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The death toll has officially passed 40000 but in reality, it's way higher than that especially when you count indirect deaths.
What the hell is even the plan at the moment?

Prolong the war as humanely possible?

I can't think of what the actual aim at this point here is. Even if they kill Sinwar, they're just going to pack up and go home and pretend its all over?
Expel/Kill Palestinians - Steal Land - Expel/Kill more Palestinians.

Sometimes it's that simple.
Sadly it seems an increasingly baked in virtue of sensible centrist neoliberalism that brown people should die, and you’re an unserious crank if you care even a little bit about it.

What the hell is even the plan at the moment?

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Sadly it seems an increasingly baked in virtue of sensible centrist neoliberalism that brown people should die, and you’re an unserious crank if you care even a little bit about it.

Well, how does stuff like this not get caught out before an election. Methinks the people just do not care. The fact that a very well reputed historian published this publically and nobody dug it out or batted an eyelid...

Max Hastings is also a very interesting figure, amazing historian on the Vietnam War, wrote fantastic books on Bomber command but....then goes full 'Wehrabooism' on his Normandy prose waxing lyrical about German tactics, armour and engineering marvel, most of which were wholly untrue.
Sadly it seems an increasingly baked in virtue of sensible centrist neoliberalism that brown people should die, and you’re an unserious crank if you care even a little bit about it.

It's not just centrism or neoliberalism, it's also the cultural spaces which are supposedly dominated by the left or left-liberals or whatever.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra cancels pianist’s performance after dedication to journalists killed in Gaza​

Jayson Gillham was scheduled to perform at Melbourne Town Hall on Thursday but he was dropped for going ‘beyond the remit of his contract’

And yes, one example, one place, but there are literally hundreds more like this, and not just from Germany.
What the hell is even the plan at the moment?

Prolong the war as humanely possible?

I can't think of what the actual aim at this point here is. Even if they kill Sinwar, they're just going to pack up and go home and pretend its all over?

The aim is to make Gaza inhabitable to Gazans so the people get sick of it and leave and the Israelis can cleanse the strip. It was never about eliminating Hamas, because today, 10 months after the war Hamas is still there.

A harsh and unnecessary regional war in which Israel would be battered but win, in which Western leaders would either publicly denounce what Israel is doing, while still supporting behind the scenes, or drop all pretence of denouncement at all, and in which the only regional powers with enough military strength to actually make Israel think twice about continuing with their actions will keep out of out of self-interest.

Its complicated.
She is very outspoken on political issues in general, and doesn't cover foreign news at all.

She is very outspoken on political issues in general, and doesn't cover foreign news at all.

If it's a private instagram story to close friends and someone leaked it - she shouldn't face any repurcussions from that whatsoever.

This is again, where the standard reputable people have no clue when it comes to military matters.

So first of all, the narrative doesn't make sense.

The missiles Israel used to slaughter over 100 people in a school earlier this week were Hellfire "Ninja" missiles, which deploy 6 sharp blades - shredding their targets to bits.

This isn't possible. R9X is kinetic impact to kill missile, which is self-internal disintegrating. There is no "explosion" (Unless you target something that has a fuel tank), and the kill radius is 3.7ft. Either Israel lobbed tens of them into a school and saturated the entire building with them or something else was used. To kill 100+ people with R9X's requires a human density that is well beyond reason. My guess would be a standard Hellfire missile, especially given the photos of the bombing:



You can see here scorch marks, which is impossible for a R9X as it has no none-kinetic munition system. The localization of the scorch marks indicate that it was a standard hellfire missile, especially the lack of upward spread (which rules out artillery or HE shells) and the lack of ground spread of scorching (JDAM's do this).

Compare and contrast to an R9X strike:



There are two kinds of people in this world: those who think the fact that these weapons are made at all is unacceptable, and those who don't give it a second thought. Those who see genocide as a red line that should never be crossed and those who see the genocide of Palestinians as an annoying distraction from their team's quest for the WH. And those who will vote for the people who sent those weapons of utter depravity and death to slaughter Palestinians because to them, Paleastinian lives are not as important as their team winning is - and those who are so sickened by the complicity of their leaders that they would never vote for such monsters.

This really doesn't make any sense. The whole purpose of the R9X is to localize damage to a very limited "blast" radius (Kinetic impact radius, really), and to mitigate for any unwanted casualties. The only way you can kill innocent bystanders is if you purposefully target them. How is instant death by blades cutting you apart in a fraction of a second more inhumane/evil than an incendiary explosion incinerating you at 1500*C or being riddlled with piping hot shrapnel?

