. If they don't like it then bloody move. It realy is ridiculous and now they are potentialy delaying the release of a game because a few sentences in a song.

Jesus fecking christ
I can't find this post (backtracking are we?):lol: If you're gonna make a racist comment at least have the balls to stick by it, instead of all this "i should have phrased it better" BS. As Christians we don't have the right to say what Muslims should be doing.

Enlighten me, how on earth could you phrase "I've never liked them they have done nothing but moan about the stupidest things, and most of the stuff they moan about is in other countries. If they don't like it then bloody move." any better? The fact of the matter is, your post is blatantly racist and don't try to deny it. Its idiots like you from both sides that contribute to tension.

A little bit of advice, channel your hate for Muslims and join the young BNP. You'd fit in better there than a board for civilised people. All of you defending him, give it a rest, he knew what he was posting and he MEAN'T it; "I've never liked them". He's not a little boy (he's my age) and thats not just badly phrasing, thats just plain racism.
A polite request RedDevil#26655: I have deleted the most offending post. In the future please keep all your generalisations of the board.

The email posted by a certain Muslim gamer further up the thread was a polite request asking the developer, distributor to remove certain verses of the Quran from the game - I hardly see a request being a crime.

Back to discussing the game please.

Indeed, but the following post has been directed at me so I shall reply.

I can't find this post (backtracking are we?):lol: If you're gonna make a racist comment at least have the balls to stick by it, instead of all this "i should have phrased it better" BS. As Christians we don't have the right to say what Muslims should be doing.

Enlighten me, how on earth could you phrase "I've never liked them they have done nothing but moan about the stupidest things, and most of the stuff they moan about is in other countries. If they don't like it then bloody move." any better? The fact of the matter is, your post is blatantly racist and don't try to deny it. Its idiots like you from both sides that contribute to tension.

A little bit of advice, channel your hate for Muslims and join the young BNP. You'd fit in better there than a board for civilised people. All of you defending him, give it a rest, he knew what he was posting and he MEAN'T it; "I've never liked them". He's not a little boy (he's my age) and thats not just badly phrasing, thats just plain racism.

Well, I could have phrased it better for a start. I am not christian btw, I believe in no religion.

Well, it's true. They come over to the UK or whatever and then they expext us to change the way we do things because they get offended by the tinyest thing. For example, I can remember not too long ago a christian girl who wore a neckless with the cross on it to school was banned from wearing it because some muslims were offended, but they seem to think it's ok that they can wear thier rag things (I know that sounds racist but I dont know what they are actualy called.) anywhere they want (and they get away with it). So I stand by that statement of if they don't like it here they should move because I for one am sick and tired of them doing shit like this.

Call it racism if you like, because I don't see it that way seeing as I do have a few muslims friends so I can understand that not all muslims are like that but the majority are and it pisses me off.

So anyway, is there any news on the release date?
Indeed, but the following post has been directed at me so I shall reply.

Well, I could have phrased it better for a start. I am not christian btw, I believe in no religion.

Well, it's true. They come over to the UK or whatever and then they expext us to change the way we do things because they get offended by the tinyest thing. For example, I can remember not too long ago a christian girl who wore a neckless with the cross on it to school was banned from wearing it because some muslims were offended, but they seem to think it's ok that they can wear thier rag things (I know that sounds racist but I dont know what they are actualy called.) anywhere they want (and they get away with it). So I stand by that statement of if they don't like it here they should move because I for one am sick and tired of them doing shit like this.

Call it racism if you like, because I don't see it that way seeing as I do have a few muslims friends so I can understand that not all muslims are like that but the majority are and it pisses me off.

So anyway, is there any news on the release date?

The reason I became so understanding was because I made Muslim friends and NON of them are like "that". Every religion has its fair share of maniacs but the ones in Islam are highlighted in the media the most. To say the "majority" are like "that" is a ridiculous statement. More like the very small minority.
it wasnt cos it offended Muslims, it was for health and safety reasons

"A British schoolgirl has been barred from wearing a crucifix necklace in class, the Daily Mail reported Saturday. Samantha Devine, a 13-year-old Roman Catholic, was told by teachers in Gillingham, south-east England, that it breached health and safety rules, the paper added.

Her family reportedly says it will fight the decision and has accused the school of discriminating against Christians because Sikh and Muslim pupils can wear religious symbols....

The girl has pledged to keep wearing the cross when school restarts next week after the Christmas holiday. "I am proud of my religion and it is my right to wear a cross around my neck. "I can't understand why the school thinks a tiny crucifix on a thin silver necklace is a health and safety hazard," she told the Mail.