Little Big Planet: Is this the game of the year?

I seen the IGN video review this morning. It looks quite impressive and fun, I'm not sure if i should buy it or not...

I try to limit myself to buying 1 game per month, I've already bought Fifa - Pro Evo, Saints Row, Midnight Club, BioShock, Little Big Planet and FarCry are all out this month too :mad: I'm due another car game after playing GT to death, so i might treat myself to Midnight Club.
Yeah, if it was a physics project, fair play.

But isn't it supposed to be a fecking game? You know, for kids?*

*name that film

As I said, I normally dislike reviews, but this is getting good ones from everywhere. When that happens, be it game, book, film, etc. it normally means that something special is there.

Media Molecule has created a brilliant platformer, and then given you the tools to recreate the whole thing over again, or better yet, to create your own ideas from scratch. It's not perfect - the controls could be tighter, automatically shifting between planes can be problematic, the editor isn't quite as robust as you might hope - but what's there is nothing short of astounding.
Titanic got shit hot reviews, and it was shit

I thought this pretty much blew :/ It's nothing amazing imo, I'd rather play that machine madness? Or whatever it was... hmmm can't remember its name, the game with the tiny cars on desktops and shit, one of them you could create your own track.

The building of levels on this is REALLY tedius and boring.
Just play the game then!

Even that blew due to the controlling issue I mentioned earlier. There's better stuff coming out soon anyway so I can give this a miss, may end up purchasing it when it comes down in price though
Spend 12 quid on WipEout HD, then maybe I'll have someone I know to play with. It is IMO the best PS3 game this year, shits all over MGS4.

Hmm get paid tomorrow, might splash the cash on some good old wipeout, was an awesome game when I was a kid \o/ The music on it always ruled
Played the beta, was impressed with it, but I wont be buying it. I can see how it will be amazing fun for creative types and kids. My 5 year old nephew absolutely loved it right off the bat.

Overall it's just not my thing games wise but I am expecting it to be huge, and rightly so.
I'm so torn whether to get this game or not. The fact thats its so unique and different just adds to my confusion.

From the looks of things its the type of game you either love or hate. No middle ground.

Any chance we will see a demo hit PSN anytime soon? That would certainly help me out.
I still think it looks more like an addictive little budget game than something that should be hyped as much as this, haven't really seen anything that special about it to deserve all the praise.

Was this ever going to be a full price title before Sony really started throwing their weight behind it?
Have to say I'm more with Smashed and Pogue et all on this one.

I will give it a chance though but it isn't all that appealing to me - well not like the hype it is getting.

I used to enjoy games like this, even Crash Bandicoot, but times have changed for me or at least my preferences have.

Titanic got shit hot reviews, and it was shit

I thought this pretty much blew :/ It's nothing amazing imo, I'd rather play that machine madness? Or whatever it was... hmmm can't remember its name, the game with the tiny cars on desktops and shit, one of them you could create your own track.

The building of levels on this is REALLY tedius and boring.

Micro Machines.
Man that sucks. Guessing they feel all the hype and positive reviews would be more than enough the sell the game.

They've given out a code to access a beta version of the game to loads of people which I think has been a better strategy for them - they have been able to control to point the type of people who have been using the game and user levels that have been created so far have been on the whole excellent.

If they had just release a demo, any old dullard could have had a go and created some real shite that would have reflected badly on the game as a whole.

I'm gonna be interested to see what happens to the standard of the content when the game is released.
They've given out a code to access a beta version of the game to loads of people which I think has been a better strategy for them - they have been able to control to point the type of people who have been using the game and user levels that have been created so far have been on the whole excellent.

If they had just release a demo, any old dullard could have had a go and created some real shite that would have reflected badly on the game as a whole.

I'm gonna be interested to see what happens to the standard of the content when the game is released.

Like creating a massive fecking calculator, for example? :boring:
They've given out a code to access a beta version of the game to loads of people which I think has been a better strategy for them - they have been able to control to point the type of people who have been using the game and user levels that have been created so far have been on the whole excellent.

If they had just release a demo, any old dullard could have had a go and created some real shite that would have reflected badly on the game as a whole.

I'm gonna be interested to see what happens to the standard of the content when the game is released.

How can I get access to the beta? Is it too late? Last I heard it was only for UK residents?
delayed till November 14th (Maybe) :(

LittleBigPlanet delayed
Friday 17-Oct-2008 11:36 AM Sony gives new date for LittleBigPlanet
Oh Dear. LittleBigPlanet, the PlayStation 3's biggest game of the year, has been delayed by around three weeks.

High street retailer Zavvi has emailed LittleBigPlanet pre-order customers to alert them of a release slip to November 14.

Dear Mr **** ****

The release date of a product you have ordered has changed.

Product Little Big Planet in order ******** will now be released on Fri Nov 14 00:00:00 GMT 2008

Kind Regards, customer services team

It's not yet clear why this last minute delay has been brought into effect.

We've contacted Sony for official comment on the story, which will come as a massively blow for fans of the game. You'll just have to make do with re-reading our gushing review here.

Update: Looks like Zavvi is back-tracking a little. This just in.

Hello from zavvi,

We are emailing because you recently placed an order for LittleBigPlanet. You may have received an email informing you that the release date had changed to 4th November, unfortunately this was sent in error following an incorrect date feed.

We can confirm that LittleBigPlanet is still scheduled for release on 24th October. We would like to offer our apologies for any confusion or frustration caused.

Still nothing from Sony. Stay tuned.

Update 2: SCEE has told MCV that it will be issuing a statement shortly that is expected to confirm that LittleBigPlanet has been delayed in Europe.

Update 3: It's been reported in several places that the reason behind the delay has something to do with words from the Quran appearing in the finished version. More soon.
Publicity stunt? There is a certain grouping of the English press (read Daily Mail etc.) that will have a good time with this.

Exactly how offensive is this to be included in background music?

The words are:

1- In the 18th second: "كل نفس ذائقة الموت" ("kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death').

2- Almost immediately after, in the 27th second: "كل من عليها فان" ("kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish').
The only thing wrong is that it was mixed in with the music. I was looking forward to it byt Sony cant risk losing millions of potential customers.
Surely they are not going to recall all of the disks that must have already been shipped?

The trouble with patches is that you cannot force it on the game on the disk. Is it just certain muslims that would like a patch? Or do they want every copy changed?
sure they can. if they don't like it, then don't buy it. it's high time they stopped being so offended by everything.
I'd like to know when it actually becomes offensive. When a muslim hears it or the fact of its existence.

Well that's slightly philosophical there but to answer the question, I would think its more to do with its existence.
sure they can. if they don't like it, then don't buy it. it's high time they stopped being so offended by everything.

No they cant, PS3 is very popular here and I feel a bit sorry for Sony. I think they made the right decision, losing their market hold here would not help them. For the latter part, nice generalization. If the issue hadn't been raised I dont think most people including me would have noticed. Even now that it is, Im not offended. I would have rather had a patch, but Sony really dont have a choice. Expect more people to buy it now though if the media take hold of this.