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Yeah I know they don't hesitate in killing kids if they can take out their target, you're not telling me anything new.

Do you think they should?

They should always try to preserve civilian life. But that is of course not always going to happen
And by the way, this contradicts your previous post, you've just described their ROE, not some nutjob's actions, but how they routinely operate.

The nutjobs i was referring to are right wing Israelis - like settlers and the like, not members of their armed forces who have to adhere to a certain set of guidelines.
They should also try to preserve civilian life. But that is of course not always going to happen
So you don't have an opinion on this specific late attack? Was the cost (killed kids and families) worth it to kill these 3 militants?
The nutjobs i was referring to are right wing Israelis - like settlers and the like, not members of their armed forces who have to adhere to a certain set of guidelines.
Their guidelines seem to include murdering civilians on a regular basis. Not good enough.
Due to this thread primarily, I have much more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause & much less so towards Israel's take on the crisis in recent years.

But, as I first stated back when the last conflagration occurred a couple of years ago, Israel isn't carpet bombing to try to eliminate leadership of their foes. It seems to be targeted towards specific buildings. The unfortunate thing will always be collateral damage & that's abhorrent, but, if the leadership is mixing in with the populace to deter an attack or a reprisal from Israel, it seems that both sides are culpable here. This is apparently leadership of the PIL & such foes will always be targeted due to their high value; that's true in all armed combat. Happens daily in Ukraine.

That's just my objective take on this issue.

Both sides aren't culpable in this one. It's on Israel. They absolutely have assets on the ground; the target was even painted in this situation. If you look at the photos, it took out one specific floor. Somebody made the decision (politically/in the IDF) that these civilians lives weren't worth the risk of the soldiers lives/intelligence loss/potential escape of targets.

The pertinent questions to me: Does the strike meet the standard of urgency and importance where those civilians were discounted? And was it so dangerous that they couldn't try to take them out with ground troops where potential impact on civilians was far lower?
You understand that those terror groups deny Israel's existence, right? And they are backed by Iran, that also denies Israel's right to exist. If Israel stops defending itself, it ceases to exist.
It's a very simple logic, proven by fact when all it's neighbors instantly declared war on them as soon as Israel was established.
You could just as easily say that if Palestinians don't fight back then they'll also cease to exist.
The nutjobs i was referring to are right wing Israelis - like settlers and the like, not members of their armed forces who have to adhere to a certain set of guidelines.

Or.....members of the current government for instance?
Or.....members of the current government for instance?
Here is one of the ministers. Explaining why they killed the children. Apparently an annoying fly was hiding behind them. Or maybe the children themselves were the flies. Whatever…

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The ridiculous thing in this forum is that same people are selling the same story over and over again. It is Palestinians who should accept their fate, remain silent and slowly dissapear. Any sort of agression and dissent from them, and they can be killed, they asked for it.
The ridiculous thing in this forum is that same people are selling the same story over and over again. It is Palestinians who should accept their fate, remain silent and slowly dissapear. Any sort of agression and dissent from them, and they can be killed, they asked for it.
Yea it’s crazy. The forum will ban people if they said that Ukrainians should happily accept their children being killed or they should accept being invaded. But for some reason it’s fine to say about the Palestinians.
Yea it’s crazy. The forum will ban people if they said that Ukrainians should happily accept their children being killed or they should accept being invaded. But for some reason it’s fine to say about the Palestinians.

The conflicts are entirely different. If Israel treated the Palestinians like Russia do the Ukrainians, it would have been over long ago. And the Palestinians still lob far more missiles into and kill far more Israelis than the Ukrainians do Russians.

Yes, but he won't be enjoying this for much longer.
it's the most obvious "let's start a war to silence protests against me" there's probably ever been in Israel.
But you can be certain that a ceasefire will be in place in the next couple of days, a week tops (international pressure will do its thing if nothing else).
I hope as few people as possible lose their lives in the meantime.