As a note, I'm not writing this to defend Israel in any way, or to try and shift the narrative. Lack of accuracy and credibility in journalism when it comes to military matters is something I've posted a lot about on here in both this conflict and in Ukraine conflict threads. This does not absolve Israel of bombing a school which is a hideous crime, I am just pointing out the lack of any credible journalistic standards when it comes to technical military matters :)
This is again, where the standard reputable people have no clue when it comes to military matters.

So first of all, the narrative doesn't make sense.

This isn't possible. R9X is kinetic impact to kill missile, which is self-internal disintegrating. There is no "explosion" (Unless you target something that has a fuel tank), and the kill radius is 3.7ft. Either Israel lobbed tens of them into a school and saturated the entire building with them or something else was used. To kill 100+ people with R9X's requires a human density that is well beyond reason. My guess would be a standard Hellfire missile, especially given the photos of the bombing:



You can see here scorch marks, which is impossible for a R9X as it has no none-kinetic munition system. The localization of the scorch marks indicate that it was a standard hellfire missile, especially the lack of upward spread (which rules out artillery or HE shells) and the lack of ground spread of scorching (JDAM's do this).

Compare and contrast to an R9X strike:



This really doesn't make any sense. The whole purpose of the R9X is to localize damage to a very limited "blast" radius (Kinetic impact radius, really), and to mitigate for any unwanted casualties. The only way you can kill innocent bystanders is if you purposefully target them. How is instant death by blades cutting you apart in a fraction of a second more inhumane/evil than an incendiary explosion incinerating you at 1500*C or being riddlled with piping hot shrapnel?

As a note, I'm not writing this to defend Israel in any way, or to try and shift the narrative. Lack of accuracy and credibility in journalism when it comes to military matters is something I've posted a lot about on here in both this conflict and in Ukraine conflict threads. This does not absolve Israel of bombing a school which is a hideous crime, I am just pointing out the lack of any credible journalistic standards when it comes to technical military matters :)

Israel bombs multiple times a day at multiple locations and kills kids with a good number of them, no idea if the pictures you're showing are the same ones referred to by that tweet; the blade missile has been used on civilian tents a few months ago so it's hardly unprecedented.
Am yet to see any good, reputable reason to doubt this.
Israel bombs multiple times a day at multiple locations and kills kids with a good number of them, no idea if the pictures you're showing are the same ones referred to by that tweet; the blade missile has been used on civilian tents a few months ago so it's hardly unprecedented.

I used the images that most of the articles quoting the specific school that was bombed was using.

The main reason to doubt this is that it doesn't fit the profile of the scorch marks nor is it possible for a R9X to kill 100+ people.

A R9X also has no penetrative capability, it unsheathes its blades upon kinetic force on its frontal sensor and starts imploding and disintegrated upon itself spinning its blades until it kind of falls apart by itself.

It's akin to seeing bodies with bullet holes and then claiming that they were stabbed or vice versa, the death profiles do not make sense.

I'm not saying by the way that Israel doesn't use them, I'm saying that all the evidence of this particular strikes does not point to R9X.

Provided all the articles didn't get their photo wrong, the scorch marks indicate typical Hellfires, not R9X.

An alternative explanation could be that the missile itself disintegrated itself hitting the concrete wall and then sent the blades into pieces like shrapnel killing people. But that still doesn't explain the scorch marks.

For context: This is what an R9X strike looks like on a building


Note the lack of scorch marks.
Sorry, I know this subject is quite triggering but I still don't really understand the isreal/Palestine stuff. We're constantly told Palestine/Hamas are the baddies, but then repeatedly see that Isreal have bombed schools and hospitals because they're used as "hamas bases". Except its loads of children and innocent people that die. Sounds like genocide to me, but most of the west support it. How come?
Sorry, I know this subject is quite triggering but I still don't really understand the isreal/Palestine stuff. We're constantly told Palestine/Hamas are the baddies, but then repeatedly see that Isreal have bombed schools and hospitals because they're used as "hamas bases". Except its loads of children and innocent people that die. Sounds like genocide to me, but most of the west support it. How come?
Incredibly complicated question that I don’t really know the answer to, but Palestine are not the baddies, you can’t lump them in with Hamas, most Palestinians are just displaced civilians who’ve been fecked over by the whole situation.

