Sweet Square
If anything, this leaflet is involuntary evidence for how naive their approach is, and how bad things actually can be. I mean, imagine being in a political environment where you deem it necessary to inform fellow marchers that black people aren't lazy, dim-witted subhumans who can't be as civilised as others. And then politely ask them to "please avoid" such claims and imagery, as if things like that happen by accident or through mere misinformation.I think they were definitely referring to all three, just that maybe they weren't expecting to be taken seriously in the case of Pollard. The Stephen Pollard "non-jew" link in the article leads to poorly written satirical piece that seems to me to mockingly question whether or not he's been circumcised - something the author thinks Pollard's paper takes a little too seriously, this taken as evidence to accuse Pollard of perhaps protesting too much. (The original article no longer exists, the above is a link to the cache'd version)
Below is their "avoiding anti-semitism" guide (spoilered as fairly big images):
Again this is cached as the original jewdas link is unavailable.
May was catapulted into the PM role following the referendum - which was a total earthquake for the country and the EU alike. She called the election based on the polls because correctly, the anticipated landslide would have strengthened her hand. She was dreadfully advised, poorly supported, lacked agility and ultimately ran the worst campaign of any party in living memory. Along the way there were some of the worst terrorist atrocities to hit this the country in years. She lost her majority, looked mortally wounded and then Grenfell! She has also had to battle with varying dissenting factions in the Tory party. But she is still there and recently she hasn't looked that bad. She has a bit of staying power.
The current government is not the best - I don't know of any government that could have claimed to be the best. However, anyone who reckons that Jeremy Corbyn and his gang could do better is totally deluded. There is no way his doctrine would work. Not here, not now, not anywhere, not ever.
If anything, this leaflet is involuntary evidence for how naive their approach is, and how bad things actually can be. I mean, imagine being in a political environment where you deem it necessary to inform fellow marchers that black people aren't lazy, dim-witted subhumans who can't be as civilised as others. And then politely ask them to "please avoid" such claims and imagery, as if things like that happen by accident or through mere misinformation.
"Control the media/banks/country", "horns or [probably tail] as the Devil", "drinking blood or eating children" - deary me.
May was catapulted into the PM role following the referendum - which was a total earthquake for the country and the EU alike. She called the election based on the polls because correctly, the anticipated landslide would have strengthened her hand. She was dreadfully advised, poorly supported, lacked agility and ultimately ran the worst campaign of any party in living memory. Along the way there were some of the worst terrorist atrocities to hit this the country in years. She lost her majority, looked mortally wounded and then Grenfell! She has also had to battle with varying dissenting factions in the Tory party. But she is still there and recently she hasn't looked that bad. She has a bit of staying power.
The current government is not the best - I don't know of any government that could have claimed to be the best. However, anyone who reckons that Jeremy Corbyn and his gang could do better is totally deluded. There is no way his doctrine would work. Not here, not now, not anywhere, not ever.
May was catapulted into the PM role following the referendum - which was a total earthquake for the country and the EU alike. She called the election based on the polls because correctly, the anticipated landslide would have strengthened her hand. She was dreadfully advised, poorly supported, lacked agility and ultimately ran the worst campaign of any party in living memory. Along the way there were some of the worst terrorist atrocities to hit this the country in years. She lost her majority, looked mortally wounded and then Grenfell! She has also had to battle with varying dissenting factions in the Tory party. But she is still there and recently she hasn't looked that bad. She has a bit of staying power.
The current government is not the best - I don't know of any government that could have claimed to be the best. However, anyone who reckons that Jeremy Corbyn and his gang could do better is totally deluded. There is no way his doctrine would work. Not here, not now, not anywhere, not ever.
If anything, this leaflet is involuntary evidence for how naive their approach is, and how bad things actually can be. I mean, imagine being in a political environment where you deem it necessary to inform fellow marchers that black people aren't lazy, dim-witted subhumans who can't be as civilised as others. And then politely ask them to "please avoid" such claims and imagery, as if things like that happen by accident or through mere misinformation.
"Control the media/banks/country", "horns or [probably tail] as the Devil", "drinking blood or eating children" - deary me.
You truly think that Labour would have done better?? Corbyn has splinters up his arse he sits on the fence so much.Given the performance May and her team of brexiteers are offering that is quite a statement. Takes some doing to be worse than making deals without consulting the ones you need to have support from. What could Corbyn possible have done that is worse than triggering article 50 and then doing feck all for a year?
A better job for whom? For the upper middle and upper classes on the property ladder they probably might not do a better job for those. For those who aren't on the property ladder they'll do a better job of getting a home because home building will increase. For those wanting to go to higher education without wealthy parents he'll do a better job. For the small business owners helped by investment bank he will do a better job. For those relying on the NHS, he'll do a better job. For those relying on public services to aid their disabilities he'll do a better job.
In terms of the economy, investment of this level will trigger growth because when you give the poor to average money they spend it and that increased spending triggers economic growth. A softer Brexit would also see economic advantages.
As for the doctrine of left wing politics not working, it works fine in the Nordic countries.
