Is it just me or do Barcelona get game changing favors from refs every game?

Fair enough, I still disagree.
It might fit the letter of the law but i think its very much against the spirit of the rules.
I'd wave play on and encourage him to stay on his feet if given a chance like that in future (he easily could have imo)

Yea, you could change the rules I guess, to maybe force attackers to try to stay on their feet more. But that would also sort of give an extra advantage to the defenders, and I'm also not sure how fair that is. Defenders should look to block the ball, not the player. Neymar, as much as he looks for contact, is also the most fouled player in the world because of how technically gifted he is. So there is a balance. Sometimes he would trick the ref into giving him an easier foul, other times he is brought down and gets nothing. There's at least 20 penalties Neymar should have received in the last 2 seasons and got nothing.
I just disagree, he needed to alter his trajectory by an inch or two.
He initiated the contact not the defender who's obstruction was minimal.

Its the kind of bullshit 'foul' and gamesmanship that makes football increasingly tiresome to watch.

Because this 'foul' has been talked about many times, I have looked at it many times. If you look at the defender from the backside view, he does appeared to be going slightly left just before he hits the ground. Also, if you look at Neymer it looks to me as if he is not headed to the ball. He cuts to the right. With this change direction, he is not longer looking to get to the ball, He's looking to make contact. You can see it between 0:18-0:21 I can see how the ref could miss this.

:lol: In those replays it's even a clearer penalty than in live broadcast. But, anyway, enough on the subject from my part. I've said my peace.
Because this 'foul' has been talked about many times, I have looked at it many times. If you look at the defender from the backside view, he does appeared to be going slightly left just before he hits the ground. Also, if you look at Neymer it looks to me as if he is not headed to the ball. He cuts to the right. With this change direction, he is not longer looking to get to the ball, He's looking to make contact. You can see it between 0:18-0:21 I can see how the ref could miss this.

Yip. And how once his knee makes contact (when he knees an opponent in the head.... after treading on his hand.... which apparently is fine) he brings both his legs together.

Even if you've played football at a local level (I played regional) and even if you just trip in every day events, you know that you go arse over elbow, limbs akimbo? (Not a beautifully balletic fall).

Gone now.... I just hope next round is controversy free but if there is one key decision, it goes against Barca and we'll all wait for them to say "it's ok, that's football?"
:lol: In those replays it's even a clearer penalty than in live broadcast. But, anyway, enough on the subject from my part. I've said my peace.
From seeing the replay above, to me it looks even clearer that it isn't a penalty.
From seeing the replay above, to me it looks even clearer that it isn't a penalty.

Not only that it is a clear penalty imo, but Meunier makes another clear penalty in the first half. 1:58 in the video bellow.

Yea, you could change the rules I guess, to maybe force attackers to try to stay on their feet more. But that would also sort of give an extra advantage to the defenders, and I'm also not sure how fair that is. Defenders should look to block the ball, not the player. Neymar, as much as he looks for contact, is also the most fouled player in the world because of how technically gifted he is. So there is a balance. Sometimes he would trick the ref into giving him an easier foul, other times he is brought down and gets nothing. There's at least 20 penalties Neymar should have received in the last 2 seasons and got nothing.

I dont think the rules have caught up with diving as an issue really.
I think he manufactured contact basically.
Not trying to demonise Neymar incidentally - haven't watched him that much but he doesn't seem any worse than most wingers
(suarez is a shit house though and i'm just going to assume he dived for the other penalty)
I dont think the rules have caught up with diving as an issue really.
I think he manufactured contact basically.
Not trying to demonise Neymar incidentally - haven't watched him that much but he doesn't seem any worse than most wingers
(suarez is a shit house though and i'm just going to assume he dived for the other penalty)

Nah, the contact was going to happen unless Neymar really tried to avoid the PSG player. He doesn't have to do that at all. He follows the ball in a normal way and is fouled. No matter how long we talk I'm never going to change my stance on this. So we might as well end this by agreeing to disagreee, because we'd just recycle the same arguments and end nowhere.
Yes and it's disgusting.