And the west support Israel because initially the west formed Israel and in modern times because Israel is basically their main ally in the Middle East now and base of operations there. They’re the first line of defense against the likes of Iran so they pump ridiculous amounts of cash into their military.

(Again, I don’t claim to fully understand any of this, just my basic understanding of some of it)
Incredibly complicated question that I don’t really know the answer to, but Palestine are not the baddies, you can’t lump them in with Hamas, most Palestinians are just displaced civilians who’ve been fecked over by the whole situation.

And the west support Israel because initially the west formed Israel and in modern times because Israel is basically their main ally in the Middle East now and base of operations there. They’re the first line of defense against the likes of Iran so they pump ridiculous amounts of cash into their military.

(Again, I don’t claim to fully understand any of this, just my basic understanding of some of it)

I appreciate that, thanks.
I used the images that most of the articles quoting the specific school that was bombed was using.

The main reason to doubt this is that it doesn't fit the profile of the scorch marks nor is it possible for a R9X to kill 100+ people.

A R9X also has no penetrative capability, it unsheathes its blades upon kinetic force on its frontal sensor and starts imploding and disintegrated upon itself spinning its blades until it kind of falls apart by itself.

It's akin to seeing bodies with bullet holes and then claiming that they were stabbed or vice versa, the death profiles do not make sense.

I'm not saying by the way that Israel doesn't use them, I'm saying that all the evidence of this particular strikes does not point to R9X.

Provided all the articles didn't get their photo wrong, the scorch marks indicate typical Hellfires, not R9X.

An alternative explanation could be that the missile itself disintegrated itself hitting the concrete wall and then sent the blades into pieces like shrapnel killing people. But that still doesn't explain the scorch marks.

For context: This is what an R9X strike looks like on a building


Note the lack of scorch marks.
The semantics over weaponry used may be important to some, and I get the need for accurate reporting from credible journalists but it won't mean shit to those killed or maimed in the attacks. Whilst arguing over semantics the facts that yet again Israel are murdering and injuring innocent men, women & children and the fact they are committing war crimes with impunity are lost in the distraction.

Meanwhile (mainly) American Israelis continue to label anyone who show anything other than joy regarding the attacks is labelled antisemitic whilst the Isrbbvvf
The semantics over weaponry used may be important to some, and I get the need for accurate reporting from credible journalists but it won't mean shit to those killed or maimed in the attacks. Whilst arguing over semantics the facts that yet again Israel are murdering and injuring innocent men, women & children and the fact they are committing war crimes with impunity are lost in the distraction.

Meanwhile (mainly) American Israelis continue to label anyone who show anything other than joy regarding the attacks is labelled antisemitic whilst the Isrbbvvf
What's the point of this argument about weaponry semantics? No one is claining that it makes a difference for the dead.

If someone posts a tweet that contains presumably false info, don't be surprised if other posters respond.
What's the point of this argument about weaponry semantics? No one is claining that it makes a difference for the dead.

If someone posts a tweet that contains presumably false info, don't be surprised if other posters respond.
That was my point and I wasn't criticising that just pointing out that sadly it ends up distracting from the actual event. Although again as I said, it doesn't matter as there are zero consequences for Israel anyway.
That was my point and I wasn't criticising that just pointing out that sadly it ends up distracting from the actual event. Although again as I said, it doesn't matter as there are zero consequences for Israel anyway.
It was as if you were annoyed by @AfonsoAlves commenting on the weaponry.
That was my point and I wasn't criticising that just pointing out that sadly it ends up distracting from the actual event. Although again as I said, it doesn't matter as there are zero consequences for Israel anyway.

Does it actually distract from the event though?

I'm not sure how a 10 message discussion on the intrinsics of an R9X really distracts people from the fact that tens of thousands of people got bombed to death for the past 10 months? Nobody here will forget about what's going on because of this conversation.
Does it actually distract from the event though?

I'm not sure how a 10 message discussion on the intrinsics of an R9X really distracts people from the fact that tens of thousands of people got bombed to death for the past 10 months? Nobody here will forget about what's going on because of this conversation.
It doesn't. What Israel is doing is inexcusable and without any doubt a war crime. Like you have alluded multiple times, it's difficult to understand the end game here and Israel has completely destroyed its reputation and credibility in the world stage. I don't think they will ever recover from this.

Having said that I appreciate the effort you do in your posts and I have learned alot from reading them. It helps me when I scroll through the multiple OSINT bs posts on Twitter. Keep up the good work. Your contributions regarding your military knowledge have been invaluable for this site.