And the masses will keep protesting outside his home in Caesarea/Jerusalem infinitely,
until this abhorrent "judicial revolution" gets crushed.

That our lives here will keep on being crap (and imagine how much worse the Palestinians are having it) after the revolution is done with,
Or that whoever replaces Bibi will probably won't make that much of a difference either way,
is a different story.
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The conflicts are entirely different. If Israel treated the Palestinians like Russia do the Ukrainians, it would have been over long ago. And the Palestinians still lob far more missiles into and kill far more Israelis than the Ukrainians do Russians.

Aren't Ukrainians already bombing Russia? Was there any involvement in them killing that Russian influencer at the cafe?

Whilst that number includes members of terrorist organizations/civilians killed by PIJ missiles, there are reports today of the current Israeli government advancing with judicial reforms without negotiation.

Fecking depressing shite everywhere you look.
And what if Israel stops these bombings and avoid collateral damage altogether? Is that not an option?
Speaking again on purely a military tactics aspect, Israel has proven that an avowed tactic of theirs to eliminate top tier terrorists is to target them while in their homeland, especially when a state of armed conflict is occurring. It's basically a fact. Israel isn't going to stop anytime soon, if ever. This is a pipe dream.

Collateral damage will occur unfortunately & will continue to occur when leadership is amongst the populace. The only way to stop it is to keep the two apart. The blame for continuing to allow such collateral damage to happen is on both sides here, there's no way around that. Israel doesn't care nor does the upper element of the PIL leadership. Someone mentioned propaganda earlier, the PIL actions by bringing the populace into a dangerous situation smacks of that.

One side has to give & its disappointing that neither side appears to be willing to do so.
The conflicts are entirely different. If Israel treated the Palestinians like Russia do the Ukrainians, it would have been over long ago. And the Palestinians still lob far more missiles into and kill far more Israelis than the Ukrainians do Russians.

There's obviously no comparison between the two conflicts, and one suspects the reason Ukraine keeps getting brought up is out of a desperate need for western PR on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is being completely eliminated from news cycles because of Ukraine.
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Yea it’s crazy. The forum will ban people if they said that Ukrainians should happily accept their children being killed or they should accept being invaded. But for some reason it’s fine to say about the Palestinians.

It is complicated somewhat by Iran backing terrorist groups in Palestine as well as supporting Russia. Ukraine are in turn supportive of Israel (refused to acknowledge a Nakba Summit at the UN yesterday). Although the power dynamics are wholly reversed, ideologically there is more aligned currently between Palestine and Russia than Ukraine.
It is complicated somewhat by Iran backing terrorist groups in Palestine as well as supporting Russia. Ukraine are in turn supportive of Israel (refused to acknowledge a Nakba Summit at the UN yesterday). Although the power dynamics are wholly reversed, ideologically there is more aligned currently between Palestine and Russia than Ukraine.
I've seen some awful takes in this thread but this is definitely up there with them. What a crock of shite.
I've seen some awful takes in this thread but this is definitely up there with them. What a crock of shite.

Does Iran provide military aid to terrorist organizations in Gaza? Yes

Has that same regime supported Russia in their war against Ukraine? Yes

Does Ukraine support Israel on the international stage (ie yesterday at the UN)? Yes

Nothing stated here is false.

Other than the power dynamics, their is more ideological unity between Ukraine and Israel than Palestine, and the world order Russia is purporting is more aligned with the political aims of Palestinian political groups. This is hardly a hot take.

Edit - I will spell out even clearer than in my initial point and say I'm speaking more from political/international relations view point rather than referencing the lived experiences of civilians.
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Does Iran provide military aid to terrorist organizations in Gaza? Yes

Has that same regime supported Russia in their war against Ukraine? Yes

Does Ukraine support Israel on the international stage (ie yesterday at the UN)? Yes

Nothing stated here is false.

