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Germany still out here grinding that thousand years shit.
Disgusting state, the worst in Europe regarding this issue.
I’m pretty sure Germany are Israel second biggest contributor in bombs/weapons.

Although like other counties. Most Germans at least when polled want sales to Israel to stop.

Such a normal response from a.......Green Party politician.
Germany politics is strange. There’s can be anarchists and Antifa people who will cover themselves in the Israeli flag.
There is no such thing as Serbo-Croatian genocide. I know this is not in line with topic, but anyway.

Croatia was a fascist state in WW2, which was allied with Italy and Germany. The rest of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia which existed prior to the war, it is hard to say. But Serbian royal guard, Chetniks, which can be concerned a major force of the time, were a paramilitary force which was not completely aligned with fascists, but their ideology was not nice, anyway, to not use worse words. They commited many crimes, but you couldn't say they were allies with fascists 100%.

Most of them fought communists anyway, both Chetniks and Croatian fascist goverment, and commited major atrocities along the way.

There was huge extermination camp Jasenovac in which ugly crimes were commited by Croatian fascist goverment, mostly against Serbs, and there was also Bleiburg, at the very end of the war, where Yugoslav forces commited crimes against nazi supporters, but also a number of innocents.

There were, of course, countless small villages and groups of people exterminated throughout the war, Muslims in Eastern Bosnia for example, mostly by Chetnik forces. Germans also commited number of such atrocities throughout the war.

But, there wasn't such thing as German sponsored genocide against Serbo-Croatians specifically. No.

I must say I am not very well informed about it. Thanks for elaborating.
But, there wasn't such thing as German sponsored genocide against Serbo-Croatians specifically. No.
I'm pretty sure the Ustase/The Independent State of Croatia were run by Nazi Germany.

After Israeli soldiers were filmed gang-raping a Palestinian man kidnapped from the Gaza Strip, their army buddies beat up the military police officers who came to detain them – but no charges will be filed, because the latter are too terrified to testify
It seems the letter from the 99 doctors who were in Gaza sent to the Biden on 10/2 didn't get enough attention. Here's what they wrote.

[We urge you to see that] Israel has systematically and deliberately devastated Gaza’s entire healthcare system, and that Israel has targeted our colleagues in Gaza for torture, disappearance, and murder.

- 90% of the population has been displaced.

- More than 50% of the healthcare infrastructure has been destroyed by the IDF.

- 1,000 healthcare workers have been killed by the IDF (1 out of 20).

- With rare exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick or injured, or both. That includes national health workers and international volunteers. Epidemics are raging.

- "Israel’s shocking continued, repeated displacement of the malnourished and sick population of Gaza to areas without running water or toilets guarantees to result in widespread death from viral and bacterial diarrheal diseases and pneumonias".

- Every child under the age of five encountered, both inside and outside of the hospital, had both a cough and watery diarrhea.

- 96% of the population suffers from acute food insecurity.

- Malnutrition led to widespread spontaneous abortions, underweight newborns, and an inability of new mothers to breastfeed.

- 9 out 10 children in Gaza don't have the food necessary for their daily needs (which will have major consequences regarding their physical and intellectual development).

- It is likely that 62,413 people already starved to death (conservative estimate), most of them being children, as a result of the on-going starvation campaign carried out by Israel since 10/7.

- The hospitals lack basic supplies from surgical material to soap. They are regularly cut off from electricity and Internet access and denied clean water.

- 5,000 patients with chronic diseases died (conservative estimate) due to the lack of appropriate medication.

- Stillbirths and maternal deaths are occuring at a high rate and could've been easily avoidable if the hospitals functioned normally.

- Pre-teen children shot in the head or in the chest (sniper wounds) are treated on a regular or even daily basis.

- 390 bodies have been discovered in mass graves at Nasser and Al Shifa hospital, including women and children whose bodies showed signs of torture and summary execution or who had been buried alive.

- Out of all the children killed, 710 have been identified as newborns and 1,400 as toddlers or children under the age of two.

It is likely that the death toll from this conflict is already greater than 118,908, an astonishing 5.4% of Gaza’s population.

That's in one year and it only takes into account the damages caused to the healthcare system, not the rest. And the nightmare is by far not over.

