Jarrad Branthwaite

Yeah of course. I've never really understood the idea that fans of lower positioned clubs can't mock higher ones. The fans have basically zero input into what happens, we're all just viewers.

There's a way to do it though. You for example, are a good opposition fan to have on the forum because you explain your points calmly and see other perspectives. This other bloke seems to be a bit angry and tunnel visioned.

You mean to say that it is, in fact, really strange to be bringing up which club was bigger in the 1910s?
Tbf you don't have to support a Madrid to mock United and their woes and for many fans in the PL when they had to suffer the years when you were winning everything, it is a bit of a laugh. Obviously doesn't hit the same when you support a club that's been tragic for many years.

Well yeah that's my point.

It's not really very effective to have an Everton fan mocking Utd about how crap we were last season when we still ended up finishing miles above you, beating you home and away and winning a trophy.

And I'm not having a go at you personally, you're a good poster. More the weirdo opposition fans who just sign up on here to slag Utd off with every one of their posts.
I’ve never watched the Dutch striker, but didn’t he just win young player of the year in Italy?

I have. He's 24 soon. I wouldn't class him as young. He was on trial at Everton. He's an average striker that you've over paid for.
@cpleigh your boys took a hell of a beating. Maybe you should Makepeace with how shite your lads were.

Simply put, you and other Everton fans seem weirdly concerned with the Yoro deal, particularly the fee involved. For a club and fan-base supposedly so happy to have kept Branthwaite, this apparent "confusion" over United choosing to move on to another target is bizarre.

United have walked away from giving you the £75 million you wanted for Branthwaite, and have instead spent the £50 million we'd offered on another player, while having simultaneously successfully advanced negotiations for a third option, and yet somehow the reflection of such transfer dealings is that United are still overpaying for players?

If Lille wanted more for Yoro, or he wasn't really on board with the transfer because of the other interest, we'd have very likely walked away from that one too and signed De Ligt instead. But by all means, keep going on about "the reflection of overpaying by United", of which the subtext is very much coming across as "we wanted you to overpay for Brainthwaite and we're slightly gutted you didn't."

The jibes are the constant "you've overpaid", as if our approach to this transfer hasn't been worlds apart from previous windows. We went for Branthwaite, got knocked back, and simultaneously had good negotiations for Yoro and De Ligt, settling on the former, all while we got the Zirkzee deal over the line quickly and sensibly. Condensing all of that down to "paid £52 million for a teenager so you've clearly not learnt anything" is absolutely a jibe at the club and at Yoro.

Of course you've not sat down with Branthwaite yet. There's still over a month of the window left. Let's see what happens if he's still with you once it's closed.

I think that it makes sense to be concerned with other CB deals when your club has a CB that United is targeting, as you reflect that onto your own player and seek to understand if that's the end of the saga and you can move on, or if you still need to worry about your player possibly being sold.

If you wish to read my posts like you are then that's on you. I can't change that. I don't feel sad or gutted that we haven't sold Branthwaite and I'm not trying to jibe at your club or Yoro. I'm just offering an opinion of why some fans may seem to think that, as many on here and on twitter claimed that United were changing their transfer strategy and would walk away from deals when it got to a steep price, but in regards to Yoro, that doesn't seem to be reflected by some because you've paid a steep fee for a player who is 18 and has one year left on their deal. If you've done that because you think he's worth it and don't believe Branthwaite is, that's fine. We are fine with that. We want to keep Branthwaite and until you pay the price that we can't afford to refuse, I feel confident we will keep him, whether that is the right decision in the long term or not.
I have. He's 24 soon. I wouldn't class him as young. He was on trial at Everton. He's an average striker that you've over paid for.

His birthday is 22nd May. He's 23 for the entirety of this upcoming season.
I think that it makes sense to be concerned with other CB deals when your club has a CB that United is targeting, as you reflect that onto your own player and seek to understand if that's the end of the saga and you can move on, or if you still need to worry about your player possibly being sold.

If you wish to read my posts like you are then that's on you. I can't change that. I don't feel sad or gutted that we haven't sold Branthwaite and I'm not trying to jibe at your club or Yoro. I'm just offering an opinion of why some fans may seem to think that, as many on here and on twitter claimed that United were changing their transfer strategy and would walk away from deals when it got to a steep price, but in regards to Yoro, that doesn't seem to be reflected by some because you've paid a steep fee for a player who is 18 and has one year left on their deal. If you've done that because you think he's worth it and don't believe Branthwaite is, that's fine. We are fine with that. We want to keep Branthwaite and until you pay the price that we can't afford to refuse, I feel confident we will keep him, whether that is the right decision in the long term or not.