Other than the power dynamics, their is more ideological unity between Ukraine and Israel than Palestine, and the world order Russia is purporting is more aligned with the political aims of Palestinian political groups. This is hardly a hot take.
There is no ideological 'unity' between Palestine and Russia. You're adding 2 with 2 and making 5. It's a complete misrepresentation of the reality.

Using your logic, you could say that Turkiye has also given military aid to well as giving military aid to Ukraine. So using your (ill)logic, you could make an (incorrect) assumption that there is ideological unity between Ukraine and Palestine.

So yea, it's an awful take, and shows a lack of understanding.

The reference to Ukraine was fighting off a foreign occupying invader - something that Palestinians have literally lived through.
Does Iran provide military aid to terrorist organizations in Gaza? Yes

Has that same regime supported Russia in their war against Ukraine? Yes

Does Ukraine support Israel on the international stage (ie yesterday at the UN)? Yes

Nothing stated here is false.

Other than the power dynamics, their is more ideological unity between Ukraine and Israel than Palestine, and the world order Russia is purporting is more aligned with the political aims of Palestinian political groups. This is hardly a hot take.

Does USA support Saudi in their bombing of Yemen? Yes

Has the USA supported Ukraine? Yes

Does Saudi support Ukraine on the international stage? Yes

Nothing stated here is false.

So Ukraine and Saudi are ideologically alike?
Does USA support Saudi in their bombing of Yemen? Yes

Has the USA supported Ukraine? Yes

Does Saudi support Ukraine on the international stage? Yes

Nothing stated here is false.

So Ukraine and Saudi are ideologically alike?

Well, they're aligned to an extent, yeah - although Saudi Arabia are somewhat of an outlier in the region due to the breadth of their international relations.

There is no ideological 'unity' between Palestine and Russia. You're adding 2 with 2 and making 5. It's a complete misrepresentation of the reality.

Using your logic, you could say that Turkiye has also given military aid to well as giving military aid to Ukraine. So using your (ill)logic, you could make an (incorrect) assumption that there is ideological unity between Ukraine and Palestine.

So yea, it's an awful take, and shows a lack of understanding.

The reference to Ukraine was fighting off a foreign occupying invader - something that Palestinians have literally lived through.

Oh come off it - both Ukraine and Israel are/have been totally reliant on the support of the West (UK and US in particularly). Yesterday, Abbas laid blame on both the UK and the US for their role in the formation of the state of Israel.

The world orders that both Ukraine and Israel are dependent on for their existence are in opposition to the ones advocate by political leaders in Palestine.

I am certainly not supporting Israeli expansion projects nor looking to align myself in any way shape or form with their current - and dangerous - government, but I don't think it's as clear from a political or ideological standpoint where each sit in contrast to other global conflicts. Again, not referencing the lived civilian experiences, which are of course the most important issue in all of this, and which deserves real and long-term attention.
Does Ukraine support Israel on the international stage (ie yesterday at the UN)? Yes

Nothing stated here is false.

What vote are you talking about?

I was under the impression Ukraine usually abstains or avoids taking part in those votes concerning Israel/Palestine.
What vote are you talking about?

I was under the impression Ukraine usually abstains or avoids taking part in those votes concerning Israel/Palestine.

They refused to take part/recognize the first UN Nakba Day event yesterday
There's obviously no comparison between the two conflicts, and one suspects the reason Ukraine keeps getting up is out of desperate need for western PR on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is being completely eliminated from news cycles because of Ukraine.

Or is it just another low intensity conflict barely worthy of attention and the news cycle. There are more atrocities on muslims daily than in Israel around the world, and there's no news mostly because its not committed by Jews/Israel. (And also because it's a great stick to beat the US/West with.) Trying to extricate Israel-Palestine discussion from antisemitism [and somewhat to anti-westernism] is impossible, even on a forum like this due to deep rooted innate hate for both Israel and Jews who refuse to be dominated in mind. (A 'good jew' is one who is left wing, supports Palestinians, hates Israel, yadayada. It's what a 'good black' was 100 years ago in the USA or a 'good woman' was at various points in history.)

