Is it just me or do Barcelona get game changing favors from refs every game?

:lol::lol::lol: you're having a proper meltdown mate. Look up Graziano Cesari if you care. The man's a punchline in italy, nobody takes him seriously. And he was one of the worst referees we had back then(he retired some 15 years ago).


You know what's the funnier part? The catalan barcelona fans on the caf are actually fairly good posters, objective. It's the non-catalan fans who bought into the cult and are completely bonkers :lol:

Whatever you say. I just looked it up on google and he was included in the Italian Football Hall of Fame. I suppose they add only the worst refs in there. But comming from the poster who said Barcelona is like Manchester City, that's hardly a surprise. I mean whatever I'll say on this forum can't ever have a chance to beat that in stupidity.
You know what's the funnier part? The catalan barcelona fans on the caf are actually fairly good posters, objective. It's the non-catalan fans who bought into the cult and are completely bonkers :lol:
Are there catalans?.Are you italian giorno?
Whatever you say. I just looked it up on google and he was included in the Italian Football Hall of Fame. I suppose they add only the worst refs in there. But comming from the poster who said Barcelona is like Manchester City, that's hardly a surprise. I mean whatever I'll say on this forum can't ever have a chance to beat that in stupidity.
Italian hall of fame includes pretty much every international referee. That doesn't mean they were good. The rest of your post is still :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: you are so precious

@carvajal italian with spanish ancestry. I'm pretty sure we've got a couple catalans on here. They are the good barcelona posters
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Italian hall of fame includes pretty much every international referee. That doesn't mean they were good. The rest of your post is still :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

@carvajal italian with spanish ancestry. I'm pretty sure we've got a couple catalans on here. They are the good barcelona posters
They are all good pósters giorno. Although I'd say that there are not catalans.
Italian hall of fame includes pretty much every international referee. That doesn't mean they were good. The rest of your post is still :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: you are so precious

You can post green smiley faces all you want. The guy gave his professional opinion on the matter. He is a former great italian referee, who has refereed almost 200 games in Serie A, and back when the Serie A was creme de la creme of european football. He was invited in that italian football show, as an expert on refereeing issues. You calling him shit or whatever doesn't change that.
You can post green smiley faces all you want. The guy gave his professional opinion on the matter. He is a former great italian referee, who has refereed almost 200 games in Serie A, and back when the Serie A was creme de la creme of european football. He was invited in that italian football show, as an expert on refereeing issues. You calling him shit or whatever doesn't change that.
Graziano Cesari was the italian version of Mark Clattenburg, he now works on tv shows that cater to the lowest common denominator and his professional opinion is worth squat. Literally nobody takes his opinions seriously in Italy. He does himself no favours by constantly acting like a clown. Sinisa Mihajlovic once outright called him out on it ("you were a s*it ref and are now a s*it pundit, nobody takes you seriously").

And none of that even matters anyways. You're trying to use the opinion of a former italian ref who is widely considered a joke by italians to try and convince people that the german ref didn't screw up, by making Cesari out to be Collina(in fact, Cesari WISHES he was Collina). I'm pointing out that, no, he's not collina, he's clattenburg.

Heck, i actually agree with him in this case, i think both were penalties, the first one especially was clear as day.

Ans the fact you still don't understand why i find you posts hilarious is pretty darn hilarious in and of itself
Graziano Cesari was the italian version of Mark Clattenburg, he now works on tv shows that cater to the lowest common denominator and his professional opinion is worth squat. Literally nobody takes his opinions seriously in Italy. He does himself no favours by constantly acting like a clown. Sinisa Mihajlovic once outright called him out on it ("you were a s*it ref and are now a s*it pundit, nobody takes you seriously").

And none of that even matters anyways. You're trying to use the opinion of a former italian ref who is widely considered a joke by italians to try and convince people that the german ref didn't screw up, by making Cesari out to be Collina(in fact, Cesari WISHES he was Collina). I'm pointing out that, no, he's not collina, he's clattenburg.