This all costs money and if you really think that taxing the rich and business is going to pay for it then think again. The Tories big mistake during the last election was that they should have kicked massive holes in Corbyn's pie-in-the-sky totally unfunded promises. Don't you see? He, by all accounts was going to get hammered. He could promise the earth in the sure knowledge he would never have to deliver. Boom! all the kids buy it.
Can you not see the paradox that if you tax business, they will feck off elsewhere. If you tax the rich (like in the 70's) they will too. If the rich go and businesses go then unemployment will rise. Welfare payments will rise and eventually they will have no choice but to tax all of us. When I started work in 75 the basic rate of tax was 35% rising to 83%. All that was used for was to prop up failing industries. Public services were crap because they were always on strike for more pay because their bloody taxes were too high!
This all costs money and if you really think that taxing the rich and business is going to pay for it then think again. The Tories big mistake during the last election was that they should have kicked massive holes in Corbyn's pie-in-the-sky totally unfunded promises. Don't you see? He, by all accounts was going to get hammered. He could promise the earth in the sure knowledge he would never have to deliver. Boom! all the kids buy it.
Can you not see the paradox that if you tax business, they will feck off elsewhere. If you tax the rich (like in the 70's) they will too. If the rich go and businesses go then unemployment will rise. Welfare payments will rise and eventually they will have no choice but to tax all of us. When I started work in 75 the basic rate of tax was 35% rising to 83%. All that was used for was to prop up failing industries. Public services were crap because they were always on strike for more pay because their bloody taxes were too high!
This all costs money and if you really think that taxing the rich and business is going to pay for it then think again. The Tories big mistake during the last election was that they should have kicked massive holes in Corbyn's pie-in-the-sky totally unfunded promises. Don't you see? He, by all accounts was going to get hammered. He could promise the earth in the sure knowledge he would never have to deliver. Boom! all the kids buy it.
Can you not see the paradox that if you tax business, they will feck off elsewhere. If you tax the rich (like in the 70's) they will too. If the rich go and businesses go then unemployment will rise. Welfare payments will rise and eventually they will have no choice but to tax all of us. When I started work in 75 the basic rate of tax was 35% rising to 83%. All that was used for was to prop up failing industries. Public services were crap because they were always on strike for more pay because their bloody taxes were too high!
If they went to the country now Labour would lose.Oh absolutely feck off.
If you're going to boil down Corbyn's appeal to 'DEM THICK KIDS WHO DON'T KNOW WHATS GOOD FOR THEM' then you've got your head buried in the sand. Labour won every demographic up to 40-49. The crossover age where someone was more likely to vote Conservative than Labour was 48.
It's also absolutely laughable to defend the party pushing an economically destructive withdrawal from the EU based on them somehow being an economically sound choice.
If they went to the country now Labour would lose.
You do realise that the Tories are doing precisely the same thing right now? Just the other day May promised to fund the NHS with absolutely no content on how, just the usual bullshit of "oh we'll fund it!". Next day she then makes the same promise with School Dinners only to then have to admit that it was a lie and they have no money to pay for it.
If you're going to attack Corbyns manifesto then you should do the same with the Tories and have a go at them when they openly LIE to the general public in an attempt to score political points. Naturally this Government is so incompetent that it backfires on them a few days later, yet you honestly think they'd do better than Corbyn? We've had 10 years of Tories and its resulted in this country slowly falling apart.
Edit: Also, i'm of the generation that had university fees applied just as I was about to go to Uni. Followed by a recession which resulted in the Company I was working for going under. Add to that a housing market that is so fecking expensive that it's extremely difficult to purchase a house (renting or nothing). Then get 10 years of Tories that have pushed this country in entirely the wrong direction from my perspective. Get Brexit, which is something I opposed and now we have people like you claiming "Boom! All the kids buy it.".
Sorry John, but feck right off. Some of us are fecking tired of having dogshit Governments constantly fecking all over us. This is why for my Generation and younger want a change and you may not agree with his Politics, but Corbyn offers that. Maybe we're asking too much with Corbyn and perhaps our ideals of having a Government give a shit about the poor/middle classes is fool hardy. But the Tories end goal is to simply extend the gap between the Rich and the Poor and i'm tired of it.
Gosh I wish you could have seen the 70's. Of course you buy it. He's promising you Shangri La. I have a wife kids and a mortgage, I come from a shit-poor working class background and I have worked from an apprentice to where I am now. I am in my 43rd year of work and I do not want to see a return to the bad old days. Not for me or for my daughter. So sorry friend but you feck right off. Corbyn will not make things better he will just kill aspiration and enterprise stone dead because he believes that we should all be wearing the same clothes and caps with red stars on them.
oh man imagine thinking the party of slightly higher taxes is going to scare more businesses than the party actively seppukking our trade agreements
half the country voted for it, don't be so dishonest with that name, and they didn't vote for any specific kind of brexit, it was just vague enough to make sure everyone is unhappy no matter how it endsThe country did that - in the referendum. The Government are just trying to deliver. The message from TM has not changed. If the Country didn't agree then it should have voted her out. It didn't.