This isn't whataboutism; what goes in in Israel and the lives of the Palestinians are awful. Just a comment on how it's framed around the world.

And people [in the west generally] have absolutely no idea the hate Ukrainians have for Russians. Ukrainians may be held up as paragons of virtue in our news, but they are damaged as hell. (as anybody from that kind of conflict is) They'd easily kill 10 Russian kids/civilians to take out a vatnik if they could. And then have a party.

ps. Just ranting really.
Or is it just another low intensity conflict barely worthy of attention and the news cycle. There are more atrocities on muslims daily than in Israel around the world, and there's no news mostly because its not committed by Jews/Israel. (And also because it's a great stick to beat the US/West with.) Trying to extricate Israel-Palestine discussion from antisemitism [and somewhat to anti-westernism] is impossible, even on a forum like this due to deep rooted innate hate for both Israel and Jews who refuse to be dominated in mind. (A 'good jew' is one who is left wing, supports Palestinians, hates Israel, yadayada. It's what a 'good black' was 100 years ago in the USA or a 'good woman' was at various points in history.)

This isn't whataboutism; what goes in in Israel and the lives of the Palestinians are awful. Just a comment on how it's framed around the world.

And people [in the west generally] have absolutely no idea the hate Ukrainians have for Russians. Ukrainians may be held up as paragons of virtue in our news, but they are damaged as hell. (as anybody from that kind of conflict is) They'd easily kill 10 Russian kids/civilians to take out a vatnik if they could. And then have a party.

ps. Just ranting really.

I’d agree that in terms of casualties, it is a relatively low-intensity conflict when measured against some of the other regional wars. And also that mutual hatred and extreme violence amounting to war crimes and ethnic cleansing tend to be features of most analogous conflicts. History has shown that the world can live with states founded on such a basis, or engaged in such conflicts.

But the occupation of the West Bank and the status of Gaza are really quite unique, and would merit the world’s attention regardless of the identity of the occupier (although I’d agree the antisemitism factor does explain some of the unique framing in certain contexts). This is the case whether you conceive of them as a feature of a conflict between two rival national movements or as a feature of Israeli ethnocracy/apartheid. In other analogous military occupations, the occupier has either annexed the territory in question and extended citizenship to all its inhabitants (e.g. Morocco in Western Sahara, China in Tibet, some would argue India in Kashmir), or expelled the undesirable population in the midst of war and declared independence (e.g. North Cyprus, or going further back, Israel in 1948, Turkey in 1919-22). I really can’t think of anything to compare to Israel’s refusal to either annex the territory or end the occupation, and by extension Israel’s refusal to declare its borders. Hence the growing perception that this is less a national conflict than a civil rights struggle, and thus worthy of particular attention.
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I’d agree that in terms of casualties, it is a relatively low-intensity conflict when measured against some of the other regional wars. And also that mutual hatred and extreme violence amounting to war crimes and ethnic cleansing tend to be features of most analogous conflicts. History has shown that the world can live with states founded on such a basis, or engaged in such conflicts.

But the occupation of the West Bank and the status of Gaza are really quite unique, and would merit the world’s attention regardless of the identity of the occupier (although I’d agree the antisemitism factor does explain some of the unique framing in certain contexts). This is the case whether you conceive of them as a feature of a conflict between two rival national movements or as a feature of Israeli ethnocracy/apartheid. In other analogous military occupations, the occupier has either annexed the territory in question and extended citizenship to all its inhabitants (e.g. Morocco in Western Sahara, China in Tibet, some would argue India in Kashmir), or expelled the undesirable population in the midst of war and declared independence (e.g. North Cyprus, or going further back, Israel in 1948, Turkey in 1919-22). I really can’t think of anything to compare to Israel’s refusal to either annex the territory or end the occupation, and by extension Israel’s refusal to declare its borders. Hence the growing perception that this is less a national conflict than a civil rights struggle, and thus worthy of particular attention.

