To go where though?
It's not like there's any better living conditions in the south. There's no shelter, no food, no water, nothing. Where are you going to sleep? How are you going to feed your family? What are you going to do with the elderlies, the physically disabled and the sick/wounded plugged to machines that keep them alive? Food, power, medical aid are still cut off. Water has been only partially turned on. The 20 trucks Israel allowed in, in a mighty gesture of good will after two weeks of hell while still the bombing the living crap out of the city, aren't going to change the absolute nightmare that Gaza is at the moment. The UN organizations ask for 2,000 trucks to alleviate the humanitarian crisis there.
I've read and seen many reports from humanitarian organizations there and you wouldn't believe how bad the situation is. There are dangers of cholera and other hygiene related diseases, about 65% of the children are suffering from diarrhea, the stench, the total absence of hygiene, people defecating on the streets and reduced to boil toilet or (polluted) sea water to have something to drink. Doctors forced to buy and use vinegar as a disinfectant. How they operate under the bombings. How some of the wounded need to be evacuated from there because there simply isn't anyway to treat them in Gaza in the current conditions but still stay there because no one can escape that living hell. And these courageous people aren't from Hamas.
And they're eventually going to be forced to leave the South at some point, when the IDF is finished with the North. What are they going to find there? Is there anything to go back to?