Labour's 'current' thinking on how Brexit should be delivered would cause total uproar.
Troll! Wow! Just because I hold a different view from you?Troll / Daily Mail reader and therefore you may join my ignore list. Congrats.
Listen, I voted remain. But I was out-voted so now we have to get on with it. It is easy to sit on the side lines and kick holes in everything that is being proposed or negotiated.half the country voted for it, don't be so dishonest with that name, and they didn't vote for any specific kind of brexit, it was just vague enough to make sure everyone is unhappy no matter how it ends
Troll! Wow! Just because I hold a different view from you?
so now we have to get on with it.
Troll! Wow! Just because I hold a different view from you?
For your information I never read the Daily Mail.oh come on, you're literally just repeating the daily mail
no we don't have to get on with it, if half the country votes to jump off a cliff you have the right to tell them to feck themselves
I refer to my post above.Didn't refute the Daily Mail accusation I see...
First stage agreement: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/joint_report.pdfFor your information I never read the Daily Mail.
As far as I can see we are trying to get a deal. One that satisfies the leavers - i.e. control of borders, laws etc. and allows us to strike trade deals with other countries. But also one that preserves good trade and security relations with the EU. It's not a cake walk and there are issues to resolve, but I believe they are trying in good faith to achieve those ends. Pray tell. Given the messages of the referendum, what is wrong with that approach? Do you honestly believe that the Government cynically wants us to float off into the Atlantic with jack-shit knowing full well that the first thing that would happen after that is they would lose power?
First stage agreement: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/joint_report.pdf
EU draft withdrawl agreement :https://ec.europa.eu/commission/sites/beta-political/files/draft_withdrawal_agreement.pdf
TLDR: every word you wrote is wrong, we're either getting a faux brexit or no deal
How are you going to do that while leaving Ireland borderless and maintaining regulatory alignment between the north and republic, and maintaining regulatory alignment between NI and mainland UK?What is a faux Brexit? As far as I see if we can control who comes and goes in this country, what the law of the Land is and stop paying fees to the EU then that is Brexit. The rest is trade negotiations with the EU and the rest of the world
How are you going to that while leaving Ireland borderless and maintaining regulatory alignment between the north and republic, and maintaining regulatory alignment between NI and mainland UK?
What is a faux Brexit? As far as I see if we can control who comes and goes in this country, what the law of the Land is and stop paying fees to the EU then that is Brexit. The rest is trade negotiations with the EU and the rest of the world
Gosh I wish you could have seen the 70's. Of course you buy it. He's promising you Shangri La. I have a wife kids and a mortgage, I come from a shit-poor working class background and I have worked from an apprentice to where I am now. I am in my 43rd year of work and I do not want to see a return to the bad old days. Not for me or for my daughter. So sorry friend but you feck right off. Corbyn will not make things better he will just kill aspiration and enterprise stone dead because he believes that we should all be wearing the same clothes and caps with red stars on them.
Listen, I voted remain. But I was out-voted so now we have to get on with it. It is easy to sit on the side lines and kick holes in everything that is being proposed or negotiated.
Those countries have agreed to freedom of movement, goods and labour and almost everything else the EU has to offer. That's literally a faux Brexit. "oh, we left the EU, we're in the EFTA/EEA now"How do goods and services pass between the EU and Switzerland? Pretty seamlessly I can tell you. The same between Norway and Sweden. The Irish question is not insurmountable. Personally I think too much is being made of it.
Listen, I voted remain. But I was out-voted so now we have to get on with it. It is easy to sit on the side lines and kick holes in everything that is being proposed or negotiated.
But I do not see the Labour party going over there and doing anything other but agreeing a deal that is remain in all but name. And believe me the reaction would be 10 times worse if that happened.
How do goods and services pass between the EU and Switzerland? Pretty seamlessly I can tell you. The same between Norway and Sweden. The Irish question is not insurmountable. Personally I think too much is being made of it.
Those countries have agreed to freedom of movement, goods and labour and almost everything else the EU has to offer. That's literally a faux Brexit. "oh, we left the EU, we're in the EFTA/EEA now"
*We're already in the EEA lol
I can see why you vote conservative, they've got you wrapped around their little finger
The Canada model is incompatible with the good Friday agreement. You can't close the NI/Republic border. And the government is in bed with the DUP so they can't create regulatory divergence from NI to the mainland.I did not mean we should copy but at least acknowledge that all possible models have not been used up already. They just dreamed up another one for Canada. So why can't we create one for us and the EU?
I vote Conservative because I believe in freedom of choice and I fundamentally disagree with Left wing politics and I refuse to acknowledge that the Left owns the entire mountain range of the moral high-ground which they undoubtedly think they do.
I did not mean we should copy but at least acknowledge that all possible models have not been used up already. They just dreamed up another one for Canada. So why can't we create one for us and the EU?
I vote Conservative because I believe in freedom of choice and I fundamentally disagree with Left wing politics and I refuse to acknowledge that the Left owns the entire mountain range of the moral high-ground which they undoubtedly think they do.