I feel this perception is horribly and dangerously wrong. Like Benny Morris, I'd argue that Israel is fighting a rising tide that cannot persist indefinitely and it's absolutely existential for them. If you read the last page here (the whole article and even his books are worth it) it's fairly similar to my opinion. I've read a lot of him, and probably followed a similar ideological route myself. I don't see how one can honestly frame this as civil rights.

Perhaps Jabotinsky was right, Jews should have evacuated to Madagascar or Alberta in 1936.... (An interesting man, one who was attributed to wiping out Palestinians entirely, yet in other words advocated giving them equal rights in a Jewish/Palestinian Zionist state)
I feel this perception is horribly and dangerously wrong. Like Benny Morris, I'd argue that Israel is fighting a rising tide that cannot persist indefinitely and it's absolutely existential for them. If you read the last page here (the whole article and even his books are worth it) it's fairly similar to my opinion. I've read a lot of him, and probably followed a similar ideological route myself. I don't see how one can honestly frame this as civil rights.

Perhaps Jabotinsky was right, Jews should have evacuated to Madagascar or Alberta in 1936.... (An interesting man, one who was attributed to wiping out Palestinians entirely, yet in other words advocated giving them equal rights in a Jewish/Palestinian Zionist state)
And yet its not existential for the Palestinians?? Perhaps we should arm the Palestinians, let them become the occupiers and let the Israelis live in a massive refugee camp. Then they could humbly not challenge Palestinian rights to exist and accept the apartheid status quo....
And yet its not existential for the Palestinians?? Perhaps we should arm the Palestinians, let them become the occupiers and let the Israelis live in a massive refugee camp. Then they could humbly not challenge Palestinian rights to exist and accept the apartheid status quo....

Evidently not. They've been there since the 1948 war and still exist there.
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I feel this perception is horribly and dangerously wrong. Like Benny Morris, I'd argue that Israel is fighting a rising tide that cannot persist indefinitely and it's absolutely existential for them. If you read the last page here (the whole article and even his books are worth it) it's fairly similar to my opinion. I've read a lot of him, and probably followed a similar ideological route myself. I don't see how one can honestly frame this as civil rights.

Perhaps Jabotinsky was right, Jews should have evacuated to Madagascar or Alberta in 1936.... (An interesting man, one who was attributed to wiping out Palestinians entirely, yet in other words advocated giving them equal rights in a Jewish/Palestinian Zionist state)

I'm incredibly confused by your first sentence, strongly dismissing what 2cents said and then linking a post of an author and asking us to read a page where he very explicitly states that the situation where they rule an occupied people that has no rights cannot persist in the 21st century, in the modern world. That is the language of civil rights movements.

I do not know what the solution is anymore. People step around it but the options are essentially ethnic cleansing (which is now seemingly no longer spoken about in hushed tones in Israeli politics), a civil rights movement or perpetual blockade and occupation. People talk about Palestinian refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist without acknowledging that the PM does not and has never acknowledged the possibility of a 2 state solution and that MKs and ministers have openly discussed expelling Palestinians....if they acknowledge the existence of such a people in the first place.
I'm incredibly confused by your first sentence, strongly dismissing what 2cents said and then linking a post of an author and asking us to read a page where he very explicitly states that the situation where they rule an occupied people that has no rights cannot persist in the 21st century, in the modern world. That is the language of civil rights movements.

I do not know what the solution is anymore. People step around it but the options are essentially ethnic cleansing (which is now seemingly no longer spoken about in hushed tones in Israeli politics), a civil rights movement or perpetual blockade and occupation. People talk about Palestinian refusal to acknowledge Israel's right to exist without acknowledging that the PM does not and has never acknowledged the possibility of a 2 state solution and that MKs and ministers have openly discussed expelling Palestinians....if they acknowledge the existence of such a people in the first place.

