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Bro, I'm talking specifically about Gaza. I'm neither condoning nor pushing for suicide attacks, I'm just saying that I understand why they might be going this route.

My Sun Tzu quote that irked you is still valid on a human level, the Gazans are cornered into a couple of small areas with either the expectation of being moved again or bombed right there. They've got dwindling supplies of water, food, medicine and frankly hope. No nation on earth other than Yemen is doing anything to stop their plight, Hamas will never surrender just like the Israelis will never surrender. With polio thrown into the mix it's just inevitable death for the Gazans.

Every single person alive in Gaza right now knows of someone personally who has died in the last 9 months, there's no dearth of recruits for suicide missions.

I really hope that international pressure on Israel grows and that America stops it's military and diplomatic cover for Israel because this conflict is devoid of any military logic and the longer it continues the more likely that many many countries will stop respecting current international law.

Might have mentioned this on here somewhere before. I'm from Kashmir. There are 2 parts to Kashmir. Azad and Jammu.

Im from the part that hasn't seen violence, Azad. So closer to Pakistan. The other being Indian controlled.

Back in the late 80's I spoke to a man who had joined the resistance force in the Indian controlled. He was no soldier as such. A simple farmer initially who had seen his home attacked. His little girl and wife raped.

I was a kid then but still remember the haunted look in his face. He wasn't fighting for religion or country really. He was just happy to kill anyone who had a hand in destroying his life. He was happy to die doing so.

Sure he was being used by the powers that be. The resistance, I learnt later, were not "mujahideen". But men like this being controlled by security services etc. However I don't think he cared. He basically didn't question. His sole purpose was to kill and be killed. Didn't need a lot of coersion.
Remember when Cheri Blair said it was sad that Palestinian suicide bombers obviously felt there was no hope and was made to apologise for it? Just imagine anyone important in the UK or US even mooting something like that now..
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AOC taking the Dem Party line is not something I was expecting
She's been steadily going more 'mainstream' over the last months and is turning into a party warrior more than an outsider within the party. Weirdly she was among the last defenders of Biden before he dropped out.
Nadav Weiman, former IDF soldier and executive director of the Israeli NGO Breaking The Silence about the use of human shields in Gaza.
"The IDF is picking random civilian male Palestinians from the humanitarian corridors, putting IDF uniforms on them and then send them into tunnels and buildings that are not cleared."

They basically replaced their dog units with human beings.

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Genocide before our eyes and the world watches on uninterested.

When I think about it, it weighs me down. I feel like an asteroid should wipe us out.
She's been steadily going more 'mainstream' over the last months and is turning into a party warrior more than an outsider within the party. Weirdly she was among the last defenders of Biden before he dropped out.
Another one bites the dust.
The DSA national dropped their support of her(Although I think her local branch still supports her which is strange)

Pretty much a standard democrat now who isn’t 110 years old. Disappointing.
She's been steadily going more 'mainstream' over the last months and is turning into a party warrior more than an outsider within the party. Weirdly she was among the last defenders of Biden before he dropped out.
She's a carreerist politician, nothing more.
If Sinwar is still alive, there must be lots of intact tunnels and undiscovered strongpoints that have explosive devices and such stored there.

That's a guesstimate though, there's every chance Sinwar is just hiding in some random persons home or a random tent.
From what I've gathered, the tunnel network is even more extensive than the current estimations (roughly 500km).

The IDF claims to have destroyed about 100 km since 10/7 (as of July 30th 2024, taken directly from one of their propaganda channels), which means that at least 4/5 of the network is still intact after nearly a year of daily bombing, shelling and incursions.

If Hamas did indeed resume the suicide attacks, which would be a mistake in my opinion, I think that it's more a political decision in retaliation to the assassination of Haniyeh rather than an act of desperation.