In consequence, any smartass and/or scumbag still downplaying the genocide of the Palestinians unfolding right before our eyes and/or defending the racist psychopaths carrying it out can go to hell.
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whatever your imagination can conjure about israel, they are more evil than that.

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It seems the letter from the 99 doctors who were in Gaza sent to the Biden on 10/2 didn't get enough attention. Here's what they wrote.

- 90% of the population has been displaced.

- 50% of the healthcare infrastructure has been destroyed by the IDF.

- 1,000 healthcare workers have been killed by the IDF (1 out of 20).

- With rare exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick or injured, or both. Epidemics are raging.

- "Israel’s shocking continued, repeated displacement of the malnourished and sick population of Gaza to areas without running water or toilets guarantees to result in widespread death from viral and bacterial diarrheal diseases and pneumonias".

- Every child under the age of five encountered, both inside and outside of the hospital, had both a cough and watery diarrhea.

- 96% of the population suffers from acute food insecurity.

- Malnutrition led to widespread spontaneous abortions, underweight newborns, and an inability of new mothers to breastfeed.

- 9 out 10 children in Gaza don't have the food necessary for their daily needs (which will have major consequences regarding their physical and intellectual development).

- It is likely that 62,413 people already starved to death (conservative estimate), most of them being children, as a result of the on-going starvation campaign carried out by Israel since 10/7.

- The hospitals lack basic supplies from surgical material to soap. They are regularly cut off from electricity and Internet access and denied clean water.

- 5,000 patients with chronic diseases died (conservative estimate) due to the lack of appropriate medication.

- Stillbirths and maternal deaths are occuring at high rate and could've been easily avoidable if the hospitals functioned normally.

- Pre-teen children shot in the head or in the chest (sniper wounds) are treated on a regular or even daily basis.

- 390 bodies have been discovered in mass graves at Nasser and Al Shifa hospital, including women and children whose bodies showed signs of torture and summary execution or who had been buried alive.

- Out of all the children killed, 710 have been identified as newborns and 1,400 as toddlers or children under the age of two.

That's in one year and it only takes into account the damages caused to the healthcare system, not the rest. And the nightmare is by far not over.

In consequence, any smartass and/or scumbag still downplaying the genocide of the Palestinians unfolding right before our eyes and/or defending the racist psychopaths carrying it out can do one.

whatever your imagination can conjure about israel, they are more evil than that.

fecking hell

These evil cnuts really need to be brought to justice but I don't see how there's any stopping them.
It seems the letter from the 99 doctors who were in Gaza sent to the Biden on 10/2 didn't get enough attention. Here's what they wrote.

- 90% of the population has been displaced.

- More than 50% of the healthcare infrastructure has been destroyed by the IDF.

- 1,000 healthcare workers have been killed by the IDF (1 out of 20).

- With rare exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick or injured, or both. That includes national health workers and international volunteers. Epidemics are raging.

- "Israel’s shocking continued, repeated displacement of the malnourished and sick population of Gaza to areas without running water or toilets guarantees to result in widespread death from viral and bacterial diarrheal diseases and pneumonias".

- Every child under the age of five encountered, both inside and outside of the hospital, had both a cough and watery diarrhea.

- 96% of the population suffers from acute food insecurity.

- Malnutrition led to widespread spontaneous abortions, underweight newborns, and an inability of new mothers to breastfeed.

- 9 out 10 children in Gaza don't have the food necessary for their daily needs (which will have major consequences regarding their physical and intellectual development).

- It is likely that 62,413 people already starved to death (conservative estimate), most of them being children, as a result of the on-going starvation campaign carried out by Israel since 10/7.

- The hospitals lack basic supplies from surgical material to soap. They are regularly cut off from electricity and Internet access and denied clean water.

- 5,000 patients with chronic diseases died (conservative estimate) due to the lack of appropriate medication.

- Stillbirths and maternal deaths are occuring at a high rate and could've been easily avoidable if the hospitals functioned normally.

- Pre-teen children shot in the head or in the chest (sniper wounds) are treated on a regular or even daily basis.

- 390 bodies have been discovered in mass graves at Nasser and Al Shifa hospital, including women and children whose bodies showed signs of torture and summary execution or who had been buried alive.