My position is that it's a national conflict, not a civil rights one, and that it is existential for Israel. The author I linked is very balanced [in my opinion] and there is no doubt in my opinion that the situation is untenable long term. If Palestinians control, Jews will be persecuted, massacred, and need to disperse. Whereas a civil rights issue would be about the rights and equality of a people within a nation which they and the oppressors both belong to and want to see prosper, not the destruction of the nation. Palestinians don't want rights within Israel; they want to takeover the state. (Civil rights was never about taking over the USA and dominating whites.) Either Israel moves (and thats my personal preference, though it'd never happen in a million years; move to Alberta or something) or there will be another massacre and a loss of any sense of self determination.

Morris said:
In that interview, Morris said, “There are circumstances in history that justify ethnic cleansing,” and explained, “I know that this term is completely negative in the discourse of the 21st century, but when the choice is between ethnic cleansing and genocide – the annihilation of your own people – I prefer ethnic cleansing of others.” He also said, “Something like a cage has to be built for them [the Palestinians]. I know that sounds terrible. It is really cruel. But there is no choice. There is a wild animal out there that has to be locked up in one way or another.”

My conversation with Morris today quickly slides into realms of deep pessimism. “I don’t see how we get out of it,” he says in reference to Israel’s continued existence as a Jewish state. “Already today there are more Arabs than Jews between the [Mediterranean] sea and the Jordan. The whole territory is unavoidably becoming one state with an Arab majority. Israel still calls itself a Jewish state, but a situation in which we rule an occupied people that has no rights cannot persist in the 21st century, in the modern world. And as soon as they do have rights, the state will no longer be Jewish.”

What will happen?

“This place will decline like a Middle Eastern state with an Arab majority. The violence between the different populations, within the state, will increase. The Arabs will demand the return of the refugees. The Jews will remain a small minority within a large Arab sea of Palestinians, a persecuted or slaughtered minority, as they were when they lived in Arab countries. Those among the Jews who can, will flee to America and the West.”

When do you see this happening?

“The Palestinians look at everything from a broad, long-term perspective. They see that at the moment, there are five-six-seven million Jews here, surrounded by hundreds of millions of Arabs. They have no reason to give in, because the Jewish state can’t last. They are bound to win. In another 30 to 50 years they will overcome us, come what may.”

This is why for me, and for many others, the only solution is two states where the Palestinians are somewhat happy and Israel remains strong. And this is very complicated in itself. As to your bolded, you're 100% correct in my opinion. (notwithstanding my solution above.) There's no real answers, and a lot of the players on both sides won't even acknowledge the issues. The PM has often talked about a two state solution by the way, though never consistently, earnestly or honestly in my opinion. It's always about angles for him.

I do disagree with Morris in a sense, because nuclear weapons make things so damned unpredictable. But I am also pessimistic on the long term situation because there are strong forces in play and none seem self correcting. The best answers are also the least desirable.
My position is that it's a national conflict, not a civil rights one, and that it is existential for Israel. The author I linked is very balanced [in my opinion] and there is no doubt in my opinion that the situation is untenable long term. If Palestinians control, Jews will be persecuted, massacred, and need to disperse. Whereas a civil rights issue would be about the rights and equality of a people within a nation which they and the oppressors both belong to and want to see prosper, not the destruction of the nation. Palestinians don't want rights within Israel; they want to takeover the state. (Civil rights was never about taking over the USA and dominating whites.) Either Israel moves (and thats my personal preference, though it'd never happen in a million years; move to Alberta or something) or there will be another massacre and a loss of any sense of self determination.

This is why for me, and for many others, the only solution is two states where the Palestinians are somewhat happy and Israel remains strong. And this is very complicated in itself. As to your bolded, you're 100% correct in my opinion. (notwithstanding my solution above.) There's no real answers, and a lot of the players on both sides won't even acknowledge the issues. The PM has often talked about a two state solution by the way, though never consistently, earnestly or honestly in my opinion. It's always about angles for him.

I do disagree with Morris in a sense, because nuclear weapons make things so damned unpredictable. But I am also pessimistic on the long term situation because there are strong forces in play and none seem self correcting. The best answers are also the least desirable.