I think we probably came to the same conclusion as you did. Yoro a tier above Branthwaite, and a high fee was needed to put pressure on Lille and him to make a decision and see we were putting effort into chasing him. If we rate Yoro higher than JB then the overall fee we've paid is still less than we'd have had to pay to Everton.
I kind of want him more now

Yoro and Branthwaite could sort out any desperate and urgent need for more CB's for a number of summers. And I like when we upset everyone through persuit of a player. It'll be nice to rub more salt in Everton's wounds.

I still think £60m plus add ons gets Branthwwaite done. But would be later in the Summer and if Maguire leaves.
Everton were desperate for us to enter a bidding war for him against... ourselves. They know no-one else is in for him/willing to go near what we've already offered and are seething.
I think we probably came to the same conclusion as you did. Yoro a tier above Branthwaite, and a high fee was needed to put pressure on Lille and him to make a decision and see we were putting effort into chasing him. If we rate Yoro higher than JB then the overall fee we've paid is still less than we'd have had to pay to Everton.

Yep, I pretty much see it that way too.
I think that it makes sense to be concerned with other CB deals when your club has a CB that United is targeting, as you reflect that onto your own player and seek to understand if that's the end of the saga and you can move on, or if you still need to worry about your player possibly being sold.

If you wish to read my posts like you are then that's on you. I can't change that. I don't feel sad or gutted that we haven't sold Branthwaite and I'm not trying to jibe at your club or Yoro. I'm just offering an opinion of why some fans may seem to think that, as many on here and on twitter claimed that United were changing their transfer strategy and would walk away from deals when it got to a steep price, but in regards to Yoro, that doesn't seem to be reflected by some because you've paid a steep fee for a player who is 18 and has one year left on their deal. If you've done that because you think he's worth it and don't believe Branthwaite is, that's fine. We are fine with that. We want to keep Branthwaite and until you pay the price that we can't afford to refuse, I feel confident we will keep him, whether that is the right decision in the long term or not.

I didn't think that until your defence of (directly quoted) forum posts and articles that quite clearly displayed a confused anger over the deal. There's literally been another Everton fan in this thread acting incredibly bizarrely about the whole thing.

Time will tell if we've paid over the odds for Yoro or not, but the reality of the situation is that we clearly had him a bracket of players (that included Branthwaite and De Ligt) for which we were willing to pay around £50 million for. This is a far cry from previous windows, when we'd have targeted one player, had no alternative options, spent the entire summer pissing about making zero progress while apparently negotiating the fee, before getting the deal over the line some time in mid-late August for the original fee we initially tried to reject as being too expensive. In this instance, that would have been Branthwaite for £75 million three games into the season.

It's so obviously not the same transfer strategy as previous windows that it can only be explained as willful ignorance and/or bitterness to see it that way.
I have. He's 24 soon. I wouldn't class him as young. He was on trial at Everton. He's an average striker that you've over paid for.
Didier Drogba was 23 when he first played in Ligue 1 and only managed 15 league goals in his first 75 games including in the second tier.

There is no science behind the trajectory a player is on. Just because he was on trial at Everton and it didn’t work out doesn’t mean he can’t make it elsewhere and develop into a good player.

I’d trust the opinions of Thiago Motta over some WUM Everton fan, that’s for sure.
I have. He's 24 soon. I wouldn't class him as young. He was on trial at Everton. He's an average striker that you've over paid for.

This feels like that time Leicester fans turned into salty weirdos on here when we bid for Maguire. Much like Maguire, I hope you's keep Branthwaite.
I still don't mind Everton and will certainly still root for them against Liverpool but this reaction is totally odd and way ott.
I love when fans of other clubs get salty when we sign a player they think should be beyond us because we’ve been poorly managed on and off the field for a decade.

It hurts their heads to process that we’re still massive without being good. Let’s see the likes of City, PSG or even Madrid be absolute dogshit for ten years and still maintain the pull of United.

The best supported club in the world will always attract great players. We’ve had a decade long blip, and all those fans who had their childhoods ruined by Fergie have absolutely adored every second of it - it’s been wholesome to be honest, watching their confidence grow and the bit of chippiness creep in.