- Out of all the children killed, 710 have been identified as newborns and 1,400 as toddlers or children under the age of two.

That's in one year and it only takes into account the damages caused to the healthcare system, not the rest. And the nightmare is by far not over.

In consequence, any smartass and/or scumbag still downplaying the genocide of the Palestinians unfolding right before our eyes and/or defending the racist psychopaths carrying it out can go to hell.
Appreciate the summary.
Didn't want to post the tweet but someone pointed out she is a granddaughter of a high ranking Nazi officer.
To be fair, even if this was true she shouldn't be held in moral contempt over the actions of her ancestors, direct relatives or otherwise. I'm sure many decent Germans probably have unfortunate familial links to prominent third reich officers.

What's more shocking is the fact she's supposedly on the left and yet is unashamedly an apologist for the Israeli genocidal machine.
During the Japanese invasion of China (1937-1945), approximately 20 million Chinese people died, including military and civilian casualties. The population of China in the late 1930s is estimated to have been around 500 to 540 million people.

To calculate the percentage:

Percentage=(20,000,000Population)×100\text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{20,000,000}{\text{Population}} \right) \times 100Percentage=(Population20,000,000)×100
Using a population of 520 million as an approximate midpoint:

Percentage=(20,000,000520,000,000)×100≈3.85%\text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{20,000,000}{520,000,000} \right) \times 100 \approx 3.85\%Percentage=(520,000,00020,000,000)×100≈3.85%
So, around 3.85% of China's population died during the Japanese invasion.

That figure, for Gaza, is somewhere between 150k and 250K~. That is 7.5% of the Gazan population at the very low end of that estimate. The silence of the western press simply has to break. The threshold, empirical, for ethnic cleansing has been reached without any question. That it is a genocide, too, is obvious from the Israeli methodology from the very outset - "these are animals - they all deserve to die [rhetoric[" matched with the targeting of civilian infrastructure to a devastating level and the summary of the 99 doctors is likely an optimistic view of what has and is happening because no non-partisan press are allowed into Gaza. The press are in both Russia, Ukraine, and in/around the battle areas. This is simply outrageous. It's entirely an ideological thing - a thing of political expediency - which allows this to continue. The dam of silence will break. Not a matter of "if" but when.
Didn't want to post the tweet but someone pointed out she is a granddaughter of a high ranking Nazi officer.
First of all she can't be held accountable for whatever her grandfather did. Furthermore you'd be hard pressed to find people of her generation in Germany whose grandfathers weren't in the Wehrmacht.

So unless Nazism is somehow hereditary and genetically transmitted, her being the granddaughter of a high ranking Wehrmacht officer is completely irrelevant. It's also disingenuous and a dangerous conflation.

I don't like her one bit, think she's way in over head and not up to the task, but this is a low blow.
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During the Japanese invasion of China (1937-1945), approximately 20 million Chinese people died, including military and civilian casualties. The population of China in the late 1930s is estimated to have been around 500 to 540 million people.

To calculate the percentage:

Percentage=(20,000,000Population)×100\text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{20,000,000}{\text{Population}} \right) \times 100Percentage=(Population20,000,000)×100
Using a population of 520 million as an approximate midpoint:

Percentage=(20,000,000520,000,000)×100≈3.85%\text{Percentage} = \left( \frac{20,000,000}{520,000,000} \right) \times 100 \approx 3.85\%Percentage=(520,000,00020,000,000)×100≈3.85%
So, around 3.85% of China's population died during the Japanese invasion.

That figure, for Gaza, is somewhere between 150k and 250K~. That is 7.5% of the Gazan population at the very low end of that estimate. The silence of the western press simply has to break. The threshold, empirical, for ethnic cleansing has been reached without any question. That it is a genocide, too, is obvious from the Israeli methodology from the very outset - "these are animals - they all deserve to die [rhetoric[" matched with the targeting of civilian infrastructure to a devastating level and the summary of the 99 doctors is likely an optimistic view of what has and is happening because no non-partisan press are allowed into Gaza. The press are in both Russia, Ukraine, and in/around the battle areas. This is simply outrageous. It's entirely an ideological thing - a thing of political expediency - which allows this to continue. The dam of silence will break. Not a matter of "if" but when.

Where are you getting these numbers from?

