I always find it ironic that when it comes to Islamaphobia, like drawing offensive pictures about the Prophet, people defend it saying it's a matter of free speech and free speech should be above all. But when it comes to even statements like there is a pro-Israeli lobby controlling much of Western politics/media or that Israel are acting like an apartheid state in Palestine, it's anti-semetism and should be condemmed at all costs!
If someone criticizes Saudi Arabia, it's never construed as Islamaphobic, eventhough Saudi Arabia is considered the holy-land for Islam, because Saudi Arabia does not rightfully represent all Muslims. Hell, I know majority Muslims hate Saudi Arabia because of how oppressive they are. I can't understand why the same logic can't be applied to Israel/Zionism and all other Jewish people. When I criticise Israel or Zionist, I fully aware of making the distinction between those two and the Jewish faith.
Even just watching this boils my blood, I can't imagine the anger people living through it have. And then people wonder why they can be prone to acting violently in response. How can anyone defend one country kicking people out of a house in a city they should have no jurisdiction over, and storming their houses to terrorize them?
Btw, found this little nugget as well:
Sascha Boran Cohen flat out lying and making an innocent Palestinian store owner to be a terrorist in his movie 'Bruno'. Stating someone to be a terrorist, especially one from a community that is already vilified in the media as such, is one of the most vile things I can imagine someone doing. Yet, there were absolutely no reprocussions for him, he wasn't fired from any job, the movie wasn't banned because of this and he has continued to make movies.
Oh wait, I suppose making out Palestinians to be terrorists is free speech, right?