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The rest of the blog is maybe worse than the opening and really bizarre.

Unfortunately I believe it probably aligns with the thoughts of certain individuals within Netanyahu's cabinet (Smotrich, Ben Gvir, Amihai Eliyahu).- But how on earth did TOI allow such a blog to get published? What good can come from such discourse?

Unfortunately I believe it probably aligns with the thoughts of certain individuals within Netanyahu's cabinet (Smotrich, Ben Gvir, Amihai Eliyahu).- But how on earth did TOI allow such a blog to get published? What good can come from such discourse?

At least he's being completely truthful. Israel needs to put their faith in the torah and hashem.
this is a year old, but i'd missed/forgotten it. very much in line with the german stance:
Germany bans vigil in memory of journalist killed by Israel
The gathering in memory of Abu Akleh had been organised by Jüdische Stimme, a Jewish group that supports Palestinian rights. But police told the group that the event – planned to take place on Friday evening – fell under the ban on protests in the run-up to Nakba Day.
this is a year old, but i'd missed/forgotten it. very much in line with the german stance:
Germany bans vigil in memory of journalist killed by Israel
The gathering in memory of Abu Akleh had been organised by Jüdische Stimme, a Jewish group that supports Palestinian rights. But police told the group that the event – planned to take place on Friday evening – fell under the ban on protests in the run-up to Nakba Day.
Germany's whole position on the Palestine-Israel issue is absolutely pathetic.
Germany has managed to be on the wrong side twice. Commit Holocaust, and then side with the oppressor rather than victim again.
Germany has managed to be on the wrong side twice. Commit Holocaust, and then side with the oppressor rather than victim again.

The latter part of your post is just about all of Europe and North America. The world's most populous nation state is also quite friendly with Israel.
Palestinian toddler hit by Israeli army gunfire dies

A three-year-old Palestinian boy has died four days after being shot in the head by Israeli forces.
Mohammed Tamimi and his father were shot while leaving their home in Nabi Saleh, in the occupied West Bank.
The Israel military said its soldiers opened fire while in pursuit of two gunmen who had earlier shot at a nearby Jewish settlement.
In a statement after the incident, the military added that it regretted harm to "non-combatants".

Palestinian toddler hit by Israeli army gunfire dies - BBC News
Palestinian toddler hit by Israeli army gunfire dies

A three-year-old Palestinian boy has died four days after being shot in the head by Israeli forces.
Mohammed Tamimi and his father were shot while leaving their home in Nabi Saleh, in the occupied West Bank.
The Israel military said its soldiers opened fire while in pursuit of two gunmen who had earlier shot at a nearby Jewish settlement.
In a statement after the incident, the military added that it regretted harm to "non-combatants".

Palestinian toddler hit by Israeli army gunfire dies - BBC News
Non-combatants... fecking psychopaths.
Germany has managed to be on the wrong side twice. Commit Holocaust, and then side with the oppressor rather than victim again.
Nope. This one is rather, side with the only democracy in the region.
Nope. This one is rather, side with the only democracy in the region.
Exactly, and the torture of children is a cornerstone of democratic values.

The level of immorality some Apartheid lovers are willing to sink to….

Surprise. People in hospital are not upset by drawing of children, who would've thought?
I wonder if Abbas brought up the persecution of tens of millions of Muslims under Xi's rule?

While I generally agree with you, I'm not sure Abbas or for that matter any other Palestinian leader has a luxury of being non-pragmatic and ignoring any superpower that might be willing to help. American policy has been extremely pro-Israeli, and that's decades long alliance, so for Palestinian interests, it is best to look elsewhere.
I wonder if Abbas brought up the persecution of tens of millions of Muslims under Xi's rule?

This is quite an odd comment. Abbas (corrupt, incompetent and hypocritical little shit that he is) is not the caliph of all Muslims. He is nominally the leader of a tiny people (of both Muslims and Christians) , holding control of a tiny piece of land, surrounded and lives controlled by an overwhelmingly stronger country and generally not favoured by the world's sole superpower.

So why would he be making those kinds of comments when he's there as Palestinian leader?
This is quite an odd comment. Abbas (corrupt, incompetent and hypocritical little shit that he is) is not the caliph of all Muslims. He is nominally the leader of a tiny people (of both Muslims and Christians) , holding control of a tiny piece of land, surrounded and lives controlled by an overwhelmingly stronger country and generally not favoured by the world's sole superpower.

So why would he be making those kinds of comments when he's there as Palestinian leader?
He's just following a long line of 'muslim' rulers who use Islam as a call of freedom from repression, but then turn a blind eye when it suits. Most of the Arab league are the same. I know it's geopolitics and very difficult but...
He's just following a long line of 'muslim' rulers who use Islam as a call of freedom from repression, but then turn a blind eye when it suits. Most of the Arab league are the same. I know it's geopolitics and very difficult but...

Do you see all European, north American and south American leaders as 'Christian' leaders, who must constantly being up Christian issues when going on visits abroad in their capacity as leader of that specific country?
Do you see all European, north American and south American leaders as 'Christian' leaders, who must constantly being up Christian issues when going on visits abroad in their capacity as leader of that specific country?
if they use their religon as part of their 'appeal' to their population, then yes they should (like Orban).

Avi Shlaim has claimed that Zionist terror groups were behind the Baghdad bombings (which led to a huge migration of Arab Jews from Iraq to Israel in 1951) - not in the tweet above.

Zionist role in 1950s attacks on Iraqi Jews 'confirmed' by operative and police report
British-Israeli historian Avi Shlaim cites 'incontrovertible evidence' from former Jewish agent showing Zionists bombed sites to encourage migration to Israel

A police report and an interview with a former Zionist operative form the basis of Avi Shlaim's claim that he has uncovered "undeniable proof" of Israeli involvement in bombings which drove Jews out of Iraq in the early 1950s, the British-Israeli historian told Middle East Eye.

Shlaim's autobiography Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew, published earlier this month, details his childhood as an Iraqi Jew and subsequent exile to Israel.

It also includes research about a number of bombings in Iraq which prompted a mass exodus of Jews from the country between 1950 and 1951, most of whom, like he and his family, ended up in Israel.

On Sunday, Shlaim told Middle East Eye that he had uncovered "incontrovertible evidence of Zionist underground involvement in the bombs".

As part of the evidence, the historian cited an extensive interview he carried out with Yaakov Karkoukli, a former member of the Zionist underground in Baghdad in the 1950s.

Zionist role in 1950s attacks on Iraqi Jews 'confirmed' by operative and police report | Middle East Eye
These Zionists are fecking animals. Is this Hamas's fault too? :mad:

This thread needs a catch line like the America thread: Still Not A Drag Queen (SNADQ).

This one can have Still Not A Hamas Incursion (SNAHI)
These Zionists are fecking animals. Is this Hamas's fault too? :mad:

Of course it is… The 14 year old girl shot dead by IDF was a human shield. Or maybe she had a military Hamas base hidden somewhere in her underwear…
It is really sickening to watch the supposedly progressive liberal movements in Europe throwing their support fully and unconditionally behind the ongoing terror campaign conducted by israeli settlers and soldiers together against the native Palestinian…

Palestinians pick up the pieces after settler pogrom in West Bank village
Residents say police and army protected settlers as they rampaged in Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya following a lethal attack in a nearby settlement.
Drone strikes, ground troops sent in, 9 dead and 50 injured so far. Not enough blood yet though. Need to visit a bit more terror on these people. Operation to continue indefinitely.
they are posting pics of 'militants' they have killed posing with guns, which somehow justifies massacring them. and yet every settler there is there basically walks around like rambo