Robi Chen, the father of the late Chall Itai Chen, whose body is being held in Gaza, met Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio Cortez at a meeting of the delegation from New York and told about his son and the other abductees, including 3 from New York

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An odd thing for her to say given that Harris has been spending all her time campaigning for President. I think AOC is trying to butter up the Dem establishment in preparation for a future Senate bid.
Yeah it’s odd. Apparently it was Harris team who asked AOC to do the speech. My guess is they wanted to stop any potential momentum from the protests.

Although the protests have been very small.

my tax dollars at work, shelling the sea :drool:

standard on any post of Palestinian suffering is Israeli gloating:


Are you surprised?

No, but I was wondering if this was different, because usually it's under posts of dead babies or whatever, so they can say human shields, while here they're literally just shooting at the sea, so I didn't know what angle they would take.
No, but I was wondering if this was different, because usually it's under posts of dead babies or whatever, so they can say human shields, while here they're literally just shooting at the sea, so I didn't know what angle they would take.

There are no angles, it's just hate at this point.
From what I understand it means that 2 Israeli medical students representatives were kicked off the association?

Why are Haaretz making a big deal out of this? It's totally irrelevant to the global conflict.
It absolutely is relevant to the conflict genocide.

It's dragging Israel through the mud and no matter how much the western mainstream media and governments are trying to downplay and cover up the worst of it. Its reputation is hitting an all time low and one wonders if it will ever recover from this complete madness.

There's an immense amount of people across the world including the western countries who know the score and how barbaric Israel is behaving. The level of atrocities committed by a so-called democratic country has not been seen since WWII. Any other country on the planet would've been sanctioned and bombed into oblivion for the hundredth of what Israel is doing, by the very same countries which are backing it to the hilt.

Israel is slowly but surely treated now as a pariah state, and the longer the conflict keep going the more similar decisions will be taken because no one outside of the US can with good conscience, or even from a strategic point of view, defend these lunatics. Just like South Africa's Apartheid's regime got ostracized, although the latter looks like choir boys in comparison to the racist psychopaths at the helm of Israel and its completely indoctrinated, blood crazed society.

Just wait until the western press is finally allowed to go into Gaza. What we've heard until now will pale in comparison to what they will find.

Haaretz is completely right to ring the alarm bells and try to blow the bubble the Israelis are currently living in before it's too late. It's been doing it for decades but no one would listen.
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No, but I was wondering if this was different, because usually it's under posts of dead babies or whatever, so they can say human shields, while here they're literally just shooting at the sea, so I didn't know what angle they would take.
They have stopped bothering to angle the why's and what's. They have noticed they are free to butcher, maim, kill and destroy without repercussions, so why bother. Thanks to the internet the world has atleast seen them for what they truly are; Apartheid inducing genocidal maniacs and that is how history will remember them.

Reading some of the responses from the Israeli reps suggests this is important. As much as some want to play Mr Magoo and downplay any shift in global attitudes towards Israel, Israel is becoming a dirty word in the international community's moral conscience. Biden will take it to his rapidly approaching grave and America's far right Christian fascists aren't about to reduce their backing of the state but western power structures aren't everything, even if they currently dictate policy. As with every barbaric regime, from Aparthied SA to Nazi G, to the transatlantic slave trade, outside attitudes and perceptions can affect and damage the viability of the system.

When your colleauges in Gaza are removing metal shards from the eyes and perforated skulls of Palestinian children and babies on a daily basis, as has been horrifyingly reported, it stands to reason why you would want to distance yourself from such a disgusting regime. It's not surprising that medical professionals have been some of the most outspoken critics of Israel's atrocities, in the otherwise cowed west.
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From what I understand it means that 2 Israeli medical students representatives were kicked off the association?

Why are Haaretz making a big deal out of this? It's totally irrelevant to the global conflict.

You know very well it is a big deal. NGO around the world dont have to take shit from western governments or media. FIFA for example have been postponing the vote to expel Israel two times ( the hope the war will end before thy are forced to vote), because they know the moment they need to vote on expelling Israel, it will not end well for Israel.

like with the rapes, reported for ages by palestinians, the story only becomes credible when some israelis choose to talk about it.