Heck, i actually agree with him in this case, i think both were penalties, the first one especially was clear as day.

Ans the fact you still don't understand why i find you posts hilarious is pretty darn hilarious in and of itself

I'll tell you what is hilarious. People easily passing judgment on referees who actually have done something in the field that they are expressing their opinion about. Like you are using Clattenburg and this guy, Graziano Cesari, to sort of try to prove they have no idea about refereeing. That is hilarious. Other than that, I don't seriously care how high or low do you rate my posts.

Clattenburg knows more about refereeing that all the users here combined, so only you know what you hope to achieve by dropping his name. Or Collina's (nobody compared Cesari with Collina btw).
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People easily passing judgment on referees who actually have done something in the field that they are expressing their opinion about. Like you are using Clattenburg and this guy, Graziano Cesari, to sort of try to prove they have no idea about refereeing.
You're the one who brought Cesari into this, calling him one of the best italian refs. I'm telling you cesari hasn't been a ref in 15 years and actually wasn't one of our best refs and has spent the last 8 years acting like a clown on TV.

Clattenburg knows more about refereeing that all the users here combined, so only you know what you hope to achieve by dropping his name.
Clattenburg is a bad ref. Cesari was a bad ref. Just because they are/were refs doesn't make their opinion right. Especially because the rules of football are pretty open to interpretation most of the time
Clattenburg is a bad ref. Cesari was a bad ref. Just because they are/were refs doesn't make their opinion right. Especially because the rules of football are pretty open to interpretation most of the time

No he is not. That is like saying Hamilton is a bad driver because in some races he crashes his car or something. Sure, he makes mistakes, like every referee does. Thing is people base their opinion on exceptions far too often. The bad moments get remembered with great aplomb, while the good moments often get forgotten. Only time when people talk about referees is when they make mistakes.

Judging like that, no referee is very good. All are bad refs, because all have made grave errors.
Italian hall of fame includes pretty much every international referee. That doesn't mean they were good. The rest of your post is still :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: you are so precious

@carvajal italian with spanish ancestry. I'm pretty sure we've got a couple catalans on here. They are the good barcelona posters
Italian Real Madrid fan taking dumps on non-catalan Barcelona fans :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: get real mate. You talk too much out of your ***.
That must have been refreshing to see! Here in the UK the pundits took the easy way out with "there was minimal contact but he had every right to go down." Heck, the supposedly impartial presenters in the BT Sport studio were jumping for joy when Barcelona got the decisive goal.

Oh, it sure was ! However, usually the swedish punditury is very similar to the english.
Italian Real Madrid fan taking dumps on non-catalan Barcelona fans :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: get real mate. You talk too much out of your ***.
Nah, i'm not. I'm specifically targeting the guy who took a clear, intentional piss-take meant for a bit of banter seriously, then tried to convince me that a bad former italian ref turned bad pundit for bad italian tv was actually good and dosn't talk s*it 99% of the time.

Btw, i'm a real madrid fan because my grandfather was
From now on let's bump this (embarrassing) thread every time a decision(s) goes against Barcelona as well...

Today ref costs Barcelona 3 points in the league against Deportivo.

Deportivo scored from a phantom corner (the winning goal), and denied Barcelona a penalty for a handball in area in the last two minutes. Both were crucial decisions and cost Barcelona 3 crucial points in the La Liga race.
Poor Barca.... if that German ref had been in charge, he'd have given that Navarro incident as a handball (WHICH THEY MAY HAVE MISSED?). Love someone to post a video showing it hit his arm (and not his chest)..... anyone?

If only Barca could choose their refs and choose when they get penalties......

One goal from a corner that wasn't, should have been a draw, cost them a point. But, Mascherano tackle on Di Maria v PSG at 3-1 should have been a penalty, so.... win some, lose some?
TBH, I see Madrid get as many "game changing" decisions as Barca. Eg Navas should have been sent off just tonight.
But then the decisions that go against the big teams dont get mentioned as much
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