Little Big Planet: Is this the game of the year?

I thought it was shit, got annoyed at sackboy running to and from the cam when you didn't want him to.

Level creating isn't even that amazing imo, getting set backgrounds and stuff sorta blows.
Maybe you need a course in how to use a controller?

I know how... goto push a block or run into something and he automatically decides to move forward or back... unless you grab the thing heh.

The game seems well boring now I've tried it out tbh
You're not on your own Slevin.

Mark Healey, the co-founder of Media Molecule, the company behind highly-anticipated PS3 game LittleBigPlanet, has admitted to Eurogamer that the controls for his own game “annoy” him.

The game sees your “Sackboy” character running and jumping through multi-layered levels, designed by gamers and shared over the Internet. Sackboy can switch between different semi-two-dimensional layers in the game – running behind the legs of a giraffe, for instance, then jumping forward towards the screen to jump onto the giraffe’s tail.

Fans of the game who have downloaded the free demo, now available on the PlayStation Network, have complained about the difficulty of controlling characters moving in and out of the screen. “[That] movement is an incredibly hard thing for us to get right,” Healey has admitted. “There’s times when it annoys me actually.”

The solution? As ever these days, it’s going to be a post-release software patch: “There’s definitely room for improvement and we’ve got the channel to be able to do that as well,” said Healey. “We can refine it.”

Despite the prospect of a post-release patch for an integral part of the game (shame on Media Molecule), LittleBigPlanet remains one of the most exciting (one of the few exciting, frankly) games coming this year on the PS3.
Doubt I'll bother buying it tbh, many better games coming out.

I really doubt I could be arsed creating my own levels either, tried one and it was just too time consuming for basically nothing.

Atleast the company owner sees the problem and wants to fix it.
just got this email

Dear Customer,

We’re writing to you regarding your pre-order for LittleBigPlanet.

Unfortunately Sony have been in touch with us this morning to inform us that due to copyright / image issues they are unable to provide us with the LittleBigPlanet Sackboy figurines originally promised for launch:

“As per our telephone conversation I can confirm that we are unable to provide you with the LittleBigPlanet figurines you were expecting for launch. This is due to copyright / image issues.

As a replacement we will provide you with LittleBigPlanet T Shirts. These will be sent with (or before) your delivery of the game. I am awaiting an image of the T Shirt and will send this to you when i receive it.

Once again I apologise for any issues / inconvenience this may cause.

We are of course extremely disappointed with this and offer our apologies, as you can see from the above e-mail though Sony are instead providing us with LittleBigPlanet t-shirts to send with your pre-order.

As we value your custom and don’t like to disappoint anyone we’ve also decided to add a £2 voucher to your pre-order that can be used on your next purchase with us. By receiving this e-mail you are also one of the lucky customers guaranteed to receive a t-shirt from the limited stock!

You will shortly see the product title on the website change from:

LittleBigPlanet + FREE 3 Inch Sackboy Figurine (while stocks last)


LittleBigPlanet + FREE T-Shirt (while stocks last) + GBP 2.00 Voucher (Pre Order Only)

Our sincere apologies again for this unfortunate situation, we hope you’ll be satisfied with the alternative freebie

Kind Regards,

The Team

damn that sucks
fecking shame that :(

I pre-ordered my copy yesterday at my local game shop. The guy behind the counter wsa fecking freak about this game he seemed to think it was the 2nd coming of the messiah

Its a game FFS :mad:
Old Snake and Sephiroth anybody?




Little Big Planet

Anyone else been playing the beta version?

A friend of mine was one of the lead designers on it and got me a cop of it. It's absolutely brilliant, it's a platform game at heart but the scope for creativity is incredible. I can't wait to get my mits on the full version.

One thing I will say though is that the people that this game has gone out to in advance are generally a pretty creative lot - artists, designers, game industry experts etc etc; so it'll be interesting to see what happens when it the general public has it and dullards start to produce content.


