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North Israel is being heavily struck tonight by Hezbollah, expect this to get ugly.

Apparently according to the IDF an Israeli drone strike on Southern Lebanon took out at least 2 Hezbollah targets yesterday after Hezbollah struck the day before. It seems like It's all tit for tat at the moment, but it's definitely escalating and the worry is how long before it escalates beyond the point of no return? I think a lot hinges on the Iranian response that some claim has been, but others claim is going to be significant and apparently imminent.

Even during relative peaceful times it's bad enough, but this could explode at anyinite. Of course that's what Israel and especially Netanyahu and his band of murderous psychopaths wants. It's no secret many in the US want it too as they have been pushing for it for decades.

Interceptor landed on someone's roof
Not to be 'that guy' but I feel the escalations between Hezbollah, Iran and Israel should be in the other thread.
here in China, the chinese media is (tactically) equating "Western police arresting netizens cheering for 7 Oct 2023 Hamas attack and calling for the killing of Israelis" with "cracking down on pro-palestine voices"
I don't know about arresting citizens but Germany has been appalling in their treatment of anti-Israel/genocide voices since October.

That's just two examples when the targets are Jewish. The level of intimidation for people of arab and Muslim descent regarding this is naturally on another level.

*Replying here as it's more relevant in this thread.
Samantha Power is known for advocating genocide prevention and having written a book on the subject. Seems like she's less vocal about Israel's genocide though.

Once they are in power, all morality and everything they worked for becomes tainted.
I'm watching the Mehdi Hasan interview with Benny Morris. Holy shit, Morris comes across as unhinged. I'm not well-versed in his bibliography but hard to take him seriously as a historian after watching that interview.
I'm watching the Mehdi Hasan interview with Benny Morris. Holy shit, Morris comes across as unhinged. I'm not well-versed in his bibliography but hard to take him seriously as a historian after watching that interview.

It's a thing that happens to many top historians unfortunately:

They have a great reputation, great methodology, a visible provenance trail of research and studies until you reach a specific topic or event that occurs, and they just cannot separate the rational historian from their inner demon.

I've learnt to never put historians on a pedestal because they always end up disappointing.
It's a thing that happens to many top historians unfortunately:

They have a great reputation, great methodology, a visible provenance trail of research and studies until you reach a specific topic or event that occurs, and they just cannot separate the rational historian from their inner demon.

I've learnt to never put historians on a pedestal because they always end up disappointing.
Not just historians. You just called nuking 2 cities and killing countless people a mercy. Was that your inner demon or your rational side speaking?
I'm watching the Mehdi Hasan interview with Benny Morris. Holy shit, Morris comes across as unhinged. I'm not well-versed in his bibliography but hard to take him seriously as a historian after watching that interview.

i'm quite uninformed but his basic view seems to be
"we israelis are in denial, there was indeed a violent ethnic cleansing by us in 1948, it wasn't enough and should have been worse"
Not just historians. You just called nuking 2 cities and killing countless people a mercy. Was that your inner demon or your rational side speaking?

1) What the hell has this got to do with this thread?

2) If you think that in a direct comparison, killing 120k and nuking two cities vs Killing 100,000,000 in a land invasion of Japan isn't the merciful option, then maybe you're the one that needs to look at yourself.
1) What the hell has this got to do with this thread?

2) If you think that in a direct comparison, killing 120k and nuking two cities vs Killing 100,000,000 in a land invasion of Japan isn't the merciful option, then maybe you're the one that needs to look at yourself.

To avoid going off topic, I'll focus on the gaza argument here. We can talk about the bombs in the other thread.

I think it's relevant here because you are accusing historians of being emotional when plenty of defenders of the US policy mix the two (rational facts and emotions) all the time.

They are very emotional when they talk about hamas crimes, defending israel has to do something about it. They are very rational when talking about israel's crimes, saying it's terrible but it's sadly a political necessity.

I don't know if this is your case or not, I'm just arguing that anyone who presents themselves as totally rational and emotionless when we are talking about a genocide, is clearly someone who is just trying to fool themselves.
Imagine if Reagan of all people saw todays horrors in Gaza.

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people often say that terrorism has been useless for the palestinian cause.... i think the current "approved" route (of appealing to international bodies and trying to get some cultural cachet in the west) has produced even fewer results.

people often say that terrorism has been useless for the palestinian cause.... i think the current "approved" route (of appealing to international bodies and trying to get some cultural cachet in the west) has produced even fewer results.

I hope iran or whoever can send them as many weapons as possible so they can kill as many enemy soldiers as possible.
The US has vetoed UN Resolutions against Israel more than 50 times since the 1970s, more than 30 of which have related to either their occupation of Palestinian territory or treatment of Palestinian peoples. At the same time they've provided over $150bn in aid and arms, including over 70,000 weapons to them (aircraft, ground vehicles, missiles & munitions). They've effectively given the state of Israel carte-blanche to go about it's business however it pleases.

Did people not expect it to escalate to this?

The news I saw yesterday about Israeli protests in support of IDF soldiers who have tortured, sexually abused and raped Palestinian prisoners made me sick to my stomach and, as crass as the comparison is, has connotations to WWII Germany with regards to the dehumanisation of people. Whilst the argument has been that this has purely been an exercise by the 'rogue' Netanyahu and his far-right inner circle, but there is clear support from a portion of the Israeli people for this action too.
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Every accusation is a confession.

It really is.

The beheaded babies, rapes, human shields. None of the stories from October 7th verified yet here we have all the irrefutable evidence of Israel committing these very abhorrent crimes, broadcasted to the world. And not a peep of condemnation from the usual virtue signallers of the world.

The US would convince us the Israelis will investigate themselves and thats that.