But now they can see the signs of us starting to get our house back in order and they’re lashing out. The old fears are creeping back in and they don’t like it one bit. It’s absolutely delicious.
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I think a bit of context is needed here.

Yoro is a very different player to Jarrad. Yoro is a right sided center back. He's still 18 and therefore several aspects of his game needs to improve. From what I've seen 1v1 is one of the weaker aspects of the game. However he's considered a generational talent, whose got the potential of becoming the best ball playing CB of his generation.

Jarrad is left sided center back (though he can play on the right which is a plus). He's more of an EPL type of CB ie he's very dominant in air and he's physically strong. He's also blessed with great pace as well which is a rare thing for a CB of his size. His passing is a bit on the weak side but that can improve considering that he's still 21.

Both players complement one another and needless to say that while Jarrad can easily slot in as regular first teamer something Yoro probably cannot.

Yoro initial fee of 50m euros is a bit on the high side but we're talking of a generational talent here who can reach the heights of a Van Dijk or a Varane. Jarrad's 70m estimate is ridiculous though as we'll be expected to pay the price of an established WC CB something Jarrad is not (yet).

Quite frankly I'd rather see United go on Tah. He's cheaper (though older) to Jarrad and he provides everything we hope a more mature Jarrad would bring (ie great physicality, good passing ability, being great in air, good movement etc). By the time Tah leaves United, Yoro would be in his prime and Jarrad would be heading towards the end of his contract.
Didier Drogba was 23 when he first played in Ligue 1 and only managed 15 league goals in his first 75 games including in the second tier.

There is no science behind the trajectory a player is on. Just because he was on trial at Everton and it didn’t work out doesn’t mean he can’t make it elsewhere and develop into a good player.

I’d trust the opinions of Thiago Motta over some WUM Everton fan, that’s for sure.

Worth noting that he was on trial at Everton when he was 16 and, so far as I understand it, decided not to sign for them (not the other way around). He then went on to sign for Bayern Munich.
Worth noting that he was on trial at Everton when he was 16 and, so far as I understand it, decided not to sign for them (not the other way around). He then went on to sign for Bayern Munich.

Yep, we offered him a contract but he waited for Bayern to offer him a deal. They did and he signed for them instead.
Wouldn't put much faith in this Harry Kane guy fellas. He was on trial at Norwich and didn't even score a goal. Average.
I have. He's 24 soon. I wouldn't class him as young. He was on trial at Everton. He's an average striker that you've over paid for.

So you judge him on a trial 7 years ago, right, when he was a kid? Or did you watch him regularly during his Anderlecht time where he had 16 goals and 9 assists at 20 years old in 1 season? At Bologna, 11 goals and 4 assists in a season, for still a young player?

So salty. Hope Everton gets relegated, just because of / for you :lol:
You just need to look at their forum (what was it, great old something) and it'll all be clear, bitterness and bile beyond belief. And for some reason they really hate United. The enemy of my enemy is my worst enemy, weird folk. This Branthwaite thing really did a number on them for some reason.
You'd think Everton and Utd fans would be united by their hatred of Liverpool.
Think the old newbie system was better. Otherwise this is quality of content you see from rattled salty oppo posters.
I have. He's 24 soon. I wouldn't class him as young. He was on trial at Everton. He's an average striker that you've over paid for.

Overpaid? we spent 33m pounds on him. You just sold a mediocre midfielder to Aston Villa for almost dubble that.
Instead of being happy they might keep Bradtwat for another year, Everton fans upset. There really isn’t a rational or emotional reason why they should be. I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

We won’t be back in for Breathbad, De Ligt is better and cheaper.
Overpaid? we spent 33m pounds on him. You just sold a mediocre midfielder to Aston Villa for almost dubble that.
The guy calls us out for spending more than the release clause without having a single clue of why that was done :lol:
Of course he is going to show discontent in an interview conducted by the club he is contracted with
The smart play by his agent would be to ask for c. £125k wages, putting him on parity with Everton’s top earners, but still less than he would have got if he moved. Combine that with a sensible release clause (say £50m) kicking in summer 2026 and extend until 2028.

He then gets paid more, Everton know that he will knuckle down for them for another 2 seasons, unless someone does decide to overpay for him, and that they then can still get a decent fee in 2026.