Yeah theres another thread about it, it's very fun. Some of the levels I've played have been very creative.
I like the look of this game. I wish Metroid would've been recreated in a similiar stye, ie 2-D yet 3-D.

It's a working adding and subtracting calculator. this is impressive and also a little bit scary in how much time this guy must have spent making it work.

It's a working adding and subtracting calculator. this is impressive and also a little bit scary in how much time this guy must have spent making it work.

That is seriously impressive, but, unless made by someone working on the game - it's also scary how little life that person must have.
Eurogamer gave it a 9.

But I've got to laugh at this...

Then there's the checkpoint lives system, which gives you an infinite number of lives for a level, but only three (or on too-rare occasions, six) for any given checkpoint. Although checkpoints are generously and well placed, three lives just aren't enough for some of the harder sections, and if you lose them all, it's back to the start of the level. Abandoning lives completely would have stripped all the tension out of the game, but this inflexible system creates half a dozen chokepoints of almost unbearable, teeth-grinding irritation that simply didn't need to be there.

No shit! When did this feckwit start playing games?
Some of you turdlingtards don't actually realise how much time certain people spent with the likes of SEUCK, Game Creator, etc. and even now make mods for many PC games.

Not everyone can write in assembly like me, in fact 99% of new computer science graduates don't know what the feck it is.
IGN gave it a 9.5. It's a 6 page review so I'm not copying and pasting it all, but here are the closing comments.

Closing Comments
As you can see, I had a ton to say in this review, but that's because there's a ton to this game. LittleBigPlanet is a massive game, one that is essentially two parts intertwined so well that they're practically inseparable. Media Molecule has created a brilliant platformer, and then given you the tools to recreate the whole thing over again, or better yet, to create your own ideas from scratch. It's not perfect - the controls could be tighter, automatically shifting between planes can be problematic, the editor isn't quite as robust as you might hope - but what's there is nothing short of astounding. If you own a PlayStation 3, you cannot miss this. If you don't have a PS3 yet, this is the reason to get one.

LittleBigPlanet Review - IGN
Some of you turdlingtards don't actually realise how much time certain people spent with the likes of SEUCK, Game Creator, etc. and even now make mods for many PC games.

Not everyone can write in assembly like me, in fact 99% of new computer science graduates don't know what the feck it is.

Which reminds me, I have to give xnumber a solution to how to do colision detection in a simple 2D game.


Am I the only one that thinks this game looks a little...well, boring?
Nope. I'm right with you there,

Potentially a Manic Miner throw-back if you ask me. Jumping over shit could get very dull, very quickly.

Still, let's be open-minded. It's getting great reviews, to be fair.

I know but the reason everyone is giving it rave reviews is because you can make your own levels? So what. Some guy apparently made a tetris level. Wow. Tetris. Thats why I spent £300 on my super powerful next generation console. So I could play tetris.

As you say I think the novelty will wear off because the actual game play looks decidely lower than average to me. I can understand why people find the idea of being able to design your own levels appealing as it is a bit different, but I do not understand this mega hype it is getting, people are acting like it's the second coming.
Jumping over shit gets very boring?

That fecks up every Mario game then, even almost every platform game that has ever existed. What the truely great platform games do is bring something new to the party, which this does, it does something that no other platform game has really done before. Bubble Bobble for instance did the same, and that is the greatest game ever made.
I know but the reason everyone is giving it rave reviews is because you can make your own levels? So what. Some guy apparently made a tetris level. Wow. Tetris. Thats why I spent £300 on my super powerful next generation console. So I could play tetris.

As you say I think the novelty will wear off because the actual game play looks decidely lower than average to me. I can understand why people find the idea of being able to design your own levels appealing as it is a bit different, but I do not understand this mega hype it is getting, people are acting like it's the second coming.

I think that you are missing the point! The reviews (and I hate reviews) that I have seen have actually complained about the making your own levels part, saying that it's too complex and not fun. They are giving it a high rating because of the game itself and the levels that it comes with.