Yes I appreciate that it is your position. My point (and 2cents' before that) is that what makes this particular conflict unique (and what makes some of the hiding behind anti-semitism inappropriate) is the prolonged nature and status of the subjugated peoples. As he said, in most such conflicts, the weaker side is either subsumed and given citizenship or ethnically cleansed for good. This literally decades long limbo of a lack of rights, whereby the Israelis essentially control almost every aspect of Palestinian lives in reality, without those individuals having any say whatsoever, essentially makes it a civil issue.

Palestinians would not have control, it would be roughly equal numbers. Regardless, I feel uncomfortable with the notion that Palestinians are such savages that if they were anything other than a downtrodden group, they would be rampaging through Jewish neighbourhoods.

I disagree with Morris as well. Because my honest opinion is that at some point, if the situation does become so existential for Israel, they will simply and sadly ethnically cleanse Palestinians and remove them (or the overwhelming majority) from west of the Jordan river, deal with the immediate fallout and carry on. Even that I assume will bring about support in one way or another from people.

The PM has talked about two states in the same way that I talk about one state. Its what I would prefer but I would prefer a genuine secular, multi-ethnic state. That is not the current situation on the ground and I understand and appreciate that. He 'supports' the 2 state solution, while also saying that he doesn't when its politically expedient, while building ever more settlements, while saying the Israelis would control security over the entire land, while having this as the current coalition government's policy guideline etc etc:

“The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right over all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan and Judea and Samaria,”
Thousands of Israeli nationalists have marched into the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, with violence directed at media covering the event.
The flag parade is part of Israel's Jerusalem Day, marking its capture of the east of the city in the 1967 war.
A group of marchers threw stones, sticks and bottles at Palestinian and foreign journalists at the Damascus Gate entrance.
They also cheered and chanted racist slogans, including "Death to Arabs".
Far-right Israeli cabinet ministers joined the procession. One of them, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, declared: "Jerusalem is ours for ever."

Jerusalem: Journalists attacked as Israeli nationalists march in Old City - BBC News

Lovely bunch of people these Israelis.
Thousands of Israeli nationalists have marched into the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, with violence directed at media covering the event.
The flag parade is part of Israel's Jerusalem Day, marking its capture of the east of the city in the 1967 war.
A group of marchers threw stones, sticks and bottles at Palestinian and foreign journalists at the Damascus Gate entrance.
They also cheered and chanted racist slogans, including "Death to Arabs".
Far-right Israeli cabinet ministers joined the procession. One of them, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, declared: "Jerusalem is ours for ever."

Jerusalem: Journalists attacked as Israeli nationalists march in Old City - BBC News

Lovely bunch of people these Israelis.

Is this Hamas terrorism at it again, Raoul/BBC/etc? :rolleyes:
Ukraine/Russia conflict and Israel/Palestine conflict are very different. But, the main question is: should you target buildings where there are civilians/children present?

The unequivocal answer should be ‚hell no‘. It is a war crime, period.
Apparently not when it's about Palestinians.

They're fair game, not worth the fuss, and tough luck for anyone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm also seeing amazing mental gymnastics from some posters to absolve Israel for literally anything they do and perpetuate the myth that somehow Palestinians are always the ones who start it, Israel only retaliating. As if the formers got nothing else to do other than waking up in the morning and firing some rockets for shit and giggles.

Edit: deleted a wrong statement.
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Apparently not when it's about Palestinians.

They're fair game, not worth the fuss and tough luck for anyone who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm also seeing amazing mental gymnastics form some posters to absolve Israel for literally anything they do and perpetuate the myth that somehow Palestinians are always the ones who start it, Israel only retaliating. As if the formers got nothing else to do other than waking up in the morning and firing some rockets for shit and giggles.

Edit: deleted a wrong statement.
Any criticism of Israel, and someone will probably call you anti-semitic.