45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
I just don't understand this attitude at all. I mean, what do you think is going to happen if the manager doesn't get the player he wants? The player he thinks fits his system?
Is he going to log on here and message kouroux and ask who he should sign instead, and what system he should now play?
Why does anyone take pleasure in sabotaging their own manager? Why do people only want us to sign players that fit into the system they want us to play? People who aren't Man Utd manager. Or, indeed, a manager of anyone.
I'm just a poster on a message, my view is what it is. I can express if I want or not and that's it, I don't expect anything other than that. Mourinho will do what he wants, we don't necessarily have to like everything but hope it can work out in the end. Taking pleasure in sabotaging the manager

To people hoping we don't get him. Be sure not to moan about how we lack options out wide if we don't buy any winger at all .
Not buying him and not buying anybody aren't exclusively related. If we get him, I'll support him, if we buy somebody else I'll support that player. If we get nobody then it won't good for the club.