Kids! :rolleyes:
I know but the reason everyone is giving it rave reviews is because you can make your own levels? So what. Some guy apparently made a tetris level. Wow. Tetris. Thats why I spent £300 on my super powerful next generation console. So I could play tetris.

As you say I think the novelty will wear off because the actual game play looks decidely lower than average to me. I can understand why people find the idea of being able to design your own levels appealing as it is a bit different, but I do not understand this mega hype it is getting, people are acting like it's the second coming.

Oh I agree. Just cause a game has been designed by another user doesn't make it fun. If anything, the opposite. It's like the other thread in here, where there's a youtube clip of a level designed by some nerd who's spent hundreds of hours designing a calculator, which can add and subtract, when the little sack-gimp thing pulls levers.

A fecking calculator.

EDIT: It's this thread, isn't it? Yes, yes I am a spastic.
I am undecided, the game looks good, but only if you devote enough time to it. I like the idea of full control over everything, but the contrast between the "cute" look, and the complex nature of designing might be an issue. Just seems I would want it to be easier than it is.

Just hope there is a brilliant tutorial!
Jumping over shit gets very boring?

That fecks up every Mario game then, even almost every platform game that has ever existed. What the truely great platform games do is bring something new to the party, which this does, it does something that no other platform game has really done before. Bubble Bobble for instance did the same, and that is the greatest game ever made.

I'm no expert but weren't platform games based around trying to create a game in a 2D environment?

Ever since 3D gaming became routine, platform games seem a bit old hat. I can't think of a single decent 2D platformer in years.

What's the fun in running and jumping over stuff, in 2D environment, when you can play a game like Drake's Progress, which has all the running and jumping stuff plus a whole heap of other stuff to boot? And it's in 3D.
I'm no expert but weren't platform games based around trying to create a game in a 2D environment?

Ever since 3D gaming became routine, platform games seem a bit old hat. I can't think of a single decent 2D platformer in years.

What's the fun in running and jumping over stuff, in 2D environment, when you can play a game like Drake's Progress, which has all the running and jumping stuff plus a whole heap of other stuff to boot? And it's in 3D.

Exactly. Aye Mario and Sonic etc are both classics but if they were released today instead of 15 years ago, they would crash and burn. I'm just finding it very hard to get excited over a game where one of its main gameplay features is 'jumping over stuff'. I don't see the gameplay coming anywhere close to comparing to say Ratchet and Crank, which has never received half the hype of LBP
I don't see what the hell the dimensions of it have anything to do with it. Have you ever played any of the classic platform games? What's the fun?

I was blown away by Donkey Kong on the game-boy and Manic Miner is one of the all time greats. But times have changed. If I tried to convince someone to play either of those games nowadays I'd be laughed out of town.

I just think platformers have had their day, I don't see the attraction in making this little fella run and jump over trap-doors and shit. I can't help thinking that the review ratings are inflated by PS3 fan-boys desperate not to see that the emperor's arse is hanging out of his jeans (not slagging off the console here, cause I think it's ace but I do think that PS3 exclusives seem to be cut much more slack than cross-platform releases and this game has been hyped as the holy grail of PS3 gaming for years now).

I'm gonna try and be open-minded though and I await the demo with interest.
I don't see what the hell the dimensions of it have anything to do with it. Have you ever played any of the classic platform games? What's the fun?

So your argument for LBP is that its like Mario? A game thats about 20 years old? I donwloaded sonic for £4 on XBOX Live. Admittedly it was fun for a few hours and bought up a lot of feelings of nostalgia. But I quickly realized jumping over stuff was nowhere near as fun as I remember as it gets old fast
So your argument for LBP is that its like Mario? A game thats about 20 years old?

No, my argument isn't that. My argument is that dimensions have nothing to do with it. What almost every true Mario game has done is nailed the gameplay, and I mean nailed to the floor with 20 inch nails that Jesus would have been proud of. What great platform games do (no matter what the dimension - that's just the visual representaion) is bring something new to the table or nail what is already there to it. I think this does both.
That calculator level is amazing, fair play to the guy who did that.