China wasn't a unified country at that point, lots of random places were warlords that had almost no central government control - the KMT were far less of a unified state government but a loose coalition of warlords.

Many of the warlords, provinces etc sided with Japan, whether through force or willingness. Manchuria had a population of 40 million and were ruled by Japan since 1932.

The Sino-Japanese war is completely different and not worth a comparison.
Where are you getting these numbers from?

China wasn't a unified country at that point, lots of random places were warlords that had almost no central government control - the KMT were far less of a unified state government but a loose coalition of warlords.

Many of the warlords, provinces etc sided with Japan, whether through force or willingness. Manchuria had a population of 40 million and were ruled by Japan since 1932.

The Sino-Japanese war is completely different and not worth a comparison.
The point is the Japanese genocide of the Chinese people - call them what you want. 20,000,000. Given the population size the Gazan number is minimally (to China of that "day" twice as large, maybe three times that large).

Then extrapolating that number historically across the Gazan population of the day. It would, for example, mean about four million dead people in the UK. In whose terminology is this anything other than a genocide. That's the point not the groupings within a nation (and those opposed to different, emergent and dying, national orders).

Many in Europe sided with Hitler. What difference does it make? It's still a genocide.


It seems the letter from the 99 doctors who were in Gaza sent to the Biden on 10/2 didn't get enough attention. Here's what they wrote.

- 90% of the population has been displaced.

- More than 50% of the healthcare infrastructure has been destroyed by the IDF.

- 1,000 healthcare workers have been killed by the IDF (1 out of 20).

- With rare exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick or injured, or both. That includes national health workers and international volunteers. Epidemics are raging.

- "Israel’s shocking continued, repeated displacement of the malnourished and sick population of Gaza to areas without running water or toilets guarantees to result in widespread death from viral and bacterial diarrheal diseases and pneumonias".

- Every child under the age of five encountered, both inside and outside of the hospital, had both a cough and watery diarrhea.

- 96% of the population suffers from acute food insecurity.

- Malnutrition led to widespread spontaneous abortions, underweight newborns, and an inability of new mothers to breastfeed.

- 9 out 10 children in Gaza don't have the food necessary for their daily needs (which will have major consequences regarding their physical and intellectual development).

- It is likely that 62,413 people already starved to death (conservative estimate), most of them being children, as a result of the on-going starvation campaign carried out by Israel since 10/7.

- The hospitals lack basic supplies from surgical material to soap. They are regularly cut off from electricity and Internet access and denied clean water.

- 5,000 patients with chronic diseases died (conservative estimate) due to the lack of appropriate medication.

- Stillbirths and maternal deaths are occuring at a high rate and could've been easily avoidable if the hospitals functioned normally.

- Pre-teen children shot in the head or in the chest (sniper wounds) are treated on a regular or even daily basis.

- 390 bodies have been discovered in mass graves at Nasser and Al Shifa hospital, including women and children whose bodies showed signs of torture and summary execution or who had been buried alive.

- Out of all the children killed, 710 have been identified as newborns and 1,400 as toddlers or children under the age of two.

That's in one year and it only takes into account the damages caused to the healthcare system, not the rest. And the nightmare is by far not over.

In consequence, any smartass and/or scumbag still downplaying the genocide of the Palestinians unfolding right before our eyes and/or defending the racist psychopaths carrying it out can go to hell.
The United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) defines genocide as acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, including:

  • Killing members of the group
  • Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
  • Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to physically destroy the group
  • Imposing measures to prevent births within the group
  • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

It's not even remotely questionable at this point. The first two go without much need to comment, the next three are clearly present in just one of the latest reports.
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To be fair, even if this was true she shouldn't be held in moral contempt over the actions of her ancestors, direct relatives or otherwise. I'm sure many decent Germans probably have unfortunate familial links to prominent third reich officers.

What's more shocking is the fact she's supposedly on the left and yet is unashamedly an apologist for the Israeli genocidal machine.
I think it's a fair point to consider that it could be part of the reason she is backing Israel.
I think it's a fair point to consider that it could be part of the reason she is backing Israel.
She's not just backing them, she's endorsing the mass killing of civilians. If her goal is to show she's not like her grandfather, she's doing a shitty job in that.
She's not just backing them, she's endorsing the mass killing of civilians. If her goal is to show she's not like her grandfather, she's doing a shitty job in that.
I can't see any tweets so have no idea what she said!
Didn't want to post the tweet but someone pointed out she is a granddaughter of a high ranking Nazi officer.
I guess that would be a very real possibility for many German descendents. I think the influence previous generations can have within a family might point to certain beliefs and behaviours of the current generation but Nazism was too all encompassing to draw anything useful in this case, without further information.