PSG fan, btw.
Having read these pages, (putting aside my own views) the Neymar penalty is being dbeated equally (50-50), Suarez has a weak case but he does have some case (it wasn't zero contact), Mascherano may have touched AdM before or after....debatable calls going to a bigger team, especially one in a hopeless situation, at home... it's not a conspiracy. It's part of refereeing.
It can't be compared to Stamford Bridge, where there were 2 clear penalties, and 2 50-50 penalties, denied at home (and 1 wrong red too for the opposition).
It can't be compared to Stamford Bridge, where there were 2 clear penalties, and 2 50-50 penalties, denied at home (and 1 wrong red too for the opposition).
And if you really want to count everything that way, there you also have 1 blatant penalty for Barcelona in the first leg and 1 debatable in the second (handball). Check it out. Count in the wrong red, I guess the conclusion would be it actually wasn't like the popular myth says.
And if you really want to count everything that way, there you also have 1 blatant penalty for Barcelona in the first leg and 1 debatable in the second (handball). Check it out. Count in the wrong red, I guess the conclusion would be it actually wasn't like the popular myth says.

There should have been a pen in the 1st leg, and Abidal's red was wrong, but the series of penalties not given at home was criminal. I've never seen anything like it.
There should have been a pen in the 1st leg, and Abidal's red was wrong, but the series of penalties not given at home was criminal. I've never seen anything like it.
It was a strange match, but I'd argue those were not all clear penalties. Just one of those matches where referee decided that safest thing is not to give anything. But even there, when you actually count all decisions over two legs, it actually turns out somewhat even.

Good article from Ewan Murray in the Guardian regarding Barca the other night. Found myself agreeing with practically everything he has written, that most of the blatant cheating and conning of the referee on Wednesday doesn't fit the fairy tale narrative for the masses and is ignored, and the fawning over players from pundits is pathetic as they would be incandescent themselves if they were on the receiving end of those decisions.
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Good article from Sid Lowe in the Guardian regarding Barca the other night. Found myself agreeing with practically everything he has written, that most of the blatant cheating and conning of the referee on Wednesday doesn't fit the fairy tale narrative for the masses and is ignored, and the fawning over players from pundits is pathetic as they would be incandescent themselves if they were on the receiving end of those decisions.

Impressive you're able to post from Arkham Asylum mate
to be fair the ref had a shocker, he was even worse then the ref we had v bournmouth, but some of the goals PSG conceded were laughable, look at the 1st 2 for instance there goals that you would laugh at watching pub football never mind the champions league. PSG bottled it big time but still need to credit Barca for keep going. something this club had always done under SAF, every club has had decisions go for them at some point.

Good article from Sid Lowe in the Guardian regarding Barca the other night. Found myself agreeing with practically everything he has written, that most of the blatant cheating and conning of the referee on Wednesday doesn't fit the fairy tale narrative for the masses and is ignored, and the fawning over players from pundits is pathetic as they would be incandescent themselves if they were on the receiving end of those decisions.

It's not written by Sid Lowe :confused:

This article is from a golf correspondent.
It was a strange match, but I'd argue those were not all clear penalties. Just one of those matches where referee decided that safest thing is not to give anything. But even there, when you actually count all decisions over two legs, it actually turns out somewhat even.

Yea, exactly. However, the thing is only Chelsea's appeals are remembered. Nobody says that if Barca would have gotten a penalty for Henry (also punishable whith a red card for Bosingwa, for an intentional foul, in a imminent goal-scoring opportunity for Barceona) they could have taken a big advantage in that tie from the first leg. Nah, the thing that remained in the collective memory was Chelsea being robbed of 4 penalties (2 were solid, 1 was 50-50, and the 4th was not a pen. imo). Few even remember what decisions went against Barcelona in that tie.
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Even the Zeit, one of the 2 or 3 most reputable and high profile weekly newspapers in Germany has a column about Barca and their diving (also about Robben's and Lewandowski's diving skills). That tells something. I have never seen anything like that in this newspaper before.
For anyone who is understanding German: Zeit article
It's not written by Sid Lowe :confused:

This article is from a golf correspondent.

Apologies you're right I've edited my comment. I think it's cause Sid Lowe's article was linked at the side of this one I wrote his name, my bad.

Yea he's the golf correspondent for the Guardian but he also covers Scottish football too, when Celtic played in the Champion's League he wrote their pieces for them . He seems pretty decent when covering football to be honest and has written some good pieces on the current state of the Scottish game too, on and off the field.
Btw, other two legitimate penalty claims that Barcelona had and were denied.

1. Foul by Meunier on Neymar. You could even see in the image that Meunier is not even for a second looking at the ball. Has both hands on Neymar, no intent of playing the ball, penalty for me and according to the rules.


2. Foul by Verratti on Messi. Clearly pulls his shirt. Actions starts outside of the 16m box, but continues inside as well. Acording to the FIFA rules on holding, if the holding continues inside the box, it is a penalty. This is a clear penalty and a yellow card for Verratti (could have received 3 yellow cards in the game) not given for me.


But, never mind these images, hate along. Uefalona and crap like that. Let it all out.
Neither of those are penalties. Even if you believe they're fouls and the first is dubious, they both occur outside the box.

You need to look again. Both are clear fouls and both are in the box. But why I am even bothering...

Btw, from FIFA, 'fouls and misconduct', on holding:

'If a defender starts holding an attacker outside the penalty area but continues holding inside the penalty area, the referee shall award a penalty kick'.
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Neymar was a penalty, Suarez obviously note (whoever is defending that should have a word, even if he felt a touch you'd have 100 penalties a game if that's enough to go down and get a penalty) and PSG should've at least one from that handball scene.
Overall Barca clearly favoured in that game but the conspiracy theories about how they get favorites every game. However they're definitely on top of crowding the referee and pathetic behavior. There need to be retrospective bans for diving and way quicker yellow cards for card waiving (MSN favorites move) and crowding the ref. You'd see how quickly they'd stop this pathetic shit if referees would consequently do this for a season.

Good article from Ewan Murray in the Guardian regarding Barca the other night. Found myself agreeing with practically everything he has written, that most of the blatant cheating and conning of the referee on Wednesday doesn't fit the fairy tale narrative for the masses and is ignored, and the fawning over players from pundits is pathetic as they would be incandescent themselves if they were on the receiving end of those decisions.

Good read. It's a sad indictment of a sport when its greatest ever team are also its biggest ever cheats.
I love how every time they're accused of cheating, culés try to paint the opposite view. You talk with them about 2009 (Chelsea) or 2010 (Inter) and they were clearly robbed according to them :wenger: now they're doing the same now.

It's no wonder that they think Spain robs Catalunya. Supporting Barça involves a lot of mental gymnastics
In Spain, sure. In europe, not anymore than other big teams really.
You don't think Barca or you guys have had the benefit more than other teams? I find that hard to believe.
Maybe my memory is clouded by the Nani sending off 4 years ago but Barca certainly have something sus going on with UEFA.
Uefa to sideline referee Deniz Aytekin after Barcelona win over Paris Saint-Germain
How is that relevant to the discussion at all? LOL, wrong thread.
It is in that much of the discussion revolves around Uefa conspiracies and the fact is at the very least they had to score 5 legitimate goals. Five.
Whether the ref helped them or not, they played fantastically and got 2 of the softest penalties I've seen in a while, more of a case for the first one (barely) don't even think meunieur knew what wasn't going on and apparently fouled him with his head. Second one almost no contact whatsoever.

Although they played great and PSG didn't, they went through on very soft penalties. Try and bend it however you want, we all have eyes and the decisions were very soft.
It is in that much of the discussion revolves around Uefa conspiracies and the fact is at the very least they had to score 5 legitimate goals. Five.
I mean we're talking about the game yesterday mate. Not comparing when the last time we scored 6 goals to what Barca just did. I believe there's already a thread comparing us to Barcelona in some capacity, check it out I think that's the thread you wanted.
Ref is taking way too much stick in my opinion, the way Barce were looking for pens made it near impossible to get the decisions correct, people forget he waved the 1st one away.

On the Suarez pen, any ref would have given that at any home ground under those circumstances.