However there might be something to the idea that past beliefs and prejudices can lay dormant within a society even as that society proclaims its progression beyond those beliefs. It certainly feels that way when you look at some of the behaviours of the German government that are reminiscent of their past, but also in the case of Britain and the US where their bigotry and discrimination takes on a flavour very specific to their own region.
I can't see any tweets so have no idea what she said!

She basically said that because hamas are among the population, then civilians lose their rights to protection and its fine to kill them all.

This is, of course, completely illegal in international law, but its interesting because it is sure as s hit what the israelis have told her. She's just too dumb to understand you don't say it out loud outside of those meetings.

"So far, no aid truck has entered northern Gaza, and what the occupation is promoting are just lies".
Israel's society is completely rotten at this point, no idea how they come back from this. Normally fascists don't stop after the first victim, they keep going until they're defeated. But this time the greatest democracy on earth is on their side, so no idea how this ends. Complete palestinian genocide seems a given at this point.
It seems the letter from the 99 doctors who were in Gaza sent to the Biden on 10/2 didn't get enough attention. Here's what they wrote.

- 90% of the population has been displaced.

- More than 50% of the healthcare infrastructure has been destroyed by the IDF.

- 1,000 healthcare workers have been killed by the IDF (1 out of 20).

- With rare exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick or injured, or both. That includes national health workers and international volunteers. Epidemics are raging.

- "Israel’s shocking continued, repeated displacement of the malnourished and sick population of Gaza to areas without running water or toilets guarantees to result in widespread death from viral and bacterial diarrheal diseases and pneumonias".

- Every child under the age of five encountered, both inside and outside of the hospital, had both a cough and watery diarrhea.

- 96% of the population suffers from acute food insecurity.

- Malnutrition led to widespread spontaneous abortions, underweight newborns, and an inability of new mothers to breastfeed.

- 9 out 10 children in Gaza don't have the food necessary for their daily needs (which will have major consequences regarding their physical and intellectual development).

- It is likely that 62,413 people already starved to death (conservative estimate), most of them being children, as a result of the on-going starvation campaign carried out by Israel since 10/7.

- The hospitals lack basic supplies from surgical material to soap. They are regularly cut off from electricity and Internet access and denied clean water.

- 5,000 patients with chronic diseases died (conservative estimate) due to the lack of appropriate medication.

- Stillbirths and maternal deaths are occuring at a high rate and could've been easily avoidable if the hospitals functioned normally.

- Pre-teen children shot in the head or in the chest (sniper wounds) are treated on a regular or even daily basis.

- 390 bodies have been discovered in mass graves at Nasser and Al Shifa hospital, including women and children whose bodies showed signs of torture and summary execution or who had been buried alive.

- Out of all the children killed, 710 have been identified as newborns and 1,400 as toddlers or children under the age of two.

That's in one year and it only takes into account the damages caused to the healthcare system, not the rest. And the nightmare is by far not over.

In consequence, any smartass and/or scumbag still downplaying the genocide of the Palestinians unfolding right before our eyes and/or defending the racist psychopaths carrying it out can go to hell.
62,413 people starved to death? Really? Also the 118,000 already dead has been proven to be a lie. I'm sure a lot of that list is true but putting out numbers like the two I mentioned go a long way to damaging the credibility of that report.
62,413 people starved to death? Really? Also the 118,000 already dead has been proven to be a lie. I'm sure a lot of that list is true but putting out numbers like the two I mentioned go a long way to damaging the credibility of that report.
Please provide your own calculations and/or sources for your claims.

Below are calculations, with details of the chains of impact leading towards indirect deaths from Brown University for you to refute: of War_Human Toll Since Oct 7.pdf
Genocide live on tv while the world's democracies support or ignore. And many hundreds of millions of western voters gladly casting their vote for those supporting this. Moral superiority of the west indeed.